My Posting Place

this is a stock photo and a lego man
i am at the point where i can make these effortlessly at a very fast pace.

i am using new software (Pattern monster) it has both a web app and a local version. It is under the MIT license.




Gimp can make "layer effects" using a syntax. It also allows presets of syntaxs.


i marked the syntax commands by Adobe terminology


I was the one who discovered this. No one else using Gimp does this. I am a pioneer. LOL

Here is more of pattern monster

Pattern monster has hundreds of options like this.



fun fact: A grayscale patter can be made any color using blending modes in Gimp or whatever.
These are only a few of the hundred something filters Pattern Monster has. Adobe calls these things pattern fill layers.

PM works by pasting image data into an external program. It lacks reditable smart filter technology.



Back in the day (2000s-2010s) software like this was insanely expensive and sold as Adobe plugins.
make her shirt any color or pattern.


Clean a dirty lamp

Do layer effects using a syntax

Make an elephant look awesome by cleaning its tusk and removing unwanted shit.
You can forget about any improved usability or "giving the customer what they want" (aka. Windows XP/7); every tech company is "Google" now, and makes money selling what is essentially, spyware (barring Linux).
Commercial software from the mid 2000s is better then most of the stuff I use and it is overkill for what 95% of the population needs. This is objectively true and this is why I am disgruntled with the tech industry. Software should be thought of as house furniture not a service that needs to be forever updated.

Open source software is the only place where innovation is actually needed. Where as commercial software has pinnacled long ago. Think to yourself, If Hollywood professionals back in 2006 depended on Adobe CS2 Suite (2005) to make box office movies it must be good enough for what normal people today do. Everything normies do in Adobe CC is possible in Adobe CS3 (2007) but you can't legally use old versions of Adobe. The way I see it Adobe CC should only be used by professional designers and normal people should just use alternatives or pirate old Adobe.

Once again the problem is most open source alternatives are just starting to catch up to the early 2000s industry. Before they sucked so bad no one could use them. And I don't want to encourage normies to do illegal things and pirate legacy photoshop.

Open source is the only legal way you can give the big tech companies the finger. That is why I use it. However, there are always exceptions to the (open source is stuck in early 2000s meme) as Krita (Painting app) Blender (3d modelling app) and OnlyOffice (MS compliant document writer) are examples of open source software that is rapidly updated and capable of competing against the industry standards of today. Blender is actually a rare example of open source dominating the industry. Where as Krita competes against Paint Sai and CCs painting abilities.

I think within a decade most open source alternatives will be able to do professional industry things.
Normies do 7 manual steps while I automate things using a syntax. Gimp has no recording macro option (the original one deprecated decades ago) it can only use scripts and syntax to automate things.




How do you guys feel about noise meter apps?

I feel as if they are very inaccurate. I downloaded 2 and they aren't even close to similar readings. With my car windows open at my job's parking lot I get the following:

DB Meter app: 55 dB

Decibel X Pro: 63 dB

One is almost reading twice as loud as the other. Also 60 Db is supposed to be a normal conversation level. In my car it is almost silent besides far off traffic noise and crickets. So I have no idea how it is reading 63 in a quiet car.

When I talk with my phone 3 feet away it reads.

DB Meter app: 62 dB

Decibel X Pro: 65 dB

They are measured on DB Z if that makes a difference since I noticed that produces the highest readings compared to A, B & C. Seems to me these are horribly innacruate. I am getting a legit decibel reader from Amazon and will compare.
I know the post above is from way long ago, but as I'm deep into this, what decibel meter did you get and what were/are your thoughts (heck, by now you may have something even newer/better)? Please share so I have somewhere to be directed to.
what decibel meter did you get and what were/are your thoughts (heck, by now you may have something even newer/better)? Please share so I have somewhere to be directed to.
A lot of people use Decibel X.
2020 was all about consciousness research crap
2021 was all about free alternatives to photoshop
what lies ahead in 2022, have I hit a dead end?

median blur diamond bokeh background
Merry Christmas stupid ear people. Lol.

Btw, I grow tired of suffering and find meming for a cure pointless. We need to shitpost our way to actual palliative therapies as opposed to the shitty - GTFO IT (shut up and accept it) - therapies that exist today. I believe actual cures are decades away but we are alive in the perfect part of human history to make scammers miserable.

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