Surfing around, looking for things to reduce wind noise while cycling and found this. I've had T since I was a kid, caused from shooting guns with no hearing protection. My dad was an avid hunter and the memories of being out with him are wonderful, but also painful because I remember the ringing after shooting. It eventually didn't go away. After awhile, it became "normal" and I thought everyone had ringing in their ears. This probably isn't an original story...
Anyway, I've been a competitive (amateur level) cyclist for quite a few years now (I'm 64 years old) and I've noticed the T getting somewhat worse with the incessant wind noise, hence the search. I ordered some Cat-Ears, we'll see.
My real interest in joining this forum is to try to keep abreast of the T research and new technologies. I'll be searching the posts and archives until I'm caught up. Nice to be here.
Anyway, I've been a competitive (amateur level) cyclist for quite a few years now (I'm 64 years old) and I've noticed the T getting somewhat worse with the incessant wind noise, hence the search. I ordered some Cat-Ears, we'll see.
My real interest in joining this forum is to try to keep abreast of the T research and new technologies. I'll be searching the posts and archives until I'm caught up. Nice to be here.