Dear Adam 007:
This is great news. I have had hyperacusis for almost 24 years. Maybe if I could have stuck with TRT, I would have got a lot better. As far as Contrast's comment that peripheral nerves regenerate on their own, mine never completely did after 24 years, and the nerves of most people with hyperacusis never do. What seems most common is that people with hyperacusis will recover to a certain extent, if not traumatised again, that is, if they are careful. But that extent is still within the condition of having hyperacusis but less. So it does not look like we can count on Mother Nature 99.9% of the time for a full recovery.
One last thing: a request. I cannot listen to this video of yours Adam007, because cheap tinny computer speakers wreck my ears very quickly for some reason, even at low levels. Can you provide a short written summary of your experiences?