Hello, all! I'm glad that this form exists. My tinnitus began out of the blue a couple of weeks prior to Thanksgiving, 2021.
I've never known myself to have any allergies until early last year. I was bringing up dense, spherical phlegm without coughing. My M.D. told me that my nares were very inflamed and prescribed a medication akin to Flonase. The only new possible allergin I was exposed to was a Ragdoll cat, Cece; a gift from my daughter. I explained my situation and gave her the cat; after about 3 weeks I was back to normal!
Again, I was prescribed Azelastine nasal spray (for possible Eustachian tube congestion/inflammation) when I reported my tinnitus. The audiology and ENT appointments were unremarkable (very good hearing) and masking background sounds were prescribed. I was losing sleep and the malady was 24/7. I resigned myself to wallow in self-pity with Vodka onboard for Thanksgiving, although I was invited to Thanksgiving dinner. But, interestingly, I realized that I had no ringing when I awoke! I was so relieved and elated, I wanted to give my special thanks at the dinner, after all.
Currently, I'm looking into any possible amelioration with hemp flower; tart cherry juice in the evenings, along with the nasal spray. I practiced general dentistry for 44 years and I thought that the high-pitched whine of the high-speed handpiece might have taken its toll, but I don't think so.
I don't use the background masking (White Noise app) so much now because I stay so busy doing chores, listening to music/podcasts; watching TV, that I don't dwell on that constant acoustic sensation, even at night. And, from time to time, it does disappear!
Lastly, I want to mention that I still want to pursue my musical and artistic endeavors, but tinnitus does make it a bit of a task.
Good luck to all and stay safe!
I've never known myself to have any allergies until early last year. I was bringing up dense, spherical phlegm without coughing. My M.D. told me that my nares were very inflamed and prescribed a medication akin to Flonase. The only new possible allergin I was exposed to was a Ragdoll cat, Cece; a gift from my daughter. I explained my situation and gave her the cat; after about 3 weeks I was back to normal!
Again, I was prescribed Azelastine nasal spray (for possible Eustachian tube congestion/inflammation) when I reported my tinnitus. The audiology and ENT appointments were unremarkable (very good hearing) and masking background sounds were prescribed. I was losing sleep and the malady was 24/7. I resigned myself to wallow in self-pity with Vodka onboard for Thanksgiving, although I was invited to Thanksgiving dinner. But, interestingly, I realized that I had no ringing when I awoke! I was so relieved and elated, I wanted to give my special thanks at the dinner, after all.
Currently, I'm looking into any possible amelioration with hemp flower; tart cherry juice in the evenings, along with the nasal spray. I practiced general dentistry for 44 years and I thought that the high-pitched whine of the high-speed handpiece might have taken its toll, but I don't think so.
I don't use the background masking (White Noise app) so much now because I stay so busy doing chores, listening to music/podcasts; watching TV, that I don't dwell on that constant acoustic sensation, even at night. And, from time to time, it does disappear!
Lastly, I want to mention that I still want to pursue my musical and artistic endeavors, but tinnitus does make it a bit of a task.
Good luck to all and stay safe!