I'm slowly trying to get back into music, and yesterday I went to my first jam session in a long time. Afterwards, my T was mostly in my right ear, then in both ears, and now it's mostly left where it usually is. Although my T strangely varies anyway, so it may have been a coincidence.
I seem to be OK, but I'm still a bit paranoid. My T possibly reacts to sound, but definitely reacts to me pushing my jaw towards the back of my head. Also, my audiograms show that I did not gain any hearing loss in half a year, while I did get T in the middle of that time frame. In short, it seems to be more jaw-related than noise-related, but you never know...
@I who love music Was that with or without earplugs?
After years of asking people to turn down (or particularly, not to bang the hell out of the drums), I gave up...

I tried a million different ways of asking and reasoning, and have gotten absolutely no results. The words just seem to go up in smoke. I'd feel very disconnected from them, trying to convince them to adopt healthy behavior, while I'm getting sonically attacked by crash cymbals. My double bass doesn't stand a chance against those things...
I thought that at least
I would be safe wearing earplugs (-25dB or foam), but that might not have the case.
What I worry about the most, is situations that I cannot control. I really would like to say 'yes' to any gig offered, but you never know if you're going to be in a small room right next to a drummer. Or at a jam session where suddenly a loud guitar player shows up.
Also, there may be concerts that I would want to attend which turn out to be louder than expected. Then I'd have to say goodbye to my friends, 'forfeit' my ticket and leave.
I have an offer to play the most amazing gig on May 20th, and I'm still trying to figure out if it's going to be safe...