My Tinnitus Stopped for Several Hours — Why? What Happened?

Another note from last night. I got quite a bit of sleep last night. I discovered that if I put a plastic cold pack that I keep in the freezer on the back of my neck and lay back and try to sleep the tinnitus almost disappears. That helped mem to sleep.
Another note from last night. I got quite a bit of sleep last night. I discovered that if I put a plastic cold pack that I keep in the freezer on the back of my neck and lay back and try to sleep the tinnitus almost disappears. That helped mem to sleep.

That alone could be a major clue to anyone who is interested in solving the puzzle...I wonder out loud if this could help others as well?
For me this cold on the neck is a good way to calm the tinnitus. Although I imagine it really depends on the cause. I know mine is not because of injury or loud noise or infection or anything like that. Based on what has happened the past couple of weeks since the tinnitus started, I have seen my doctor twice and been to the ER and based on all of the data and my doctor knowing me, it is very likely that my tinnitus started because of too much ibuprofen but made worse because of my thyroid gland function and getting my blood pressure under control. Both seem to be happening--and I don't this will help anyone who has had noise, disease, damage, tumor, whatever. But it is such a devil of a thing to track---I am understanding what is happening with me.

All day today it has been hardly there and I think I am recovering. I hope some of this applies to others.
I can say that I think that it helps that I am really healthy and I exercise a lot and I have gotten off most all medications and not even supplements instead of real food. I have been trying to heal my body in a lot of ways and most of the time I think it is working.
It is early Friday and an update. The tinnitus is mostly there but it can come and go. On Monday in the ER getting iv fluids, and being so quiet, it went away totally. When I have a few glasses of wine at night it mostly stops. I can see that my changing TSH levels most likely have had something to do with this. I have had Hashimoto's for over 10 years but it was never really treated because I cannot tolerate any thyroid hormones. On the other hand, I have no symptoms that people have with thyroid issues. My doctor says that in Hashimoto's 1/4 of people finally simply get over it. I have a strong immune system and it finally burned itself out.

As that happened my TSH went from 5.9 to 2.7 in 5 weeks with no thyroid hormones. I believe this caused my blood pressure to go up. I am hopeful that as I continue to heal the tinnitus will ebb. I know that it is not from ear damage but from my central nervous system. I have stayed very very active during the day. It is 2 in the morning and I have not slept at all. I cannot sleep. I have two fans going and the noise is not that bad but I cannot sleep. I hate the nights.

I wonder if anyone else has experiences with thyroid stuff and tinnitus. Thank God my doctor is an expert in thyroid hormones.

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