My Posting Place

Will McClean? I think so.

"Also an ear expert here, and Ph.D. student in the above mentioned lab. Ultimately tinnitus comes down to hair cell damage/malfunction. Hearing loss might not be detected in people with tinnitus if the region responsible is small, and the nearby areas are excited by the traveling wave along the cochlea. Some ways to detect this are tone-matching experiments, and masking nearby regions. Either way, the fault lies in the hair cell, and regenerating or repairing those hair cells will help tinnitus. After all, the tinnitus is really just the brain filling in lost information not being relayed by hair cells".

People, we need to be screaming in one loud voice at the FDA to hurry this one up.
guys if you really cared about activism you would meet me outside this website and discuss how I plan to shutdown Sparkhealth media scams, none of you are doing that.

MPP needs to get it's shit organized. We need to focus on research!
and form a study team and task! as well as go after scammers.
Here is a question I see no one asking:

If we use one type of stimulation device, does that mean we can't use another one (mute button vs SS) for a certain amount of time? It is supposed to change / alter neuroplatisity if I remember correctly. We don't want to over do this because it could have alternative side effects. Anyone know anything about this?
An open letter to my detractors:

Did you get a Biomedical Engineering Technology Degree in College?
Do you have a Masters Degree in Engineering Technology?
Have you studied research methods?
Did you spend an entire semester learning about the FDA?
Have you read every scrap of available information about FX322?
Can you even understand published peer reviewed medical publications?
Have you ever worked for the VA hospital or any hospital?
Do you have a clue how inefficient the American government is?
Are you happy with your tinnitus?
Do you care that other people are suffering?
Why would you attack me for advocating us to tryand start a movement to rip the FDA out of this process and hurry up our liberation from this horrible disease?
There is a recognized problem with the FDA and everyone, except you, my detractors, seem to understand that. It's called supply and demand, no demand, no supply. Sorry if you dont understand this entire process from the 50,000 ft view, but I do. I've also noticed not one of you can offer any quotes, or evidence, or logic for that matter in your ad-hominem nay saying of my desire to help us get out of this hell. I'm just trying to help us and you're ignoring the simple fact that the FDA regulations are the bottleneck in this entire process and you just dont care about that and incredibly defend it. I'm saying it, other organizations are saying it, Congress has said it, the President has said it.

Also, if I've blocked you, I've blocked you for a reason and if you're so infatuated with me that your checking my posts and commenting about me then thanks, I'm flattered.

Bro after seeing the ATA head talk down the suffering of tinnitus people on live national television, I am convinced this forum has been infiltrated with shills who do not want to see medical progress for tinnitus. Think about it. I'm convinced most of these people don't have tinnitus. Otherwise the urgency would be there. Just keep the money flowing for bullcrap therapies, white noise generators. There's literally no arguing that one!
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Here is a question I see no one asking:

If we use one type of stimulation device, does that mean we can't use another one (mute button vs SS) for a certain amount of time? It is supposed to change / alter neuroplatisity if I remember correctly. We don't want to over do this because it could have alternative side effects. Anyone know anything about this?
Why is there any interest in this whatsoever? Honest question. There is way more interest in this than regenerative medecine

Bro after seeing the ATA head talk down the suffering of tinnitus people on live national television, I am convinced this forum has been infiltrated with shills who do not want to see medical progress for tinnitus. Think about it. I'm convinced most of these people don't have tinnitus. Otherwise the urgency would be there. Just keep the money flowing for bullcrap therapies, white noise generators. There's literally no arguing that one!
I have wondered this.

Bro after seeing the ATA head talk down the suffering of tinnitus people on live national television, I am convinced this forum has been infiltrated with shills who do not want to see medical progress for tinnitus. Think about it. I'm convinced most of these people don't have tinnitus. Otherwise the urgency would be there. Just keep the money flowing for bullcrap therapies, white noise generators. There's literally no arguing that one!
I hate to agree with this sentiment but it seems to be true. Mostly it has become an industry with a main purpose of feeding their families, having little to do with ending the suffering of those with tinnitus.
I hate to agree with this sentiment but it seems to be true. Mostly it has become an industry with a main purpose of feeding their families, having little to do with ending the suffering of those with tinnitus.
Feeding them what? Lamborghinis?

Some people that defend stupid crap on this site do so with almost a goofy snarkiness that could not exist within the personality of a suffering person. And they never offer rational arguments or answer your questions. I've been attacked numerous times with counterclaims to my arguments and I kindly ask for proof or evidence and never get a response. Really makes you wonder. And what's weird is they are arguing in favor of the status quo.
Why is there any interest in this whatsoever? Honest question. There is way more interest in this than regenerative medecine

I have wondered this.

Because I need something to help reduce my tinnitus now, not tomorrow. After this device comes out and whether it works or doesn't work I will go full dive into the next product to come out. I still support regenerative medicine, but that has a long way to go. They are just starting phase 2 and haven't even touched the FDA process, which makes them far out. If they show positive results for tinnitus after phase 2 I will be more on board to shouting their name on the mountaintops.
@JohnAdams I agree with you, we need to do something in order to speed up the process and have the cure out earlier, rather than complaining and waiting for the FDA to take their slow sweet time. Hopefully FX322 gets into the next trial. @katri Right?!
Yea. I hope that they advance into the next phase more than anything. I say that the minute that this is completed we should come up with a plan.
Because I need something to help reduce my tinnitus now, not tomorrow. After this device comes out and whether it works or doesn't work I will go full dive into the next product to come out. I still support regenerative medicine, but that has a long way to go. They are just starting phase 2 and haven't even touched the FDA process, which makes them far out. If they show positive results for tinnitus after phase 2 I will be more on board to shouting their name on the mountaintops.
But ohoy @JohnAdams thinks if the phase 1 safety trial is positive, he and his troops will go to FDA HQs and demand the drug be given them :D

Feeding them what? Lamborghinis?

Some people that defend stupid crap on this site do so with almost a goofy snarkiness that could not exist within the personality of a suffering person. And they never offer rational arguments or answer your questions. I've been attacked numerous times with counterclaims to my arguments and I kindly ask for proof or evidence and never get a response. Really makes you wonder. And what's weird is they are arguing in favor of the status quo.
Meant to say without counter claims

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