D Phillips
sorry you are suffering so bad...you are not alone, just about everybody who has commented here has been thru or is currently going thru very tough times
this is my second bout with tinnitus...many years ago i got hit with this awful affliction and found nothing that helped except two things...diverting my attention doing other stuff...staying busy
and oh yes, something that involves some risk, taking a small dose of clonazepan, once a day ( .5mg)
i tapered of of the clonazepam after many months (less than a year)
after about 18 months i actually found that i had days where i only thought about and noticed tinnitus 4 or 5 times a day for a few minutes each time
and then , maybe a year after that i noticed one day that it had been a day or two since i "thought" about tinnitus...and i could hear it if i attended to it, listened to it, but if i shifted my attention then soon it faded from view
i guess this is called habituation...a good thing, like we get used to the hum of the refrigerator and dont hear it, or the endless nagging of our spouse and dont hear it ( ha ha ha just kidding)
i also noticed that long periods of exercise were really beneficial in lowering my perceived level of tinnitus
i know this is going to sound lame, but you will benefit from telling yourself over and over that this tinnitus thing is just a sound and cant hurt you UNLESS YOU LET IT...dont fight it...let it pass thru you unharmed imagining that it is a wind and you are spirit and it cant blow you away cause you let it pass right thru
it about changing your thinking and therefore the way you feel about T and not letting it harm you because you refrain from being a target for its impact
CBT...cognitive behavior therapy....go to tinnitus.org and read some of the education materials from dr jastreboff
dont give up hope, things will get better but it will take time
hang loose
mock turtle