New Here, Looking for Support


Jul 9, 2015
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hello all.

About a week ago I went to a really loud rock gig that my friend was playing in. My first real loud show and obviously you know where this is going. I have had the ringing in my ears since (I honestly didn't even know ear plugs at concerts was really a thing, but I know now!) Anyways I went to my doc and she said "just give it a few weeks", as they say to me about almost everything, but I can't help but assume this is permanent. I know most you of have had this a lot longer than I and I am truly sorry to hear that. I do have the tiniest bit of hope that it will still subside (trying to avoid being too hopeful), but based on everything I have read I doubt it.

For the past two years I have had serious mental issues including depression and anxiety. But since the beginning of this I can't even comprehend how angry I am at myself for not protecting my ears at the concert (like not even plugging them with my fingers...) My anxiety and depression has noticeably worsened. I haven't felt normal for such a long time and now it feels like any hope of that happening is gone forever.

Now I'm sure that all of you have heard these sob stories about people like me being stupid and careless with our ears at music events, work etc, and worrying after such a short amount of time but I hope this message doesn't get under the skin of anyone. I need to find somewhere that I can express my emotions. I am only 20 years old, in university, and can't even imagine how I will ever be able to focus in school/work/life anymore. I'm SO scared. With all that said any help with ways to cope with T will be much appreciated. I've already tried white noise to help with sleep but that doesn't seem to help much.

Thank you for reading and hope to hear from you soon.
Hello all.

About a week ago I went to a really loud rock gig that my friend was playing in. My first real loud show and obviously you know where this is going. I have had the ringing in my ears since (I honestly didn't even know ear plugs at concerts was really a thing, but I know now!) Anyways I went to my doc and she said "just give it a few weeks", as they say to me about almost everything, but I can't help but assume this is permanent. I know most you of have had this a lot longer than I and I am truly sorry to hear that. I do have the tiniest bit of hope that it will still subside (trying to avoid being too hopeful), but based on everything I have read I doubt it.

For the past two years I have had serious mental issues including depression and anxiety. But since the beginning of this I can't even comprehend how angry I am at myself for not protecting my ears at the concert (like not even plugging them with my fingers...) My anxiety and depression has noticeably worsened. I haven't felt normal for such a long time and now it feels like any hope of that happening is gone forever.

Now I'm sure that all of you have heard these sob stories about people like me being stupid and careless with our ears at music events, work etc, and worrying after such a short amount of time but I hope this message doesn't get under the skin of anyone. I need to find somewhere that I can express my emotions. I am only 20 years old, in university, and can't even imagine how I will ever be able to focus in school/work/life anymore. I'm SO scared. With all that said any help with ways to cope with T will be much appreciated. I've already tried white noise to help with sleep but that doesn't seem to help much.

Thank you for reading and hope to hear from you soon.
I was in the same shoe as u first weeks are a mess but u will get better soon eventually
Update, I went to an audiologist today and they said my hearing is for the most part normal and that I do have a slight sensitivity to high pitched noises now. She said the tinnitus is almost certainly permanent, but I do have an appointment with a tinnitus specialist from the clinic for pre-tinnitus retraining therapy.
Update, I went to an audiologist today and they said my hearing is for the most part normal and that I do have a slight sensitivity to high pitched noises now. She said the tinnitus is almost certainly permanent, but I do have an appointment with a tinnitus specialist from the clinic for pre-tinnitus retraining therapy.
It could subside in months time , how can they be so sure I don't understand .......
Thank you for the reply, the way she explained it is that once a few days have past it more likely that the hairs(can't remember name) in your ear are most likely permanently damaged. Since this is noise induced the general consensus seems to be that it's less likely to subside.
And I have seen that link you posted but might have to read it more in depth when I get a chance.
Thank you for the reply, the way she explained it is that once a few days have past it more likely that the hairs(can't remember name) in your ear are most likely permanently damaged. Since this is noise induced the general consensus seems to be that it's less likely to subside.
And I have seen that link you posted but might have to read it more in depth when I get a chance.
That's true reGarding the hair cells in ear , but I'm talking about the tinnitus it self the sound is likely to significant reduce in volume or just be gone , but yes hearing loss will stay lost
I was under the impression that the tinnitus is because the brain is trying to fill the sounds that are not received from said hair cells because they are damaged/dead. Therefore the damaged cells in this case do affect the tinnitus. Correct me if I'm wrong but that was my understanding.
Majeed is right, the hearing loss is probably permanent, but the tinnitus signal might still reduce in volume before it becomes fixed in your brain, which some theories say happens around three months in. The best things you can do are try to reduce your stress as much as possible and not focus on the sound, as this will probably give you the best chance of the volume going down. Also try to be healthy.... eat well, get some exercise (oxygen in the blood), but don't overdo it so you are totally exhausted. This will probably help you sleep. Some people find melotonin helpful for sleep - there is a thread about it here somewhere if you can find it via search.

