My Posting Place

It's a shame you see things so personally. I've got absolutely nothing against you at all, but am trying to show you what you're up against. I'm on the side of anything that helps tinnitus sufferers, but I'm also a realist.

All I've tried to do is get to the bottom of what it is what you want us all to do, as you've never given a call to action. Did you want to set up a petition or something?

It's key that you contact Frequency and speak to them. Doing something outside of their control might not go down too well with them, and may create bad relations. You have to see it from their point of view; they know what they are doing and have a team of experts around them. By doing some kind of public campaign without their consent you may actually achieve the opposite to what you're intending.

I have no problem with you personally, but debates will happen on stuff like this. If you think I'm bad what do you think the FDA will be like?
This is all very true. To be honest I'm not exactly sure what we could do.

I'm just shocked that scientists have discovered a way to turn mammal ears into regenerative systems and the public at large isnt aware of this (thanks ATA assholes) and I know there isnt any evidence that we have available to us that it will do jack for tinnitus, just speculation. But great speculation.

How much money and effort and attention does the American government put into fucked up war shit? What if they put a tiny fraction of that into helping cure diseases?

Regenerating body systems has never been accomplished in the history of mankind. This fx322 isnt like some blood pressure medicine. This is an entire new age of technology. One of its developers also seems adamant that restoring hearing will cure tinnitus. Regrowing human cochlear hair cells in a petri dish is more incredible than the Apollo space program. It's more incredible than nuclear bombs.

Look at how my stupid government funds Elon Musk. Why isnt Congress jumping on FrequencyTx and flat out paying for their trials? Because public awareness isnt there. Seriously what do you think would happen if all the veterans with tinnitus suddenly became aware of this technology? It would get promoted and rapidly developed.

They may already know if it works too.

So that's what I think we should do. Wait until December and then start urging the ATA and BTA to start contacting FrequencyTx and asking them what happened with the test subjects hearing. And if they won't tell us because of FDA regulations then we move on them and try and spread this to the veterans groups and the media. There is a formal process with the development of drugs at play here that is not appropriate for astounding breakthroughs in technology like this. And at the end of the day, people are suffering and that's the main goal here. To end human suffering. ASAP.
It's a shame you see things so personally. I've got absolutely nothing against you at all, but am trying to show you what you're up against. I'm on the side of anything that helps tinnitus sufferers, but I'm also a realist.

All I've tried to do is get to the bottom of what it is what you want us all to do, as you've never given a call to action. Did you want to set up a petition or something?

It's key that you contact Frequency and speak to them. Doing something outside of their control might not go down too well with them, and may create bad relations. You have to see it from their point of view; they know what they are doing and have a team of experts around them. By doing some kind of public campaign without their consent you may actually achieve the opposite to what you're intending.

I have no problem with you personally, but debates will happen on stuff like this. If you think I'm bad what do you think the FDA will be like?
I'm sorry man. I take that back. I'm just in a dark place. My life is 1000x harder than it should be. A year before I got tinnitus i had to fucking watch hospice euthanize my father with a weeks worth of morphine, and he wasnt even in any pain. He couldnt talk or really even move because my stepmother started poisoning him ten years prior and 3 years into it she put him in a nursing home and the she got caught red handed putting pills in his mouth by a nurse. He never was diagnosed with any known disease and the doctors couldnt determine the etiology of his nervous system problems. When my stepmother got caught putting pills in his mouth she even dropped them all over the floor and the nurse called adult protective services, they never even tried to determine what the pills were or test my father for any type of poisonous substance. They just put a court order on the bitch to not ever be allowed to be around him alone or feed him anything. After that he stopped getting worse, but he was already fucked, couldnt walk, couldnt talk, couldnt feed himself. She manipulated some of the nurses to let her be with him alone, and other nurses told me about it and I caught her on video violating the court order, she accused me of physically threatening her, which didnt happen, and I had it on video nevertheless she still dragged me into court to sue me for harassment. the video exonerated me and I turned around and got legal custody of him because she was obviously pulling shenanigans and the judge agreed with me. I instantly got all of his medical records and started trying to unravel what was going on with him. That's when I discovered he had no real diagnosis and everything my stepmom had been saying about his condition was a lie. She had been lying to me, my family, everyone. Telling them one thing, me another. The day I won custody of him she turned around and somehow had him put on hospice. She then was going to the nursing home and pinching and scratching wounds on him to make him grimace and then claim he was in pain and to call hospice and give him pain management, morphine. I know she was doing that because the head nurse told me she was doing that and because I had custody of him I even got a copy of the incident report they filed when they saw her doing that. So she somehow kept convincing the hospice nurse to give him morphine and he stopped eating and died right in front of me on Christmas day.

