My Hyperacusis Varies with Better and Worse Days — How About You?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Kerrie8, Sep 4, 2023.

    1. Kerrie8

      Kerrie8 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud concert
      I’m wondering if most people with long-term hyperacusis have good days where they can tolerate much louder sound and bad/regular days? Or whether what I’m experiencing may be a sign of improvement.

      I have hyperacusis and tinnitus from loud noise exposure (concert). I am finding now, 6 weeks post onset, my hyperacusis is awful some days and pretty reasonable on others. Like I woke up yesterday morning and I was very sensitive to sounds all day that were even 50 dB (sounded WAY too loud). This morning, I am feeling okay with 70-80 dB (sounds loud but ok). This has just started happening and is a huge improvement as usually 55 dB is too loud for me. My hearing also seems more acute over the last few days, but no change to tinnitus.

      Is this normal? Relevant to note: I am tapering off of Prednisone but am on a very low dose now (3 mg) and I take 15 mg of Temazepam a day.
    2. Brian Newman

      Brian Newman Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Shooting/loud noise
      I’m 3 years in to noxacusis and my days vary too. They’re usually all bad and I’m always in pain but it’s definitely more manageable if I’m in silence for long periods of time. You’re only 6 weeks in and if you’re seeing improvement like that, it’s a very good sign you will recover and be out of here. It took me 12 months after my first injury to get improvement. Just be smart, keep protecting your ears and you’re probably going to keep seeing improvement. Hearing damage is very neurological and nerves can act very differently on different days. It’s normal for it to change sometimes. Good for it to happen for the better.
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