My Trip to Bangkok: Stem Cell Treatment [Comments]

the problem is that it doesnt happen during the day time, only at night when i close my eyes!
i cant see then with my eyes open. only when i close my eyes, its like if my eyes could create light when i close them
Listen Mario,if it's really becoming a concern I'd go get it checked right away before it does really become a problem.

There's only so much anyone here can say,an eye specialist should be your next port of call so I'd get on it ASAP.

Hopefully everything will turn out ok and it will at least put your mind at rest that there's nothing sinister going on.

Keep us posted man.
@bill 112 @SilverSpiral if you google visual snow and open firt wiki link - thats how you will see when are experiencing VS (you might also get it in form of white static). Visual Snow comes with bucket of other visual disturbances suck as sensetivity to light, afterimages (lets say i look at cars headlights, some times they get "stuck" in my vision for 2 minutes like a shadow) and more.

@bill 112 good, as i said 2/3 of Tinnitus sufferers end up with VS, so lucky you being in 34% of VS free ;)

2/3 sounds rather high. I've only seen a few people mention it on this forum.
Listen Mario,if it's really becoming a concern I'd go get it checked right away before it does really become a problem.
There's only so much anyone here can say,an eye specialist should be your next port of call so I'd get on it ASAP.
Hopefully everything will turn out ok and it will at least put your mind at rest that there's nothing sinister going on.
Keep us posted man.

Thank you Stephen!
i going to see an eye specialist on thursday, its just that these past days have been very annoying.
the visual snow, the flashes when trying to sleep, floters.
im pretty sure i have ms, fibro or lyme.
so i think a neurologist will and an MRI should be the next on my list.
but im seeing an eye specialist just in case.
Has it ever been hypothesized, that some forms of "T" actually are coming from the brain? but it is the ears that hear them?

For instance, someone with acoustic trauma, distorted hearing, heavyness in ear, and tinnitus, being told the tinnitus is "something wrong with the brain" seems clearly wrong.

However, someone who gets stomped on the skull, or breaks their neck, may develop T, and it may very well stem from the brain/nerves, it's simply the auditory nerve/cortex picking up this damage and interpretating it as T. This would mean that T is not strictly "in the ears"

I do think overall though that the fast majority of suffereres do have T coming from the ear, especially in cases like acoustic trauma, meneirs, and other inner ears disorders. Telling them it is "of the brain" is shortsighted and almost insulting, and convolutes research and treatment routes.
@bill 112 @SilverSpiral if you google visual snow and open firt wiki link - thats how you will see when are experiencing VS (you might also get it in form of white static). Visual Snow comes with bucket of other visual disturbances suck as sensetivity to light, afterimages (lets say i look at cars headlights, some times they get "stuck" in my vision for 2 minutes like a shadow) and more.

@bill 112 good, as i said 2/3 of Tinnitus sufferers end up with VS, so lucky you being in 34% of VS free ;)

As I often say, don't believe what some guy on the internet writes. Unless you provide a credible source for that statistic, it is BS of the highest magnitude.

Physiologically, it makes no sense for the two phenomena to be related as different cranial nerves are involved. I have seen VS mentioned as a side effect of Trobalt treatment for T but never solely as a finding in T sufferers. Many T sufferers have various other comorbid conditions - doesn't mean they are related.
As I often say, don't believe what some guy on the internet writes. Unless you provide a credible source for that statistic, it is BS of the highest magnitude.

Physiologically, it makes no sense for the two phenomena to be related as different cranial nerves are involved. I have seen VS mentioned as a side effect of Trobalt treatment for T but never solely as a finding in T sufferers. Many T sufferers have various other comorbid conditions - doesn't mean they are related.

True. I never had any issues related to health. After getting T, my vision gut a bit screwed by VS + floaters.

I think i was looking up VS forums and most of posts reported them getting T either before VS or after.

