Hey guys/girls
So I posted on here a couple of days ago. However I feel like I owe it to people that I post positive thoughts. I was helped immensely by the people on here and want to ensure that I give something back.
I wont go into detail again but suffice to say that I am aware of my T but it no longer bothers me - I barely recognise it for sometimes days at a time.
What I did discover though was that the initial shock was the worst - being in a constant state of panic/anxiety was just dreadful and far worse to deal with than the T. I have an underlying anxiety disorder so you can imagine what this did for my adrenalin levels! I want you to know that you are not alone - everyone on this forum has been there at one time or another. We all know what it is like to not eat for days, to sleep for a couple of hours a day, to spend most of your time with fingers in our ears, to worry that every sound you hear is coming from your ears, to panic everytime you hear the T, to feel the sense of dread and start to sweat heavily..... I understand. I get it. I have been there. However, you will be fine. I have done it in about 5 weeks with an underlying disorder. I am hardly mr mentally strong. If I can do it, you can as well.
You need to relax and calm down, either using meds/meditation or both. ... Some random thoughts :
* Make a list of all your worries - ' OMG im going to go deaf '... ' My life is over ' etc etc..... Under each, write down the 'evidence' you have for the statement. Like me, you will soon see that there is none. The brain is great this way because when you write stuff down, it seems to process it better than just thinking positively. Try it, you will see. Each time you have a wobbler, take out the book full of these statements and ' evidence ' and read it.
* Folks, whatever you do, DO NOT read horror stories.... this is silly. Yes, it is possible you could develop this. But then it is also possible that you could walk outside and get hit by a bus. Get the point? You need to understand that MOST T DOES get better but it takes time. However even if it does not, your brain eventually gets bored and you next to never hear it ( I am your proof of this ).
* If you are panicking everytime you hear your T like I was then this next suggestion will probably make you go '' Chris, are you on drugs? ''..... but bear with me.....
I suggest that at least once a day, you go into a quiet room with ear plugs and listen to your T. The reason I say this is because - your subconcious has learned to associate T with panic ( hence the fight or flight response ).... you need to get past this and gradually expose youeself to it. Believe me folks, I did it and it worked for me. Once you can stop the panic, it will all fall into place - trust me on this. You need to realise that your body is over reacting to something which will not kill you or stop you doing anything you want in life... you need to believe this, not just know this. Gradual exposure will help you on this front. After all, why would you panic about something which you do not fear? Makes sense eh?
Thats all I can think of just now but will continue to post anything I think is relevant.
You will be fine, but will take some time and some effort
So I posted on here a couple of days ago. However I feel like I owe it to people that I post positive thoughts. I was helped immensely by the people on here and want to ensure that I give something back.
I wont go into detail again but suffice to say that I am aware of my T but it no longer bothers me - I barely recognise it for sometimes days at a time.
What I did discover though was that the initial shock was the worst - being in a constant state of panic/anxiety was just dreadful and far worse to deal with than the T. I have an underlying anxiety disorder so you can imagine what this did for my adrenalin levels! I want you to know that you are not alone - everyone on this forum has been there at one time or another. We all know what it is like to not eat for days, to sleep for a couple of hours a day, to spend most of your time with fingers in our ears, to worry that every sound you hear is coming from your ears, to panic everytime you hear the T, to feel the sense of dread and start to sweat heavily..... I understand. I get it. I have been there. However, you will be fine. I have done it in about 5 weeks with an underlying disorder. I am hardly mr mentally strong. If I can do it, you can as well.
You need to relax and calm down, either using meds/meditation or both. ... Some random thoughts :
* Make a list of all your worries - ' OMG im going to go deaf '... ' My life is over ' etc etc..... Under each, write down the 'evidence' you have for the statement. Like me, you will soon see that there is none. The brain is great this way because when you write stuff down, it seems to process it better than just thinking positively. Try it, you will see. Each time you have a wobbler, take out the book full of these statements and ' evidence ' and read it.
* Folks, whatever you do, DO NOT read horror stories.... this is silly. Yes, it is possible you could develop this. But then it is also possible that you could walk outside and get hit by a bus. Get the point? You need to understand that MOST T DOES get better but it takes time. However even if it does not, your brain eventually gets bored and you next to never hear it ( I am your proof of this ).
* If you are panicking everytime you hear your T like I was then this next suggestion will probably make you go '' Chris, are you on drugs? ''..... but bear with me.....
I suggest that at least once a day, you go into a quiet room with ear plugs and listen to your T. The reason I say this is because - your subconcious has learned to associate T with panic ( hence the fight or flight response ).... you need to get past this and gradually expose youeself to it. Believe me folks, I did it and it worked for me. Once you can stop the panic, it will all fall into place - trust me on this. You need to realise that your body is over reacting to something which will not kill you or stop you doing anything you want in life... you need to believe this, not just know this. Gradual exposure will help you on this front. After all, why would you panic about something which you do not fear? Makes sense eh?
Thats all I can think of just now but will continue to post anything I think is relevant.
You will be fine, but will take some time and some effort