5th of December.
I will be writing my experiences with Trobalt in this thread, it might get a bit schizo so bear with me.
Started Trobalt a week ago, still on 3x100 mg per day, will be tapering up tomorrow.
Had some really great experiences so far although today is pretty bad.
Yesterday was great, complete silence for quite few hours and I mean pure silence.
I have had some silent events before although super rare so for the time being I am attributing this silent day to Trobalt. Maybe today is bad because I am still on a small dosage.
As for side effects, I get slightly tired, bloated, weird dreams... kind of drugged 40 min after taking a pill. I am pretty sensitive to drugs and can't say I am enjoying this as a "drug".
T for 3 years, mostly very hi-freq bzzzzzzzz in my brain, not really tonal.
In fact, tonal T eeee are my better days.
Always horrible mornings lasting 30 min to 2 hours, irrespective of if I will have a good or bad day.
6th of December
First day on 3x 200mg , weirdly enough yesterday a 100mg knocked me out (was tired) today I took 200 mg and I feel fine, Trobalt definitely has an effect on my T , albeit a varied effect . Not as effective as in the first few days though. I feel like it comes and goes in waves right now , not that bad one minute and bad the other , keep in mind , that might just be like T is always for me?
It was very weird to get that silent day ..awesome of course but in some ways got me to reflect on my 3 year everday struggle , when you fight every day you dont get much space to reflect. I got a bit sad and started feeling sorry for myself ..not very productive i know.
Side effects . slightly "frozen" , I should be working
Im a dying to make some music .Literally,exploding with creativity , but cannot.
7th of December.
Well, what can I say , I am having the most insane spike ever.
I am even contemplating stopping this experiment, its strange , worked very well to begin with but yesterday was horrible, the night was excruciating and I do not have words for this morning.
Either my T is fighting back in its deathroes or its telling me to back the fuck off and stop messing with it

In any event , not a good development at this point.
End of the day report : Trobalt definitely works for a while after i take it , however it might be worse then normally in between ? Or it is just coinciding with a "spike" ? Hard to tell really . I thought it might the contrast between the more silent period after taking trobalt and then after it stops working but its not that, definitely more piercing in between.
8th of December.
Morning Report: Yesterday was pretty bad to be honest ,although I timed my Trobalt dose to coincide with sleep so I fell asleep to silence, this morning I had some visual issues that lasted a few seconds. might be nothing.
Right now I am feeling happy

Probably the drugs
Midday report : Trobalt does give me relief for a few hours but its highly unreliable, sometimes its works a charm and sometimes not that much , in my very much limited experience i get the most relief in the evenings.
9th of december.
Best day ever , heard my T like 4-5 times during the day .
Having a "clear" head is the best sensation in the world.
10th of december.
Woke up to pretty bad T , getting better as the day progresses ...I want another yesterday !
End of the day report : It seems that is varied how much this works, had a pretty bad day , so its bad days versus a bit better days it seems , pretty much the same as without trobalt except for the somewhat predictable relief 30-40 min after taking a pill.
Yesterday was incredible though , hoping i get another one of those .
11th of December
Still waking up to a nightmare.
Went for massage , that was nice .
Raising my dosage.
I have ZERO troubleshooting skills at the moment , so taking a break from work.
Overall...not super happy with my results so far, but sticking to it for a while.
As for side effects , not that much although in the late evenings I sometimes experience "unease" ?
Also..no memory

,slight headache.
Took 200 mg ..."silence" at the moment. (this lasted a couple of hours)
End of the day report: T is kind of low at the moment , been a bumpy day , blinding headache and kind of sensitive hearing .
12th of December.
Ok, start to to the day , had the most insane headache last night....jeebus!
I am now on 500mg per day , 200, 200 and a 100 before sleep.
Again...today ,I get temporary relief from 200 mg . Bit of a headache , could be from the intense massage session ? I can hardly hear my T due to the headache !

18th of December. Skipped a few days there.
I am still on 600 mg per day . I had very good results for one day there and started reducing my intake right away ...that did not work out good. Why did I do that , well , i hate being under influence, any influence. But yeah , I am now on 600 per day and getting pretty good results.
I get near silence often through the day , still varies though.
Its very interesting ...Its still hard to wake up to bad T but at least I feel like i will get a break a bit later when i take my morning dosage. Just knowing that makes life that much easier.
Also interesting is when I came on TT just now , my T went bananas ...
I started thinking , " how have I managed to do this for 3 years?" ...Guess I am getting some relief.
200 down the hatch , T be gone.
19th. Horrible day , no amount of Trobalt has any effect . yesterday was pretty great though.
Like I am sure you guys know, if there is a good day , there is a 1o fold T day looming.
Seeing that I am getting very good days , its seems I have 20 fold T days looming .
Its weird , hard to resist just taking more Trobalt , hoping to stop this insanity that today is..
Have a flight in a few hours as well...sigh