Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide Led to Return of Her Hearing


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Apr 30, 2018
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Single 25 mg dose of (anticholinergic) drug Promethazine
In my research of nebulizing hydrogen peroxide for treating the coronavirus, I came across this 15-minute video with a fairly amazing testimonial on how nebulizing H2O2 for several weeks noticably improved her hearing. That part starts just before the 4:00 minute mark, and goes to the 6:00 minute mark. Pretty compelling story! Could this have potential for some cases of tinnitus?

I don't have hearing loss myself. But for those that do, and maybe have some accompanying sinus, nasal, or eustachian tube issues, AND tinnitus... Perhaps--just perhaps--this kind of deep sinus cleansing could have an effect on your tinnitus. I'd be shocked if that wasn't the case for at least a small minority of us.

Nebulizing with Hydrogen Peroxide
In my research of nebulizing hydrogen peroxide for treating the coronavirus, I came across this 15-minute video with a fairly amazing testimonial on how nebulizing H2O2 for several weeks noticably improved her hearing. That part starts just before the 4:00 minute mark, and goes to the 6:00 minute mark. Pretty compelling story! Could this have potential for some cases of tinnitus?

I don't have hearing loss myself. But for those that do, and maybe have some accompanying sinus, nasal, or eustachian tube issues, AND tinnitus... Perhaps--just perhaps--this kind of deep sinus cleansing could have an effect on your tinnitus. I'd be shocked if that wasn't the case for at least a small minority of us.

Nebulizing with Hydrogen Peroxide
Hi Lane,
Why do you reckon this process is not more wildly adopted?
I think people need to be really careful with videos like these. Some alternative treatment methods have cult-like followings and misinformation can spread fast. Homoeopathy is a great example of this.

I couldn't believe it when I heard Trump talking about this kind of thing the other day. Since he spoke about ingesting disinfectants and how they do a number on the lungs there have been reports like this one:

The Tennessee Poison Center has seen an increase in calls related to cleaning supply overexposure as well as a jump in people hospitalized after ingesting hydrogen peroxide as Tennesseans try to ward off the coronavirus.

Since the coronavirus hit Tennessee, health care workers at the center, housed at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, have fielded more calls from people across the state who have possibly overexposed themselves to disinfectants.

Dr. Rebecca Bruccoleri, the medical director of the Tennessee Poison Center, told The Tennessean that people have phoned the center for concerns related to bleach, hand sanitizer and all purpose cleaners.

This is why I previously disagreed with you on the coronavirus thread, @Lane. I said people would end up being hospitalised and that's exactly what's happened since Donald Trump weighed in on the subject (although he didn't name a specific disinfectant).

Social media is full of people saying that Trump was referring to Joseph Mercola's tweet - and other alternative health practitioners' advice online - that inhaling hydrogen peroxide will help with the coronavirus. Do a search and see for yourselves.

It might be worth reading this as well:

Or this:

Does hydrogen peroxide kill the Coronavirus? If so, would it be helpful to gargle daily with it?

Hydrogen peroxide can kill viruses and bacteria, but gargling it will not stop COVID-19. This is because most of the virus resides deep within the body. Gargling hydrogen peroxide is harmless, but swallowing it or injecting it into your bloodstream is dangerous and can be fatal.

Or even this which I already posted in the coronavirus thread:
Why do you reckon this process is not more widly adopted?

Hey @Daniel Lion -- Always good to hear from you. :) I suppose there are a variety of reasons. Probably first and foremost is that conventional medicine doesn't use it, and doesn't consider it to be "scientific". And most people (perhaps 90%+) follow the lead of their conventionally trained doctors. -- Ironically, even when some kind of new non-drug treatment is scientifically validated (such as the very recent high IV Vit. C based treatment for sepsis), there continues to be enormous resistance to incorporating it. This despite the fact that it has the potential to save hundreds of thousands of lives per year in just the U.S. alone. And despite the fact that many people with COVID-19 end up dieing of sepsis.

Quite honestly, I think this kind of scenario (which plays out way too many times regarding a number of health treatment options) should be a huge red flag regarding overliance on conventional medicine. That red flag being that despite some of its strengths, conventional medicine appears to have fostered a dramatic decline (demise?) in the ability to do critical thinking. Tragically, that lack of critical thinking is accompanied by an almost complete intolerance to anything outside its own way of thinking. This intolerance pretty much excludes the observations and clinical evidence of most physicians, both conventional and so called "alternative". And where has this led us to? In my mind, to a worldwide crisis being addressed by medical systems unable to think outside the box, at a time when it was critically necessary to do so. That inabity (and intolerance) has shown itself to be a colossal failure in meeting the health challenge of our times.

Take for example, the whole history of the therapetic use of Vitamin C (which I understand most people really don't want to hear about, but is central to my own thinking). This history essentially started with the work of Dr. Frederick Klenner in the late 1940's, a rural country doctor from North Carolina who first reported and published on how IV Vit. C cured polio. Unbelievably, it was ignored and panned at the time, just as it been for the past 70 years since. Some people say the research evidence isn't convincing, but they fail to take into account that much of the research was done with dinky amounts of Vitamin C, and was essentially designed to fail. -- Klenner's experience with a Vitamin C based approach to health care led him to his maxim (which I emphatically agree with): "the patient should "get large doses of Vitamin C in all pathological conditions while the physician ponders the diagnosis."

