@Bill Bauer @Pabl692 @Michael Leigh el
You have some great advice there form some guys who know the deal with this monster.
I have had T and H for Three years-ish now.
Mine is also high pitched Hisssss about 7500hz.
All I can say is : -
1. Keep BUSY - this is vital - sometimes when your busy you mind will stop concentrating on and focusing on it.
2. Enjoy the QUIET(er) moments and remind yourself that they have happened and will again.
3. Stay CALM - it one of the most annoying things I know but it wont kill you.
4. Get out and about - get stay involved with life.
5. Only mask - if its a noise that your ears find loud or annoying - you need to keep listening to sounds but ones you can tolerate.
6. DONT use headphones or earbuds to play music straight at your eardrum - it probably wont like it.
7. Get good SLEEP - get some medication if you are having trouble - try Melatonin or L-Trypotophan before you get into heavier prescription meds - which have their place but can be addictive.
8. Eat well - probably avoid sugary and slaty foods as they can aggravate - I think by altering blood pressure.
Stay calm buddy and come here to vent whenever you need to.
Wishing you some peace soon X