2/3 is from wiki on VS.
Just to let you guys know!,
i went to an eye specialist, the doctor checked my eyes and told me, my eyes are 100% in good condition.
but maybe the ir something behind the eyes that might be causing the trouble.
told me that my symptoms comes from a neurological condition, rather than the eye itself.
she told me to get an MRI, and she said that my symptoms are not Optic neuritis but.. idk.
im just glad she told me that everything looked normal.
and that it might the neuro transmitors
Just to let you guys know!,
i went to an eye specialist, the doctor checked my eyes and told me, my eyes are 100% in good condition.
but maybe the ir something behind the eyes that might be causing the trouble.
told me that my symptoms comes from a neurological condition, rather than the eye itself.
she told me to get an MRI, and she said that my symptoms are not Optic neuritis but.. idk.
im just glad she told me that everything looked normal.
and that it might the neuro transmitors

No worries, after you get MRI with dye - they will be able to see if there is anything wrong.

Hmm, it is actually very interresting to me now, can they see optic/audio nerve on MRI and see if that is damaged somehow ? Need to google it up.

EDIT: yes thry can see optic neuritis on MRI with contrast, so go get it done.
No worries, after you get MRI with dye - they will be able to see if there is anything wrong.

Hmm, it is actually very interresting to me now, can they see optic/audio nerve on MRI and see if that is damaged somehow ? Need to google it up.

EDIT: yes thry can see optic neuritis on MRI with contrast, so go get it done.
There's a great eye specialist not far from my home,I go to see him once a year just to stay on top of things.

It's a really fancy place with really high tech equipment there,but there's two machines there I thought I would mention as they might be relevant to this.

I have no idea what they're called but the first machine has two holes that you stare into,it scans your eyes before showing your entire eyeball inside and out in 3D on a screen beside you.You can literally see every little blood vessel it's that clear,my dad done it when a piece of metal from a wire brush got wedged in his eyeball,you could see the little sucker sitting there in his eyeball as clear as day,I just found it impressive,wish they could do the same with the ears mind you.

The next machine which might be relevant to Mario was something similar,it had a different lense in it and I had to look to the sides multiple times whilst this thing snapped away.It took pictures of my optical nerve and placed it on a screen like before.Might be something to look into in your area Mario before going to a noisy MRI machine.
There's a great eye specialist not far from my home,I go to see him once a year just to stay on top of things.

It's a really fancy place with really high tech equipment there,but there's two machines there I thought I would mention as they might be relevant to this.

I have no idea what they're called but the first machine has two holes that you stare into,it scans your eyes before showing your entire eyeball inside and out in 3D on a screen beside you.You can literally see every little blood vessel it's that clear,my dad done it when a piece of metal from a wire brush got wedged in his eyeball,you could see the little sucker sitting there in his eyeball as clear as day,I just found it impressive,wish they could do the same with the ears mind you.

The next machine which might be relevant to Mario was something similar,it had a different lense in it and I had to look to the sides multiple times whilst this thing snapped away.It took pictures of my optical nerve and placed it on a screen like before.Might be something to look into in your area Mario before going to a noisy MRI machine.

That sounds great Stephen!!, im gonna try to find a place where they have one of those machines.
my eye specialist i saw was kind pricey, and to be honest i had an ER (heart/stomach related) stuff going on this month i was in the hospital for 3 days and yes, it was a good hospital with good doctors thank god im okay!
but it was pricey has fuck, i hate being an adult and having to pay for my bills.. right now im so broke lol.

the eye specilist told me, both of your eyes look super healthy and doesnt look like optic neuritis to me.
they symtoms might be not so agressive and might be not vision threating BUT... (she told me.)
the symptoms you are telling me doesnt come from the eyes, its something neuro related.

she told me that those flashes at night while closing my eyes are caused by something related to the brain, she even dared to say that when you have a thing like tinnitus your other senses become affected and there is high sensibility and excitability with the neurotransmitters and they might caused the vision issues.
and also told me that flashes during the day and with open eyes are the ones who are dangerous... but thats not my case.

the last 3 doctors ive seen want me to get an MRI, whenever i tell them i suspect i have MS, they are all like "nahhh thats unlikely your symptoms doesnt sound like MS.