Never once did anyone involved except me, contact the police. She turned my fathers side of the family against me and accused me of making this all up, even though it was all documented. One time we were in court again and she was trying sue me for harassment and my family was there on her side complety unaware of what was really going and I asked my lawyer to bring up the existence of the court order against her from where she was caught by a nurse putting some mystery pills in his mouth and as soon as my lawyer tried to bring it up she started flipping out in the courtroom and her brother/lawyer somehow got the whole trial shutdown right there on the spot and I'm pretty sure her brother/lawyer and the judge were both members in the same fraternal organization.

I had the adult protective services report, I had a copy of the court order against her to not be allowed to be around him alone. I had the report from the nursing home that stated she was purposefully hurting him. I could never get the police to get involved. My family still thinks I made all of this up and that she is an angel.

So I know how stupid people are. I know how apathetic people are to human suffering. I know how evil some people are. I understand suffering. I spent years sitting with my dad in a nursing home, in the dementia alzheimers wing. It was so fucking sad and my dad was young too. The youngest person there. Several of his nurses even confided to me they also thought she was poisoning him. When I tried to tell is actual doctor about my stepmothers shenanigans he just looked at me like I was stupid even though he didnt know what was wrong with him.

So now i have fucking tinnitus, a young son, and a very complicated job. and theres a radical new drug that may cure that and give us our lives back, maybe. But it's going through a ridiculous regulatory process and dont you dare defend it because I'm not the only one that knows it's too slow.
A Nobel prize winning economist shares my opinion.
Congress shares my opinion.
The president shares my opinion.

That should be a given in this entire community. To defacto be FDA protesters.

We dont deserve this. Many of us stumbled blindly into it, others got it from their medications.

You seem to have more influence than most of us here so why arent you fucking blasting the ATA and BTA for not getting on the bandwagon to hurry up the drug development and approval process?

Instead they tweet promotional material for lady gaga movies and claim tinnitus just fades away. Theres alot more we could do.

There are 16 humans with this new drug in their heads and the 6 million dollar question is "does restoring hearing cure tinnitus"? I want to know that and so should you. The only reason it's a mystery, or will be one after this year is because of the FDA secrecy bullshit.

Who knows, they may actually report that at the end of this trial, but what I'm saying is, if they dont, we need a coordinated effort to step up and ask them.

I'm more than willing to lead an advocacy movement but I have zero influence. I dont have millions of dollars, I dont have any connections. I dont have Twitter followers. You on the other hand could promote this. The leaders of the tinnitus community will listen to you. If you decided to we could create some bad publicity for the ATA and BTA unless they do what we want. They are supposed to serve us anyway. Not us them.
That's my rant.
@JohnAdams, I'm really sorry to hear what you've been through. That must really weigh down on you like I can't imagine. You have a good heart and I've said many times that I admire what you are trying to do.

Blasting the ATA and BTA to promote FX-322, won't work, because drugs that are being trialled are not officially recognised, and it wouldn't be wise for them to send out a message implicating it works and that it's available. That is how it will be perceived, so I think it would be misleading to promote it to the public in this way; especially at this early stage. And I'm not sure if Frequency would want this either.

I have no doubt that if FX-322 turns out to be the real deal that it will take care of itself. You won't need to do a thing. If problems arise, however, then we can jump all over it and campaign hard to get ourselves heard.

Please don't interpret this as me not giving a shit. I do.

I look forward to seeing some of the data when it's released.
officially recognised, and it wouldn't be wise for them to send out a message implicating it works and that it's available.
Once again. I didn't say that. I said we should start asking them in December what happened. Then go from there.

For the love of God man. Stop doing that.
Once again. I didn't say that. I said we should start asking them in December what happened. Then go from there.

It won't be recognised in December either?

However, I see no harm in the results being published as an article into what they're trying to achieve. That's a good way of letting the public learn about Frequency Therapeutics and FX-322. We could maybe do a Q&A as part of that if we can get them involved.
It won't be recognised in December either?

However, I see no harm in the results being published as an article into what they're trying to achieve. That's a good way of letting the public learn about Frequency Therapeutics and FX-322. We could maybe do a Q&A as part of that if we can get them involved.
I'm just saying theres a good chance that they will know in December, uh I'd say 100% chance, if it worked. But they may not be able to say anything because the FDA wont let them because that wasnt an official endpoint. That's where we should get involved. They may already be planning that, who knows.

