Yes, its due to claustrophobia that I am asking for an open one. I'll investigate the noise of the open ones. Thanks.
OK. Please let me know how it went for you after going through the scan!
Hope all goes well

Yes, its due to claustrophobia that I am asking for an open one. I'll investigate the noise of the open ones. Thanks.
Somatic tinnitus is really, really common (over 50%, was it nearly 70% of tinnitus sufferers?), which means that one can modulate their tinnitus by opening up the jaw, moving their neck, etc. Do you have that component? I just remember you said that your tinnitus changed when you opened your jaw.... correct me if I'm wrong.
Definitely have an MRI. I did and it showed a benign tumor which is causing it.Do I need a ENT to consider MRI for me? Or could I just ask my local doctor? And is there any reason for me to take one? What does a MRI tell about my tinnitus? If MRI reveals some underlying cause, is it possible for me to 'remove' this tinnitus?
Ist MRI showed one brown spot, my neck and shoulders still hurt a lot so I kept up my whining to my GP so went for 2nd MRI 6 months later, this time multiple brown spots in lower neck region, sent for a catscan 3 weeks later now I've found out I have anyerisim, well I did say that I would want to know if something was wrong health wise. My Tinnitus started just shortly after my first MRI in Sept of last year. Going to see a Neuro Surgeon at ST. Mikes Hospital in Toronto.
Well I did say I wanted to know, now I know what has caused many of my laser bolt headaches from time to time, I was told to monitor myself , to watch for headaches that don't go away, blurred vision and any onset of vomiting for no reason. My Doc doesn't seem overly concerned it's very tiny 1.8ml in size, but important enough to send me to a surgeon, it also explains many other things that have been going on in my body.Oh buddy,
that sounds serious. I'm so sorry.
This is a good thing in a sense though. We can think it's sort of a blessing your aneurysm was found now instead of later on on the table of a coroner. I'm serious though, aren't aneurysms often silent killers? But if spotted early enough, the worst case scenario may be able to be prevented?
So I'm glad and relieved that you are taken good care of and were referred to see a neuro surgeon.
Absolutely horrified at the same time of course. Anything brain related like this makes one kind of speechless
You're in my thoughts and please try to keep us up to date,
Sorry Mick there is no love button to reply with. AWESOME, your reply is well just awesome. I've done minimal research in regards to the possibilities that may lead ahead, between my GP and your posting I'm going into this apt positive. I 'm going with the last option because of the size ( 1.8 ml ). I promised my daughter I would walk her down the aisle in one year, I'm going to do my best god willing.
I got a MRI without earplugs (I didn't know it was loud) and I had a spike for one hour. No problem if you wear earplugs. Or you can ask for a "open MRI". Good luck!I will be getting an MRI of head soon I hope. But this question is bugging my mind, because people say it's too loud. Can it cause hearing loss or damage ears in any way? I'm trying to take care of my ears which are already damaged.