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Implying we exist against virtually impossible odds (like winning the lottery trillions of times)

Implying Determinism



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Is free will a psychic ability humans take for granted?

Psychic would be defined as when a conscious mind directly interacts with another conscious mind without spacial temporal boundaries. Or if a consciousness mind manipulates spacial-temporal logic in some way.

Dawkins agrees there is a hard problem of consciousness.

Deepak was telling the truth when he said Freeman Dyson considered particles to have proto-awareness.
software tip 101 how to make meme fonts.



Saved Templates in Pixelitor allow me to instantly generate meme fonts.
I don't have to rely on online tools, and I can make all sorts of fonts. That is the goal of someone who values good software. Find how to do all your task offline. So if the internet goes out, it will make no difference on your creativity.



meanwhile normies are paying subscriptions for photoshop 2020 edition when they can probably get away with using a version of photoshop from 2012 that is non subscription based.

CopyQ is a clipboard host that stores a history of a users recent text and images files



It even has a recent search tool. It is incredibly good software for productivity. Especially if you set it's toggle to a keyboard shortcut.

You can drag clipboard images from copyq onto the desktop or in folders and it will be turned into a image file within the folder you put it in.
Without consciousness the Universe would be particles in a void defined by mathematical logic. Colors, smells, taste, sounds, all subjective experiences like physical sensations and mental sensations are supposedly caused by extreme computation that emerges from the brain.

Single cell organisms and plants appear to contradict the "computational consciousness" hypothesis, but stubborn minds from the 20th century are in denial of this. It's almost like they are upset that the universe is not 100% mathematical and mechanistic. They want everything to be mechanistic and they are upset that parts of the Universe are organismic and perhaps volition based. cell consciousness

The people arguing that plants and single cells are not conscious are using a 20th century arm chair argument that consciousness relies on super computation. They just have to painfully ignore all the complexity, memory storing and learning that plants and single cell organisms do. As well as the fact that their complex behavior becomes nullified under anesthetics.

Old ideas like Organicism are resurrecting to explain consciousness. Science on consciousness is more paradigm shifting then any other field.


Most people (formally myself) did not know how controversial science on consciousness is. Nothing is agreed upon. I guess we never take the time to think about it.

The same problem in consciousness is literally the same problem in biology. There are three schools of thought and jusst like dualism was heavily refuted, so was vitalism.

Mechanism - Organisms are machines with no volition (materialism)

Vitalism - Organisms have a super natural life force (dualism)

Organicism - Organisms have irreducible mental states that trigger goal based processes. Every part of the system has to work together or it all shits the bed. (panpyschism/idealism)
Software tip 101

TTS (text to speech programs for reading long papers)
This software keeps my lazy ass intellectual, because it reads to me.

Before my health was ill I could read for hours, however for the past five years even when my health and concentration was good I ocassionally used text to speech readers "like balabolka" to read things for me.


You can install your own TTS (text to speech) voices and set keyboard shortcuts to manage what Balabolka does.

If clipboard watch is enabled Ctrl C (copy) and F5 will read text that is hightlighted. This tool narates lots of news, papers and science stuff I like to read. Using other keyboard shortcuts I can pause or stop. The goal is to set and memorize keyboard shortcuts for Balabolka to be effective.

You can also paste text into the box and save it as a audio file.

Balabolka is only natively available on Windows. Last year I had to do a lot of tinkering around with wine to get it to work on Ubuntu.

Here is an example of how highlighting text and reading it works


I post a picture of tropical winds and it retro-actively it triggers a logical successor post from the past.

quantum physics.gif

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