Hi guys. My name is Champ and I'm from Thailand. I'm only 21 years old. I'm a dental student.
I have tinnitus since October last year. At that time, I'm depressed and I don't know what my cause tinnitus, maybe sleep less, stress but I didn't listen loud music before then.
Then I went to see many ENT and check my hearing, my hearing is good. ENT said I don't have hearing loss and he wrote prescription for me such as Betahistine,Vitamin B, Nicotic acid, Nicergoline. But my tinnitus doesn't get away but it's low volume.
I can hear it when I live in quiet place such as my bed room and I can turn on white-noise to mask it. It didn't bother me in daily life. I'm happy and I can live with it until last month.
Last month I went to Acukland, New Zealand to study English language school. When I studied in third weeks, I have new symptom in my hearing. I don't know what's my symptom. It' so strange. I got Tinnitus about 9 months but new symptom starts after I use headphone for listening music. Every environment sound that I hear is different from the past. I can hear new noise follow to external sound that I hear. I don't know what it calls - ractive tinnitus or hyperacusis or others?
So I had to change my flight to come back Thailand and went to see ENT. Now, I still hear new noise all time. It's louder when external sound is lounder and it's rhythm, it's very bother me because it get louder when I hear external noise. So whitenoise/pinknoise can't mask it because I can hear from external noise. For example I can hear it from air-coniditioner sound, computer sound and white noise too. Anybody have symptom like me? Please recommend how to I should do. now. Idon't know how to cope with it.
Another my concern is I'm dental student so I search information and I found dental drilling can make tinnitus worse and hearing loss. I'm afraid that My T will get worse and I will have hearing loss.
I search information in internet and it tell me earplugs can't protect high pitch.
So, I don't know how to I should do next. I am in difficult situation to decide my life.
If you are a dental student or dentist or you know some dentists who have T, please tell me how to protect inner ears?
I'm so sorry about my English and I don't know whom I will consult because Thai people don't have T a lot.
Thank you very much for reading my introduction.
I have tinnitus since October last year. At that time, I'm depressed and I don't know what my cause tinnitus, maybe sleep less, stress but I didn't listen loud music before then.
Then I went to see many ENT and check my hearing, my hearing is good. ENT said I don't have hearing loss and he wrote prescription for me such as Betahistine,Vitamin B, Nicotic acid, Nicergoline. But my tinnitus doesn't get away but it's low volume.
I can hear it when I live in quiet place such as my bed room and I can turn on white-noise to mask it. It didn't bother me in daily life. I'm happy and I can live with it until last month.
Last month I went to Acukland, New Zealand to study English language school. When I studied in third weeks, I have new symptom in my hearing. I don't know what's my symptom. It' so strange. I got Tinnitus about 9 months but new symptom starts after I use headphone for listening music. Every environment sound that I hear is different from the past. I can hear new noise follow to external sound that I hear. I don't know what it calls - ractive tinnitus or hyperacusis or others?
So I had to change my flight to come back Thailand and went to see ENT. Now, I still hear new noise all time. It's louder when external sound is lounder and it's rhythm, it's very bother me because it get louder when I hear external noise. So whitenoise/pinknoise can't mask it because I can hear from external noise. For example I can hear it from air-coniditioner sound, computer sound and white noise too. Anybody have symptom like me? Please recommend how to I should do. now. Idon't know how to cope with it.
Another my concern is I'm dental student so I search information and I found dental drilling can make tinnitus worse and hearing loss. I'm afraid that My T will get worse and I will have hearing loss.
I search information in internet and it tell me earplugs can't protect high pitch.
So, I don't know how to I should do next. I am in difficult situation to decide my life.
If you are a dental student or dentist or you know some dentists who have T, please tell me how to protect inner ears?
I'm so sorry about my English and I don't know whom I will consult because Thai people don't have T a lot.
Thank you very much for reading my introduction.