My Tinnitus Seemed Very Mild for Over a Year, But Now It's Back as Bad as Before.


Jul 18, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Music Maybe
I'm really anxious these days. Every moment from driving in the car, to listening to loud music, to trying to fall asleep I hear the loud white noise. I get even more nervous because it's skewed heavily towards the left ear, which is really distracting. Does this mean I have hearing damage? I keep trying to prove I don't have hearing damage by putting movies/music really low and proving that I can still make it out.

The last time it was this bad was in 2015 during the first three months of my tinnitus. I would remember being extremely sad thinking about all the amazing things I used to do without tinnitus, thinking about every moment in college listening to music, to every conversation I had, to every moment just sitting back in bed relaxing.

During 2016 I took up watching movies each night as a hobby. This really helped because if the movie was good enough I would forget about the ringing entirely. I really got into silent movies. At first it would be really hard to pay attention but afterward I got used to it. By 2017 I remember not even noticing the tinnitus during countless movies. I remember all of my thought and attention being on movies instead of even noticing it.

During the first half of 2017 I would easily go multiple days without noticing it. I would once in a while "hear" it during work but then go quickly back to doing whatever I was doing. In 2017 I got a new hobby of listening to old music from the 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. I remember listening to all these songs in the car and never once getting bothered by a "silent" moment.

Basically let's move to June 2017, all of a sudden I can barely focus on music anymore because the tinnitus seems so loud. I'm woken up very early in the mornings because of the tinnitus. I have no idea what's happening. I don't know if it's because I've been listening to more music (I basically listen to Headphones everyday and have been for the last 15 years - and the tinnitus never bothered me in Spring 2017).

So... is this a "new level" of tinnitus I have to get used to? This seems so miserable because I so passionately enjoyed listening to low volume oldies without needing to turn the volume higher to pass the tinnitus. Will it be like May 2017 where I honestly think I spent the entire month without caring about the white noise?

I just need someone to unload all this to because I'm not the type to complain about things to friends and family.
HI @nospr
It seems there was a time you were managing your tinnitus quite well and it wasn't causing you any problems. Something usually causes tinnitus to get worse as it doesn't usually increase on it's own. If there is no underlying medical problem responsible then the cause is mostly likely "sound". Have you been listening to music/audio through headphones or listening to it through speakers at high volume levels or attending places such as: clubs, concerts the cinema where music/audio is loud? If yes to any of these questions then that is the likely reason for the increase in your tinnitus. My guess is headphone use if you have been using them even at low volume? If this is the case then I advise you to stop using headphones.

I'm not sure. I haven't been listening to music really any louder than normal.

And honestly even thinking back one week ago, despite it being there I remember not "noticing" my tinnitus while taking a shower, driving on the highway, or listening to metal music.

For some reason starting Friday, it's been impossible to not think about it. I hear the tinnitus over everything.
Yes, I do listen do music with headphones but mainly only at work. When I'm at home I just use regular speakers.
Yes, I do listen do music with headphones but mainly only at work. When I'm at home I just use regular speakers.

As I suspected @nospr. The increase in your tinnitus is most likely caused by headphone use. Even though it may not have bothered you in the passed it doesn't mean it won't at some time in the future. When tinnitus is caused by "noise exposure" I don't recommend using headphones even at low volume. One has to be careful of listening to audio through speakers too, as high volume levels and low frequency bass can irritate the inner ear - even though volume levels may not seem loud, it is surprising how the ear can be irritated by moderate listening levels. One is never completely out of the woods with noise induced tinnitus. We have to be careful even after habituation. You might want to click on the link below and read my post: Headphones and tinnitus.

All the best

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