Hi, first time I have wrote on a forum but I am finding this high pitch ringing so hard to cope with.I have had a lot of stress to deal with recently with a unwell parent and working and got a very bad cold flu 6weeks ago.Five days later the ringing started 24/7 high pitched and sometimes hissing or pulsing sounds in mainly one ear.I can't sleep well and very stressed with it.Christmas was not good with this constant ringing but I was off work so easier to cope.2 doctors appointments and given nothing only ENT appointment for in 6 weeks.I could not cope with work after Christmas and got a sickenote for 2 weeks but this is due to run out and the ringing is no better. I am in turmoil not knowing what to do I have had the ringing for 5 weeks now and I am still no better at coping or sleeping but should I go back to work into a noisy school environment.Will it make me better or worse and will I cope with the noise.I am getting myself into a state over the decision and the ringing is getting worse any advice appreciated.