But then what it is? also SOMETIMES ive been getting this body pain in my whole body when waking up and it fully resolves after a few minutes... is this fibro? menieres? MS? lyme?
well lets see how it goes, ill wear earplugs when getting my MRI.

sorry for the bible (long post)
@Mario martz man, your eye doc is correct regards brain stuff. Since visual & auditory cortex work with a lot of stuff "together" i think it is pretty logical that Tinnitus may cause static and other disturbances in vision. So far after onset of T i have developed Floaters+BEP, Visual Snow(Mild), sensitivity to Light (mild), After images (mild/moderate) and partionally i get shaky vision in center of my sight when i look at straight lines/objects on distance(oddly only white objects, worse in low light conditions).
@Mario martz man, your eye doc is correct regards brain stuff. Since visual & auditory cortex work with a lot of stuff "together" i think it is pretty logical that Tinnitus may cause static and other disturbances in vision. So far after onset of T i have developed Floaters+BEP, Visual Snow(Mild), sensitivity to Light (mild), After images (mild/moderate) and partionally i get shaky vision in center of my sight when i look at straight lines/objects on distance(oddly only white objects, worse in low light conditions).

yeah thats me too, the only things that kept me worried was the eye flashes AT NIGHT WITH EYES CLOSED but the doctor told me, that its part of the neuro symptoms.. its not an eye disease.
A general message to those interested in stem cells and tinnitus.

This unlike the hospital I was treated at in China for my 2nd stem cell treatment (Hope Hospital China in Zhuhai: I was very unlucky that I developed a severe acute allergic reaction to the stem cells by the 3rd injection (something which is very rare). The hospital therefore decided to discontinue my treatment (ie. it was their decision, not mine). I was promised a refund for the remainder of the treatment (ie. 3rd and 4th injection = USD 13,000,-). But upon my return to Germany, I discovered they hadn't made the transfer. ... I have since come to know that the Chinese indeed do live up to their reputation for lack of integrity in business matters (when viewed by Western standards). Since then, I have been in a long dialogue with the hospital, but they simply refuse to transfer the agreed sum of money (citing various reasons ie. I should have known the risk and therefore the responsibility is mine; sometimes they will cite one reason, the next time, another reason - if they actually respond at all). It is all just a long list of empty promises when you deal with Chinese businesses. There were also other "red flags" with this hospital: they did not ask for consent when doing blood screening (this definitely should be done if screening includes such things as HIV, hepatitis, and Syphilis); they did not provide meals during the stay and the rooms were sub-standard; they did not ask for contact details of close relatives in case of an emergency (something any decent hospital would do); they also did not provide me with my medical file upon leaving (the so-called discharge report, something which I had specifically requested).

I have a deep background in science and engineering and have followed @attheedgeofscience's posts with high interest. But the above shows that sometimes we can all be tainted by prejudice.

To me, it seems clear that this "Hope Hospital China in Zhuhai" clinic is a subpar business organization by any standard. attheedgeofscience listed so many irregularities that even I - as a Chinese person - would not touch it. Yet, attheedgeofscience would go on to impute the subpar character of this one business to all Chinese companies and businesses.

Perhaps attheedgeofscience has had other dealings with Chinese companies and have formed his worldview from those experiences. But still I cringe at his above sweeping assertions. Is it really based on his objective experience or has he fallen to irrational fear and prejudices?

I have a very close friend who is very rational and smart about so many things. But when it comes to Jews, he becomes almost irrational, painting in broad strokes entire groups of people as greedy, nit-picky, stingy, selfish, inhumane, money drive, immoral...

Reminds me of Trump proving that illegal immigrants are criminals and murderers and rapists by citing a few (true) news stories of immigrants who are criminals and murders and rapists....

I am all for obliterating suffocating political correctness. But I hope also we watch out for over-sweeping language and tendencies to caricature entire peoples like this... IN the end, it's not funny ... not necessary ... and foments irrationality.
If you wish to know anything about this hospital - feel free to PM me :)
Will do.

One of the things I have been struggling with is what @attheedgeofscience mentioned before, when it comes to stem cell therapy, you are expected to pay first and upfront a large amount, and then hope for some results that are hopefully good.

This is the situation regardless of how "good" the facility is.

In the Hope Hospital case, @attheedgeofscience got what he called a rare allergic reaction. But allergic reaction is only one of many factors that can impact a treatment like this. There are so many other factors that may influence the safety and efficacy of the treatments. If so, does a top quality facility really provide a better safety and efficacy result - or are we at such an experimental juncture of stem cell treatments that "quality" is but a mirage? That is, even a shabby facility, if they happen to get some things right - by random accident - one might get a good result? Even a good "quality" facility can easily kill you if they get some things - that are not currently understood - wrong...