If Klenner's 70-year old maxim had been followed at the start of this pandemic, outcomes would have almost assuredly been ENTIRELY different. Everbody who's ever spent a few hours doing valid research on Vit. C knows this. But instead of the world taking advantage of this base of knowledge, it has instead gone out of its way to continue the panning of this therapy, with articles proliferating in the mainstream media (essentially owned by pharma) on how it won't help. The history of ozone therapy(s) and other oxygenation therapy(s) has suffered similar panning and denigration. As has H2O2 therapy(s), along with many other modalities (such as optimal nutrition) that NDs and other health care practitioners rely on to assist their patients to the best of their ability. -- To return to topic of Hydrogen Peroxide:

Though it's rejected by most people of the world, there is a place in a little corner of the internet where these kinds of "alternative" therapies are freely discussed, with people sharing often amazing testimonials on how they've used them to dramatically improve their health situation. It's on a website called EarthClinic, and currently has a page entitled "Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Therapy for COVID-19 (introduction below). I think it's one of the best places to start for somebody who has an interest in exploring the potential of misting or nebulizing of H2O2 more indepth.

Updated: April 13th, 2020 by Deirdre Layne // 60 Comments

Learn how Earth Clinic readers used hydrogen peroxide inhalation therapy to treat symptoms of COVID-19.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation was first introduced to the world on Earth Clinic over 15 years ago by Bill Munro of Michigan. Mr. Munro, who died at the rip age of 90, used his delivery method for over 30 years to treat virus symptoms, prostate issues, lung issues, and more.

We had the great honor of speaking with Bill Munro a few times over the years after we published his remedy on Earth Clinic in 2004. He was very passionate about this remedy and literally spoke to hundreds of people on the phone about his remedy before his death in 2012. -- Learn more about Bill and how to do his H2O2 Inhalation Method here.

Keep reading below to learn how Earth Clinic readers used peroxide either in a nasal spray, a nebulizer, or drops in distilled water, to treat coronavirus symptoms.​

I sort of feel like I should apologize for waxing on philosophically for so long. But your question caught me on a day where I'm realizing my efforts to share some of my accumulated health knowledge (from doing fairly intensive search over a period of decades) may not necessarily be appropriate for this forum. That despite the fact I think a number of the things I mention or refer to has potential to affect some people's tinnitus. I think I also may have waxed on because I've come to like you, and you seem to be about the most open and appreciative of what I've had to offer. -- So, not exactly sure how I'm going to proceed from here. But I think I'll say my sincerest adieus (for now), and wish you and your family, and everybody on this forum good health and good fortune going forward, in all ways!
If Klenner's 70-year old maxim had been followed at the start of this pandemic, outcomes would have almost assuredly been ENTIRELY different. Everbody who's ever spent a few hours doing valid research on Vit. C knows this.

I don't want to go back and forth on this too much because I get the impression that it's irritating you and I'm trying my best to word my responses as respectfully as I can.

What would you consider valid research?

I have also spent many long hours researching various health conditions because I have so many to deal with. I try to be as objective as possible, but short of conducting clinical trials myself, I have to go with the evidence that's available and try my best not to fall prey to the confirmation bias, which can be difficult.

There is nothing to suggest that inhaling hydrogen peroxide on a daily basis is a healthy practice. Most experts would warn against such a thing as it can potentially damage the lining of the lungs and there's a risk of systemic toxicity.

I had Sepsis in 2017 and it was IV antibiotics that literally saved my life. I can't imagine that any of my Drs were rushing to give me vitamin C. A recently published study conducted across Australia, New Zealand and Brazil found that vitamin C had no effect on the outcome of sepsis. I already made a more detailed post about this on the coronavirus thread.

I've already stated this, but if vitamin C or hydrogen peroxide was the solution to stopping the spread of Covid-19 then a plan involving either would have been implemented already. We have some of the most intelligent people in the world working around the clock on this looking for solutions, so it makes no sense to me. And yes, Big pharma does have considerable power and influence over modern medicine, but in no way could they hold back a global economy of around $85 trillion. They aren't that powerful.

It seems like you are suggesting that people in forums - who are discussing alternative treatments - know more than the combined intelligence of some of the most respected authorities on this matter. When President Trump discussed the use of disinfectants - in the body - to combat Covid-19, he was widely ridiculed for good reason.

I know you completely disagree and I'll respect that.
I've already stated this, but if vitamin C or hydrogen peroxide was the solution to stopping the spread of Covid-19 then a plan involving either would have been implemented already.
Agree, I like @Lane but he shouldn't be spreading this dangerous alt unproven "science"... Like he's inhaling hydrogen peroxide (dangerous substance) because he thinks in lower amounts it's ok...
Thank you for your kind words. You are a very kind person with a huge heart.

Made me sad to read your frustration and desire to leave the forum.

Just take a needed break.