There is some evidence that supplementing zinc, magnesium, B12 might be helpful. Also, NAC is recommended - there is a thread on that. It might be too late to make a difference, but you never know.

You don't say whereabouts you are, but the thread about the AM101 clinical trial might be worth a look if you are in the UK. I'm not sure if they are still recruiting, but if they are then reports suggest there may be benefit in the early stages (the sooner the better I think).

Good luck. Don't panic. And don't feel responsible for what happened. If I had a pound (euro, dollar) for every loud gig I went to without any hearing protection before getting t I'd be a lot better off.
Im from canada so that isn't an option, but I'd like to read some articles based on the theory that it becomes fixed in the brain after 3 months if you could provide links
So I don't know much about this but I am trying to brainstorm some other therapies that could help me within the first few months. Anyone heard of Frequency Specific Microcurrent? It sounds like it can help with nerves so theoretically it could help with the nerves in the ear. I don't know, this is kind of a shot in the dark here, let me know what you think!
Hey Bertman, I wouldn't try searching for that hidden cure somewhere because there isn't one yet and we've all been down that road. Your best bet is to treat your mind, if you are depressed or anxious try to treat that and the tinnitus will be less intrusive believe me. Good luck sir, its a journey we have all been on and are here to help!
Welcome @Bertman from another Canadian. I am from Vancouver on the West Coast and right now we are hurting from bad smoke from wild fires. So much for one of the most livable cities of the world. LOL. Just curious if you have received any prescription of prednisone from your doctor/ENT as this is quite common treatment recommended by many TT members for new T patient. Don't panic. There are many things you can do to help yourself. I have ultra high pitch dog whistle T and severe hyperacusis a few years back. I was in a mess. But I am back to living a normal and enjoyable life. I have listed some points and approaches to get better in my success story post. If you have time do read it up and hopefully you will come away with a bright hope of recovery for the future.

As for being young and in college. Don't worry about this. In the years I read up on success stories, I have read so many people in young or college age doing well after initially suffering badly from T. Many made it and completed university. Zoe Cartwright is some one I mention on my success story with devastating loud but unmaskable T since young 15. This pretty young lady made it to university and even made a tinnitus film which I also talk about in my success story. Many young people get better & finish college. Some even went on to medical school or completing graduate studies. So don't worry about the future. Deal with the current situation. Get some masking to help reduce your anxiety. Here are some samples of young or college age people dong well and have written their success stories. Take good care of yourself and God bless your recovery.

College age AnneG success story:

College age Lena 'from Hell and back' success story:\

These are folks even younger than you and their success stories:
success story of 17 years old Zach:

success story of Jari with T since 12 years old:
Wow thanks a lot for all that. No my doc and the audiologist haven't prescribed anything, and from what I read that usually helps in the early stages, and if I were able to get into an ent it probably won't be for awhile since the referral process usually takes awhile. Thanks again

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