@attheedgeofscience had mentioned that the Bangkok facility had changed several treatment protocols on the fly ... and even given him wrong information regarding his treatments that they had to correct later. It seems like "quality" is but only a small factor ... There seems to be so many unknowns, randomness, luck ... that goes into these treatments.

As I think about stem cell treatments more, I am amazed how much promise it holds - especially the systemic approach that @attheedgeofscience underwent. I mean, in addition to making his Tinnitus better and curing several of his other conditions, what else has it done? Has it increased his life expectancy a few decades by repairing a bunch of other age-related damages that he may not even be aware of? Has it also reduced - for example - his chance of getting cancer, heart attack, stroke, etc.? Or has it created problems in his body with foreign cells? Are the "cures" or "abatements" of his T temporary or permanent (stem cell treatments for cartilage repair works, for example, but the results are good only for a few years)?

I am sure @attheedgeofscience understands this. T is really just the beginning of the ice berg. As we age, live, we have many other challenges that each of us independently have to overcome. With regenerative medicine - and genetic re-engineering of cell so they do not undergo senescence - can we all have at least dramatically increased health span? What the heck, can we in the process end up dramatically increase our life span?

There is a Chinese saying that life is about 4 things: birth, aging, sickness, death. No one can escape it. It'd be good if we can escape aging and then drastically decrease sickness. Death will come because statistically, even if one has a minuscule chance of dying, he/she will die with sufficient time. But at least it's not a time bomb the way aging is...

But I digress. I suppose it'd be sufficient if we can just find a cure for T ... and then take our chances with all the other diseases that are surely to come as we age... for now ...

For now, we need to know that there will be lots of people selling snake oil. @attheedgeofscience mentioned that he had trouble booking with Bangkok facility a second time due to a member of the original team leaving and setting up shady competing websites and facilities...

I wish we were living 100 or 200 years from now. Today will seem like the dark ages of medicine ... and science...
@Allen Y. I agree with you that we are on early stage of getting stem cell/regenetive medicine working for people and it would be much better if we would live in 2217 right now, however i disagree that we are in dark ages. We were, but not now, i would say we are comming out the shadow.

Stem Cells do repair cartilage (it requires few shots time a part), however there is more to it! Unless pearson got joint(s) injured in accident/etc - they don't wear off just because of age, but rather of missaligment in their spine/hips ehich cause biomechanical disturbance to movement of the joint and as a result cause wear/tear in affected are(s). Now, regulair doctors are just started understanding that, specifically ones tgat work with athleetes and are very skilled/experienced.

Now, cartilage/spinal disk/joint issues in general are fixable/curable (except arthritic spine grade 4), you just need right doc that would fix your spine/palvis (corrective chiro (much different from regulair chiro) or osteopath). I can tell you that "bone on bone" joint can get back on to "baby state" joint within 5 years easily, but that requires doing very stupid looking excersizes and proper food intake (no junk) and no drugs like tylenol/advil that cause body stop producing cartilage.

Stem Cells can expedite healing by 10 times and if your underlying issue why joint got bad is fixed - joint will be good forever.

I think in general Stem Cells will be like that. They need a)Guidence (i.e. being directed to area where issue is comming from) b) Controll (need to be able to tell them ehat to repair) c)stimulus (like LLLT or perhaps Gene therapy)

Ad of right now, if you have literally sh*t ton of money, you can do 5 expensive stem cell treatments and most of what you have will be fixed up/cured (except if you have allergic reaction) or more smaller treatments with your own, but harvested stem cells (there should not be any allergies there, its your own cells).
With a clinical study there is always an "if"- otherwise it wouldn't be a study!

I could have chosen not to report the story at all, in which case - you and... well the entire Internet - would never have known about it. But I reported it (along with all the facts) for the benefit of people like you. Although in retrospect, I sometimes wonder why I bothered.

On a slight side note, I should mention that earlier this week I was approached by a tinnitus researcher asking if I wanted to become part of a future multi-dimensional team. The request was a consequence of the publicly visible work on potassium channel modulators which Team Trobalt has been involved in (as well as all the contacts I developed during that project). It is because of a very limited number and dedicated people like @Zimichael and myself (and our contacts) that this forum has any kind of correct, solid and tangible information on the latest research flowing to its members. Without us, this forum would pretty much be a bunch of hopeless armchair critics.

