Sorry I haven't come back to you Steph.Hi @Jazzer
Just checking in to make sure you're still holding up okay?
Christmas is a hard time of year for us who have lost loved ones.
Sending hugs and lots of love your way.
Oh I so hope that is true Racehorse.My deepest sympathy for you and all her loved ones. Some day you'll meet again, always remember that Dave.
I completely understand. It's funny because we don't each other in person, only over here - but I think of you often in your difficult time. <3Sorry I haven't come back to you Steph.
I am heartbroken but trying to find a way to cope, without this angel in my world.
Wow - what a lovely post for me to read.I completely understand. It's funny because we don't each other in person, only over here - but I think of you often in your difficult time. <3
Speaking to you over Tinnitus Talk, and watching your video about your life before and since tinnitus began, really made me feel connected to you... And I mean it when I say I am so sorry that you lost your precious Sylvia. In fact, one of the first photos you shared with me on the members photo album, was a picture of you two together. It was incredibly sweet!
I sincerely hope I meet you in person one day Dave.
All my love,
Steph x <3
Thank you so much ViolantI'm sorry for your lost.
I cried some. World needed her.View attachment 42989
Sylvie was a beautiful soul, whose smile offered love to all those she met.
Those that met her would never forget her.
In later life she trained at King's College Hospital to become a clinical hypnotherapist.
She used this amazing talent to support many people, including friends and family, through their trauma and illness, never ever charging one penny.
She was a natural healer utilising her acquired skills to the full - but her magic formula was 'Love.'
When severe tinnitus threatened to destroy my entire life, she came up with an answer.
We were both distraught, but unlike me, Syl would never accept that any situation was hopeless.
She said:
"Dave - if I could take it away from you, I would, you know that, but I can't do that can I?
But here is an answer.
Let me hypnotise you."
First, she relaxed me completely,
putting put me right out.
Then she said:
"I want you to think about your tinnitus.
I want you to think about the noises in your head.
I want you to realise that these noises are irrelevant, unimportant, essentially harmless.
Your subconscious mind will realise, over time, that even though they exist, they will fade into the background, will cease to trouble you, and may even disappear completely.
Your ability to deal with your tinnitus will get easier and easier.
Day after day you will get better and better."
There is more; but essentially these hypnotic suggestions become absorbed into our thinking patterns, offering at last the permission to consider a brighter future, a way forward.
Now my precious Sylvie has passed on.
I listen to her lovely voice, on tape, as I drift away every night.
When I'm having a bad day, a noisy day, I remind myself,
'yes it is still there, but I am getting so much better at handling it.'
Sometimes we just need permission to
'See it differently.'
This was heartbreaking to read. I am so, so sorry for your loss.View attachment 42989
Sylvie was a beautiful soul, whose smile offered love to all those she met.
Those that met her would never forget her.
In later life she trained at King's College Hospital to become a clinical hypnotherapist.
She used this amazing talent to support many people, including friends and family, through their trauma and illness, never ever charging one penny.
She was a natural healer utilising her acquired skills to the full - but her magic formula was 'Love.'
When severe tinnitus threatened to destroy my entire life, she came up with an answer.
We were both distraught, but unlike me, Syl would never accept that any situation was hopeless.
She said:
"Dave - if I could take it away from you, I would, you know that, but I can't do that can I?
But here is an answer.
Let me hypnotise you."
First, she relaxed me completely,
putting put me right out.
Then she said:
"I want you to think about your tinnitus.
I want you to think about the noises in your head.
I want you to realise that these noises are irrelevant, unimportant, essentially harmless.
Your subconscious mind will realise, over time, that even though they exist, they will fade into the background, will cease to trouble you, and may even disappear completely.
Your ability to deal with your tinnitus will get easier and easier.
Day after day you will get better and better."
There is more; but essentially these hypnotic suggestions become absorbed into our thinking patterns, offering at last the permission to consider a brighter future, a way forward.
Now my precious Sylvie has passed on.
I listen to her lovely voice, on tape, as I drift away every night.
When I'm having a bad day, a noisy day, I remind myself,
'yes it is still there, but I am getting so much better at handling it.'
Sometimes we just need permission to
'See it differently.'
Thank you for your kind words Glynis,Hi @Jazzer,
Hope you are doing ok my dear friend.
Big changes to our life can feel like not having a net to catch you and life seems so strange.
Life seems to be set up for families and single life is so strange.
Life will start to get better and when you might struggle at times, the warm comforting feelings come with love from above to let you know they are with you and watching over you and wanting you enjoy life as you adapt to life without them.
Life moves on without you and that what's meant to be but they hold your hand and give you strength and guide you knowing that's what you would want for them.
Take care and know you are loved by so many members including me.
Love Glynis xx
This is incredibly heart warming and sad at the same time, Dave. The way you listen to Sylvie reminds me of the TV show After Life.Sylvie the hypnotherapist
When our lovely daughter Michelle was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001 Sylvie enrolled in a course at Kings College Hospital to become a clinical hypnotherapist. This enabled her to keep Micelle positive through five years of gruelling treatments.
Some years later I had a nervous breakdown brought on by the emergence of severe tinnitus, which ended my jazz career.
Sylvie gave me a hypnotherapy session that she recorded onto my iPhone. It was unscripted and runs for 22 minutes. It helped me come through a very difficult period.
When Syl herself became ill I was getting ready to visit her in hospital but had been given a specific slot, because of lockdown procedures. About to leave, I realised I was going to arrive much too early. I decided to play my tape before I left home. I put my cap and scarf on the kitchen table to prop up my iPhone. I switched on the recording, sat down and closed my eyes.
When the recording was over I opened my eyes to see Annie sitting right next to the iPhone listening to her mummy's voice. I visited Syl that afternoon and was able to show her the photograph.
This recording is my most precious possession.
It accompanies me on my daily walks around the park, and puts me to sleep every night now that Sylvie has gone.
Waking too early this morning I again played my tape. I came to being aware that the session was now accompanied by some very loud purring. Percy was on my pillow, wrapped around my head listening to his mummy's voice.
Sylvie truly was a cat-whisperer.
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You are a very special person, I can see a deep love for a lady who truly loved you.