I had a look at your post and you mention that HBOT helped you to stay calm about tinnitus and I was wondering whether it also decreased the volume of your tinnitus? I was also wondering if you experienced any side effects. Also, I was thinking whether in your opinion it is worth doing only a few sessions, let's say 3, as I wouldn't really be able to afford many at the moment.
@Pauli -- I had a variety of experiences with my tinnitus while doing mHBOT. There were times when it slightly increased it for up to a couple hours, times when it stayed the same, and other times when it seemed to soften it somewhat. It often "seemed" a wash as far as the tinnitus went when looking at it on a week to week, month to month basis.
But getting into longer time periods, during which I did mHBOT 3-4x/week for over a year, my tinnitus did become more manageable, primarily (I believe) because the regular mHBOT gave my brain and neurological system a lot of support, leading to more resiliency. A calmer brain and nervous system "seemed" to be at least partly responsible a
very gradual softening and stablity of my tinnitus.
As far as side effects, I did notice that if I did too much, my body didn't like it. It's been a couple of years since I've done it, and don't recall clearly what I experienced, but it seemed in line with other reports I'd read about overdoing it. Is it worth doing a few sessions? From everything I've read, and my own experience, I'd say the likelihood of HBOT having a significant (or worthwhile positive impact) in the short term is fairly low.
If you were really serious about this however, you could consider getting a new credit card that allows you to make purchases with no interest due for up to 18-21 months. You could also get a cash back on those purchases of 1-2% or so. My understanding is these HBOT machines hold their value well, so you could actually use it for 1-2 years, and if you thought at that point it was well worth it, you could keep it. Or else you could sell it, and pay off the credit card.
If it depreciated $2,000 or so, that would come to about $100/month of regular HBOT therapy, a pretty amazing cost/benefit ratio. Like I mentioned earlier, you could purchase one, and if you didn't feel you were doing well enough with it in the first 30 days, you could return it. I think these are worthwhile options to consider if you're serious about following through on this. A person who tends to get enthusiastic about something new, but starts losing interest if those endeavors start feeling like too much of a time commitment might not be a good candidate for such an undertaking.
I hope some of this helps!