Musician with Vibrations / Lightheadedness / Dizziness / Throbbing

Alan P

Sep 29, 2021
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Noise Exposure
Hello. First time posting on the board but long time lurker.

Little bit of a background on me. I've had permanent tinnitus for 25+ years, noise induced from a loud band practice as a teenager. I went on to have a career in music and am always careful about using earplugs when around dangerous sound levels without having any major issues or set backs. After touring for 10 years live (always wore plugs), I shifted to music production. Been doing that for 10 years. About 8 months ago after working a long day in the studio and pushing the volume I noticed an increase in tinnitus in one year... I was cautious and concerned and pulled my schedule back a ton. When I went back into work I watched my sound levels very carefully and stayed within the 60-70 dB range tops and for short periods of time. But after every exposure the tinnitus was getting a louder... Made no sense.

After getting the go ahead and taking advice from my doctor's to get more comfortable around sound I recorded a 5-hour session. I wore earplugs the entire day to be super safe (27 NRR rated). Most of the time we stayed in the 75 dB range and the loudest we got up to was 90 dB for about an hour total. This should in theory put me well in the safe zone with protection. There is a low end in a music studio that is a bit different than say a lawn mower or a siren. Over the course of the next week I have developed a serious vibration, pulsing in my head that is beyond explainable and quite intrusive. It doesn't come with a sound. It's almost like vertigo without the room spinning or when sinus are full and you have immense head pressure, or the feeling of getting up too fast. I feel it at the crown of my head, pulsing from back to front, or deep in my brain. I have no idea if this is connected to tinnitus because it doesn't bring an additional sound when I put my fingers in my ears to check. The other way to describe it is how your head feels during the flu or a high fever. Just majorly disoriented.

Has anybody experienced anything like this? And pardon my naivety, do fellow sufferers ever experience noises or these sensations in the head that are not heard in the ears? If it lasted a day or two I'd think for sure some bizarre migraine but this is now day 7.

Normal tinnitus is a walk in the park compared to this experience.

Thanks for reading and would love to get anyone's thoughts.

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