New Member, Tinnitus Since July 2017


Aug 4, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Intermittent Tinnitus probably noise induced
Hi, this is my first posting here, sorry if it's very long. Due to noisy neighbors and outside sounds, I've used earplugs to sleep for years, which results in blockage by wax. In the past I either removed it with OTC products like Debrox, or let a doctor do it in the office. This past June 2017, my PCP said it looked pretty bad in my ear canals, so I bought some Debrox, hydrogen peroxide, and RhinoEar on Amazon, which is a type of ear syringe. I also bought a consumer otoscope, so that my wife could look in my ears. I may have overdone it with the ear washing, but everything I've read said that this is not dangerous and it's very rare for it to cause problems. I started hearing noise and kept washing, thinking that the wax was causing it, and made an appointment with my ENT. He said my ears looked fine, no blockage at all. They gave me a panel of hearing tests, and the results are attached, no serious problems, but at my age (64), and after working on the noisy floor of the Stock Exchange in NYC for several years, it's not perfect.

Now, I was very surprised to find out that my ears were clean, and didn't ask any more questions of the ENT doctor. The T got worse within a few days. I read that this is not uncommon, when the hearing improves after wax has been removed. Having read that ginko biloba helped some people, I bought a bottle of 60 mg tables, and started taking two a day on Aug. 7, which was ten days ago. After about eight days, I would wake up with with T, but in a few hours it started to subside and for several days by the evening it had subsided substantially to the point that my hearing felt normal, until I laid down for an hour or more. Two days ago I only took one 60 mg of the gingko, and the next day the T was far worse, so I'm back on two a day. Right now, there is noise, but not as bad as yesterday.

It was discouraging yesterday, when the high-frequency T came back, but since I've had good results from the Gingko earlier this week, I'm hoping this will provide relief, and eventually my ears will return to normal. Thank you for reading!

Ear Test Aug 1 2017 For Online.jpg
Welcome to the forum. Glad to hear ginkgo is helping you. I have not used ginkgo, but I have read that it does help some people's T. There are different grades for ginkgo. Apparently, one member highly credit his success story for using German pharmaceutical grade gingko as opposed to just normal grade. Check out this success story:
Welcome to the forum. Glad to hear ginkgo is helping you. I have not used ginkgo, but I have read that it does help some people's T. There are different grades for ginkgo. Apparently, one member highly credit his success story for using German pharmaceutical grade gingko as opposed to just normal grade. Check out this success story:
Yes, I am using Nature's Way GinkGold. It is made in Germany.Nature's Way is owned by, and/or, affiliated with Schwabe, and GinkGold is very similar to the Rx Gingko Baloba that is prescribed by doctors in Germany for tinnitus and other conditions.
I'm going to the dentist on Wed. for my annual teeth cleaning with a hygienist, and checkup with my DDS. I never paid much attention to it, but I do have slight pain and clicking in my jaw/face if I move my jaw certain ways, sometimes while eating. I've had numerous dental procedures in my life, including bridges and implants, but the TM J symptoms were very mild in comparison, so I never mentioned them. With the recent onset of tinnitus, I'm going to tell him about it, because I understand there is a chance it might something to do with the tinnitus.
Correction to the above post: My appointment with the dentist in two days will be the 2nd of my semi-annual routine visits, not an "annual" one. :)
I'm going to the dentist on Wed. for my annual teeth cleaning with a hygienist, and checkup with my DDS. I never paid much attention to it, but I do have slight pain and clicking in my jaw/face if I move my jaw certain ways, sometimes while eating. I've had numerous dental procedures in my life, including bridges and implants, but the TM J symptoms were very mild in comparison, so I never mentioned them. With the recent onset of tinnitus, I'm going to tell him about it, because I understand there is a chance it might something to do with the tinnitus.
Make sure they clean your teeth manually. Some people here got a permanent spike after ultrasonic dental cleaning.
Make sure they clean your teeth manually. Some people here got a permanent spike after ultrasonic dental cleaning.
Wow, and thanks for that info, the absolute last thing any of us need is more problems with tinnitus. I'm fairly certain that they do not use ultrasonic dental cleaning at my dentist, but to be on the safe side I will ask before they start.
Make sure they clean your teeth manually. Some people here got a permanent spike after ultrasonic dental cleaning.
Glad you mentioned that. The hygienist does use ultrasonic cleaning equipment, which I've probably had in the past, but I let her clean them manually this time. I spoke to the dentist about possible TMJ connection, and examined me for this. He didn't find anything, but advised me to use hot compresses on the side of my face several times a day, rinse with warm salt water, take an NSAID to reduce possible inflammation, and come back in two weeks, which is next Wed the 7th of Sept. I don't know if any of it has anything to do with the T, but the warm compress seems to relieve the symptoms a bit. I don't really want to compare before an after with that because for the past few days, I've started the Back To Silence method, for which there is a thread elsewhere on this site. It's too early for me to say whether it works, but it seems to help, I'm thinking differently, and I believe this method might just be a good start to calming down and reducing the symptoms over time.

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