The grand tinnitus experiment is happening right now. This trial will answer many many questions about this dumbass disease.

Let's say that they did restore the hearing in the subjects, but the tinnitus didnt go away, then boom that can help guide all other tinnitus research in the right path.

The insight will be there. This information must be released asap.
I'm just saying theres a good chance that they will know in December, uh I'd say 100% chance, if it worked. But they may not be able to say anything because the FDA wont let them because that wasnt an official endpoint. That's where we should get involved. They may already be planning that, who knows.

The grand tinnitus experiment is happening right now. This trial will answer many many questions about this dumbass disease.

Let's say that they did restore the hearing in the subjects, but the tinnitus didnt go away, then boom that can help guide all other tinnitus research in the right path.

The insight will be there. This information must be released asap.

That is up to Frequency Therapeutics though. It's their company and we have no power to make decisions on their behalf.

If they can get a 'condition approval' it may be possible, but the regulations surrounding drug approvals will make this incredibly difficult to pull off, if not impossible. We also have no idea what Frequency's plan is. We are talking amongst ourselves here like we're on their board of directors.

This quote from a Forbes article gives a good reason why companies might be apprehensive about such an approval, and for good reason:

A related concern, that Matt doesn't bring up, is that some companies might fear being exposed to litigation if their products are approved after phase II, and later turn out to have safety issues. That's a legitimate concern, and you'd need to couple a conditional approval process with a "safe harbor" provision that protects companies from product liability suits.

The power lies with Frequency. We have no idea what their plan is for FX-322 or if they want to go down this route. Our input on something of this magnitude would be of little significance, and we have no idea how it would affect their financials either.
That is up to Frequency Therapeutics though. It's their company and we have no power to make decisions on their behalf.

If they can get a 'condition approval' it may be possible, but the regulations surrounding drug approvals will make this incredibly difficult to pull off, if not impossible. We also have no idea what Frequency's plan is. We are talking amongst ourselves here like we're on their board of directors.

This quote from a Forbes article gives a good reason why companies might be apprehensive about such an approval, and for good reason:

A related concern, that Matt doesn't bring up, is that some companies might fear being exposed to litigation if their products are approved after phase II, and later turn out to have safety issues. That's a legitimate concern, and you'd need to couple a conditional approval process with a "safe harbor" provision that protects companies from product liability suits.

The power lies with Frequency. We have no idea what their plan is for FX-322 or if they want to go down this route. Our input on something of this magnitude would be of little significance, and we have no idea how it would affect their financials either.
So you're saying we should or shouldnt try and ask them in December if it worked?
Ask/dont ask? What's your answer?
So you're saying we should or shouldnt try and ask them in December if it worked?
Ask/dont ask? What's your answer?

If I were you I'd get in touch with Frequency and open a dialogue them expressing your concerns. They hold the keys to the kingdom.

I doubt they will reveal their intentions to you, but at least you can tell them how you feel about them applying for a 'conditional approval' or an 'accelerated approval'.

If we campaigned and it turns out fast-tracking FX-322 loses them money, they won't do it. There is far more complexity to this than just getting the ATA to publish an article telling people there's a cure.
If I were you I'd get in touch with Frequency and open a dialogue them expressing your concerns. They hold the keys to the kingdom.

I doubt they will reveal their intentions to you, but at least you can tell them how you feel about them applying for a 'conditional approval' or an 'accelerated approval'.

If we campaigned and it turns out fast-tracking FX-322 loses them money, they won't do it. There is far more complexity to this than just getting the ATA to publish an article telling people there's a cure.
Yeah right I'm just some schmuck individual and I'll get the boiler plate response. Hence the need for more popular cool kids like you to get involved.
BORN TO SUFFER / TINNITUS IS LOUD FUCK / Hyperacusis since 1989 / I am hearing loss man / 410,757,864,530 DEAD HEARING CELLS.
MPP has a new rule if your hyperacusis doesn't go away you need to either act extremely rude, desperate and as being in chronic suffering or just off yourself, you are not allowed to be positive or declare it manageable.
MSI GS65 was a bust! For a slim laptop it is insanely loud when it comes to the fans. It was around 68 dB when gaming with World of Warcraft, which isn't intensive. Crazy!

I read that bigger laptops don't have issues with fans and heat as much because they can disperse them better. Going to look into the Alienware 17 R5 Nvidia 1070 with I7-8750H cpu 16 gb. People say that the fans on this get around 50-55 Db when overclocking which is a lot better than 68 dB.

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