You guys won't believe what happened today. This kid at my school who is a Jake Pauler told me that he could Bloc Boi dance better than me so We started having a dance off in the recess arrea. Everyone was crowded around us cheering on. I was hitting some FAT YEETs on the blacktop with the bloc boi dance and then as if it was instinct I hit him was a floss! I didn't even realize I was doing it until i saw everyone stop cheering and started staring at me. Everyone knows about my fortnite dancing accident and couldn't beleive I was doing it so soon again after the accident. Once i realized what was happening I started tasting hot cheetos in my motuh again and got dizzy with anxiety thinkg about the glass table at kyles house. I feell to my knees and threw up my lunchables. The teacher came over and took me to the nurse. I am okay, but am happy to report my fear of flossing was almost borken today.
TRT is truely healing me! #dab