My Tinnitus Gone or Is It Deafness Why I Don't Experience Tinnitus Anymore?


May 5, 2012
Tinnitus Since
Hey there everyone. I'm a 24 year old person here. I had my experience with tinnitus when I was almost turning 20 (you could say I was 19 years old and 11 months old). I used to listen to alot of loud music at that time(January 2008) when I had started experiencing this buzzing vibration or hissing sound in my left ear. I didn't really paid too much attention to it, and continued my way of listening loud music through speakers and headphones, until 2,3 months later when problem started getting severe. I discovered that it's called tinnitus.

A couple of months my tinnitus gradually seems to be getting away but along with it my hearing also seems to be getting reduced. After like 7,8 months since the problem started my tinnitus completely vanished(around August/September 2008) along with partial hearing loss. And since then my hearing has continued to get reduced gradually and by now I have around 50db of hearing loss in my left ear.

So my question is did my tinnitus gone away because I started having hearing loss or it's never gone and still existing but due to hearing loss I can't experience it?
Hi, again, Suheb,
That's a good question! In some people, tinnitus is the first sign of hearing loss. It may have truly gone away, or just diminished, because you now have the hearing loss. Or, you may just be less aware of it (more used to the ringing).

Are you going to go to a doctor (ENT) to have your hearing tested? An audiogram can tell what degree of hearing loss you have, and maybe they would have some suggestions for you, as to how to cope with it.

Good luck; you've come to the right place here for suggestions and support! I'm sure some of the other folks here will have other information and suggestions for you.
Thanks once again Karen.

Well yeah, I did got my ear checked with an ENT and he said that I've lost about 40% to 50% of hearing on my left ear. He said it'll gradually continue to fade or it may even improve with time. So let's see and hope for the best.

I'm glad to be here and share information with others and help them and also get help from them. Seems like to be a good community with something mutual between us.
I hope it continues to fade. You are young, and the chances for healing might be better for you than for those of us (like me!) who are a lot older. Good luck, and keep posting!
Thanks Karen! By the way when I said it'll continue to fade, I meant to say that doctor meant the my hearing will continue to fade away. Haha but yeah it's all good. I understand your point :)
Oops! I thought you were referring to the tinnitus!

Well, here's hoping that your hearing improves with time. Take care, and keep us posted on your progress!

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