When was the last time you were approached by a tinnitus researcher asking to participate in a research project? I suggest you give that some thought. And until you have finished your thinking, here is a piece of advice for you: please be kind to unplug your Internet connection so as to at least try to limit the amount damage you inflict on the rest of humanity. Please.
Thank you sir for the information you have shared. You are an incredible person.
It's hard to say,I mean if I have visual snow I must have had it a long time and I simply don't know any better.

If I stare at my wall it kind of looks like there's static dots everywhere but it's extremely faint and my room is poorly lit,I noticed this for years but never thought anything of it to be honest,I thought it was normal.

If I shut my eyes it's not just pitch blackness,it kinda looks like black with a static tv on over it but very very faint.

I do have floaters that I know for a fact,but again I barely ever noticed them and aren't overly troublesome.

Yeah i get that as well looking at a wall, its not immediate though, usually shows up if i really focus then it tends to start up.

I had floaters before t, very occasionally i see them and its normally in the summer it i look to the sky, i have been wearing glasses for years though and have a bit of dry eye which i take drops for. Didn and think it was anything to do wih t.
Yeah i get that as well looking at a wall, its not immediate though, usually shows up if i really focus then it tends to start up.

I had floaters before t, very occasionally i see them and its normally in the summer it i look to the sky, i have been wearing glasses for years though and have a bit of dry eye which i take drops for. Didn and think it was anything to do wih t.
I had floaters before T also,never really bothered me and still don't to this day so I'm not concerned about them at all really.

I do experience VS I think?I have only noticed it since talking about it here so if it didn't bother me before I'm not going to let it bother me now lol.
I had floaters before T also,never really bothered me and still don't to this day so I'm not concerned about them at all really.

I do experience VS I think?I have only noticed it since talking about it here so if it didn't bother me before I'm not going to let it bother me now lol.

Yeah i get VS, at work we have this divide board between deke HThe which has a cotton texture, if i stare at that then VS shows up. Then i look away and its gone..weird
@Allen Y. I agree with you that we are on early stage of getting stem cell/regenetive medicine working for people and it would be much better if we would live in 2217 right now, however i disagree that we are in dark ages. We were, but not now, i would say we are comming out the shadow.

Stem Cells do repair cartilage (it requires few shots time a part), however there is more to it! Unless pearson got joint(s) injured in accident/etc - they don't wear off just because of age, but rather of missaligment in their spine/hips ehich cause biomechanical disturbance to movement of the joint and as a result cause wear/tear in affected are(s). Now, regulair doctors are just started understanding that, specifically ones tgat work with athleetes and are very skilled/experienced.

Now, cartilage/spinal disk/joint issues in general are fixable/curable (except arthritic spine grade 4), you just need right doc that would fix your spine/palvis (corrective chiro (much different from regulair chiro) or osteopath). I can tell you that "bone on bone" joint can get back on to "baby state" joint within 5 years easily, but that requires doing very stupid looking excersizes and proper food intake (no junk) and no drugs like tylenol/advil that cause body stop producing cartilage.

Stem Cells can expedite healing by 10 times and if your underlying issue why joint got bad is fixed - joint will be good forever.
I wish that were true! That would be awesome...

But I see so many aged old people today walking with limps, dealing with arthritis ... that this can't all be true. If it were, surely they would have found relief (?)...

Arthritis cost the nation billions a year ... this is no joking matter...

In general, the issue of getting stem cells to repair right in the right place is a non-trivial matter. In developmental biology, a little change here and there can dramatically change the way the development process goes...

In a developed body, we are hoping that we can get stem cells to repair and grow the right way (in an environment never meant for it) ... and based on my understanding while the potential is truly great, the jury is still out whether we humans are ingenious enough to coop these cells to repair the way we want them to...
I wish that were true! That would be awesome...

But I see so many aged old people today walking with limps, dealing with arthritis ... that this can't all be true. If it were, surely they would have found relief (?)...

Arthritis cost the nation billions a year ... this is no joking matter...

In general, the issue of getting stem cells to repair right in the right place is a non-trivial matter. In developmental biology, a little change here and there can dramatically change the way the development process goes...

