I am being treated by a neurologist for pain in muscles of mastication in face and neck.
A long time ago a doctor tried a small amount of Botox in the Tensor Veli Palatini (TVP) muscle, but it did not work very well.
Everything on the right side is pretty clear. The left side starts to spasm when I get out of bed and the spasms are painful.
It is pterygoid muscles in neck. I asked him about putting Botox in TVP once more and he is reluctant (not the same doctor). I don't think it did much before but we are getting there on the right side, while the left is taking forever and it keeps me dizzy.
If we get the pterygoid under control, will TVP follow?
My tinnitus went away on the right side, but not left.
A long time ago a doctor tried a small amount of Botox in the Tensor Veli Palatini (TVP) muscle, but it did not work very well.
Everything on the right side is pretty clear. The left side starts to spasm when I get out of bed and the spasms are painful.
It is pterygoid muscles in neck. I asked him about putting Botox in TVP once more and he is reluctant (not the same doctor). I don't think it did much before but we are getting there on the right side, while the left is taking forever and it keeps me dizzy.
If we get the pterygoid under control, will TVP follow?
My tinnitus went away on the right side, but not left.