New Member, Long Time Sufferer


May 21, 2015
Tinnitus Since
Hello, I have persistent, bilateral tinnitus. The sides are not matching frequencies. The cause was likely a combination of heredity, multiple exposures to shooting guns, racing motorcycles, and having a truck backfire into the side of my head in a confined space. The frosting on the tinnitus cake was an ultrasonic deep cleaning of my teeth. It was horribly painful and my hearing never returned after the procedure. The tinnitus has damaged my hearing such that I cannot hear without hearing aids. Even with the hearing aids, I can still hear the tinnitus. I've lived with this since 1987 and I'm growing weary of these jet engines spooling up in my ears during every waking moment. I came here to find out if there's anything I can try to make it easier to live with.
Hi @Mongo and Welcome to TT

I am sorry to hear you have been suffering so long with T... Have you tried different strategies to reduce it through the years ?

Do you feel your T has stayed the same all this time or you had changes in sounds/intensity...

I can't say much I am afraid but I hope you will find some help on this site in dealing with it.. Plenty of useful info and tips and good people around here...

Best of luck and take care !!

Hi Lorenzo,

I have tried medications, vitamins, dietary modification, and "miracles" without success. The T is stable and has been since the dental procedure. When I experience noise exposure, the T increases in intensity, but recovers within a few hours to days.

Thanks for the response.
Hi @Mongo

Good to know that at least it hasn't worsened through the years... I must say that is one of my fears from time to time, even though I try to stay in the moment and not think about the future much..

Wish you the best and some more silent days ahead !!

Take care !!

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