Nanotechnology to Regenerate the Ear and the Eye


Jan 18, 2012
Tinnitus Since
October 2011
Hello Everyone, this looks promising, if one can restore hearing loss, then hopefully the Tinnitus Should diminish?

Markku This Research is going on in Finland do you know anymore about the progress

Take a Look

I don't know much about this, but the project website is:

It's important to remember that fixing/generating hair cells doesn't necessarily fix tinnitus.

As you know, sometimes even if the auditory nerve is surgically cut, the tinnitus still remains.

But for some types of tinnitus this kind of advancement in regenerating hair cells etc could be the "cure" or at least an alleviation.

Fascinating stuff anyways, the future looks promising.
This is quite amazing. However, the tinnitus "experts" are strangely silent on this emerging science as if it is like tonaki tinnitus protocol or something. It's like they want to focus on tinnitus as a stand alone issue and not like it's a symptom of some other issue. Surprise!!!

That's the current paradigm of all western medicine right now, treat the symptoms instead of curing the disease. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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