The forum is a better place with you and I am sure you've helped a lot of people here embrace nutrition and holistic approaches to their tinnitus and auto immune issues and health and well being generally.

I always wish you and your loved ones well.

Don't be a stranger, just take a time out... please.

Daniel xxxx
Looks like H2O2 can in some instances be effective for pulsatile tinnitus as well... 5-min. video (a little boring)

Pulsatile Tinnitus. Hydrogen peroxide drops got rid of my pulsatile Tinnitus

Caru Gardens -- 2.6K views 1 year ago
Hydrogen Peroxide is a common ingredient in earwax drops such as Otex. I've used it many times in the past and it fizzles and pops in your ear as the wax breaks up. In her case, her pulsatile tinnitus was obviously wax related so it makes sense that it helped resolve the problem.

What I don't understand is why Otex tell you not to use their drops if you have tinnitus. Does anyone know the reason for this? I believe I asked this question on here 5 years ago. Audiologists generally hate the stuff, though, as they only ever seem to recommend olive oil and I was told not to use Otex (rightly or wrongly I have no idea).

If one's pulsatile tinnitus was caused by another issue such as turbulent blood flow, a tumour, fluid build-up behind the ear, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, etc, then hydrogen peroxide would be of no help. It entirely depends upon whether earwax is the cause or not.
On the internet, you can find people who will say just about anything, and even more people who will believe them.

"I found this on the internet, it must be true!"

While much is harmless, some - like advice to ingest a poison like hydrogen peroxide - is harmful.

Sad, how easy it is for harmful ideas to generate momentum by preying on people's suffering and desperation.
a poison like hydrogen peroxide - is harmful

@Jack V -- Your droning on about "poisonous" hydrogen peroxide never seems to take into account scientific facts that contradict your thesis that it's such a bad thing. -- The immune system naturally makes hydrogen peroxide all the time. There are high quanities of H2O2 in mother's milk, and even higher amounts in colostrum. Much, much more could be said, and my understanding is thousands of NDs use it all the time in their practice as a much safer alternative to drugs.

Obviously, it's not a remedy that's going to appeal to the vast majority of people who take their lead from drug oriented conventional medicine--which is "relatively" easy to understand. They've been led to believe dangerous drugs are a preferable route to go for a variety of health issues that can often be treated relatively easily by H2O2 (such as sinus infections). Anybody can do their own research. It puzzles me why most people choose not to bother, even when it could possibly be helpful for tinnitus.
@Jack V -- Your droning on about "poisonous" hydrogen peroxide never seems to take into account scientific facts that contradict your thesis that it's such a bad thing. -- The immune system naturally makes hydrogen peroxide all the time. There are high quanities of H2O2 in mother's milk, and even higher amounts in colostrum. Much, much more could be said, and my understanding is thousands of NDs use it all the time in their practice as a much safer alternative to drugs.

Obviously, it's not a remedy that's going to appeal to the vast majority of people who take their lead from drug oriented conventional medicine--which is "relatively" easy to understand. They've been led to believe dangerous drugs are a preferable route to go for a variety of health issues that can often be treated relatively easily by H2O2 (such as sinus infections). Anybody can do their own research. It puzzles me why most people choose not to bother, even when it could possibly be helpful for tinnitus.
I think like many people, I don't make a huge distinction between "drug oriented conventional medicine" as you put it, and "alternative medicine." I'm interested in anything and everything that shows promise from any source. But I try to evaluate each potential treatment on its merits, rather than accept or reject something simply because it originates in one world or the other.

Incidentally, I didn't know H2O2 is present in mother's milk - interesting! But from what I find, not in high quantities, not indefinitely, and not as justification to ingest later in life.

But here's the point my friend - there's this thing that seems to happen with alternative medicine in which a bit of truth gets distorted, misrepresented, and misused by any number of self-proclaimed experts who make unfounded recommendations based on junk science. And the internet is the perfect petri dish for that. I mean, look at the "testimonial" you posted the other day in support of a YouTube video, where it turns out both come from the same website, were likely made by the same person, and the "testimonial" appears to be someone clumsily pretending to be a nurse.

That H2O2 is initially present in mother's milk is interesting, but to go from there to hawking it as a panacea seems a bit of a stretch given that it also happens to be poison.
Order the book "Rapid Virus Recovery" by Dr. Thomas Levy.

I have a nebulizer and used it once for the flu. I was better in two days.

I never thought about it for tinnitus until about a month ago. I am 9 months in from sudden onset tinnitus after the J&J vaccine. I didn't nebulize but rather mixed it in an amber glass (I purchased them on Amazon) and administered it the way shown by Earth Clinic (which is the way Dr Bill Munro used for years.). Just Google "Dr. Bill Munro peroxide". I read of a front line COVID-19 nurse who has used this method since the beginning of the pandemic and still has never got COVID-19. Read Dr. Levy's book. It's NOT toxic when using the proper HP % or dilution.

My tinnitus has reduced drastically from what it was the first 45 days after the vaccine. However, using the HP in the amber bottle I mixed and inhaling per the Dr. Bill Munro method has taken my tinnitus down to almost indistinguishable on most days. I'm only pi$$ed that I didn't think about trying this at the onset.

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