In a developed body, we are hoping that we can get stem cells to repair and grow the right way (in an environment never meant for it) ... and based on my understanding while the potential is truly great, the jury is still out whether we humans are ingenious enough to coop these cells to repair the way we want them to...

Well, we got old people with joint issues due to lack of knowledge. Everyone wants their problem to be solved with "single pill" (i would like that to work that way lol) but we are not there yet.

Joints can and are repairable even without stem cells, it just takes time and effort - no one has patience for that and suffer instead.

Dont forget, joints/spine surgery is a big business that makes tons of money (about 50 billion $ year) so why would they loose business and tell you that by correcting underlying missaligment and rehab excersizes you could fix joint/disk/etc.

People that know - fix their stuff, forget about it and go on with their life. If i would have only issues with my knee/shoulder i would never lurk around forums, but we are here because of symptom that no one cured yet.
I had floaters before T also,never really bothered me and still don't to this day so I'm not concerned about them at all really.

I do experience VS I think?I have only noticed it since talking about it here so if it didn't bother me before I'm not going to let it bother me now lol.
It look like VS i very commonly in people with T. I always had mild T and milt VS, but since my T got alot worse i also sure that my VS got worse Atleast i never remember it this bad like it is now :/ 2 in 3 people with VS also have T so there is a big chance they are connectet somehow.
Hi people; I have seen that there are 33 pages of Stem Cells (Bangkok) . Can i have a resume of all ? The treatment works? The T is gone? Or is better ? Thanks
Hi everyone, this is my first post on this site.

I am a 27 year old sound engineer, I got strong tinnitus a 5 months ago from working with loud music and I am really looking for a way to repair my damaged hearing. - I will put info on how I damaged my hearing in the 'about me' on my profile -

I can't accept learning to cope with it and I am not interested in remedies, masking ect.

My hearing is my career and I have to fix this - I need to repair my damaged hearing which I believe will resolve the tinnitus, the only feasible hope we currently have is stem cell therapy.

I am considering travelling to India or Thailand where I could have stem cell treatment, I really want to find somewhere that will use cord blood cells as the potency is a lot stronger than blood or bone marrow cells.

Here is an example of 2 clinics that look promising:

'attheedgeofscience' trip to Bangkok journal has inspired me:

I am serious about looking for a stem cell treatment as soon as possible,

I am willing to invest money into this... but have seen some therapy can cost up to $25000 although cheaper and weaker cell injections are also available, is there anywhere that can offer affordable quality treatments?

I know we are looking forward at good developments in stem cell treatments for hearing loss hopefully in the next few years, would this make the treatments more affordable for us in the future?

I would like to hear from anyone with more experience for suggestions and any guidance, if anyone has criticism to the idea of doing this then that would be welcome too.

Thank you in advance, Steve.
Hi everyone, this is my first post on this site.

I am a 27 year old sound engineer, I got strong tinnitus a 5 months ago from working with loud music and I am really looking for a way to repair my damaged hearing. - I will put info on how I damaged my hearing in the 'about me' on my profile -

I can't accept learning to cope with it and I am not interested in remedies, masking ect.

My hearing is my career and I have to fix this - I need to repair my damaged hearing which I believe will resolve the tinnitus, the only feasible hope we currently have is stem cell therapy.

I am considering travelling to India or Thailand where I could have stem cell treatment, I really want to find somewhere that will use cord blood cells as the potency is a lot stronger than blood or bone marrow cells.

Here is an example of 2 clinics that look promising:

'attheedgeofscience' trip to Bangkok journal has inspired me:

I am serious about looking for a stem cell treatment as soon as possible,

I am willing to invest money into this... but have seen some therapy can cost up to $25000 although cheaper and weaker cell injections are also available, is there anywhere that can offer affordable quality treatments?

I know we are looking forward at good developments in stem cell treatments for hearing loss hopefully in the next few years, would this make the treatments more affordable for us in the future?

I would like to hear from anyone with more experience for suggestions and any guidance, if anyone has criticism to the idea of doing this then that would be welcome too.

Thank you in advance, Steve.

SC21 seems to be of high quality. One member contacted them and they told him that a lot of dj and musician went there to fix their T. Don't know for hearing loss though.
There is also a South Koran clinic that specialises in hearing loss and costs 6000 but no one from this board tried it.
It is discussed here :
How bad is your hearing loss?

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