New to the Site... Looking for Suggestions...


Aug 10, 2017
Tinnitus Since
April 2017
Cause of Tinnitus
Not known
Hi all. I'm Kelly. Hope you are all well. I'm looking for suggestions with my issues and how to get the doctors to listen!

I started with tinnitus in April, constant ringing mainly in one ear, less often in both. (Stressed me out so much at first)

Around about the same time I had a post nasal drip. Since then I've been to the doctors 4 times over the past 4-5 months due to tinnitus and sinus pressure and I've been told it's allergies, sinus infection and just plain old tinnitus yet I still have no referral to ENT, instead drs have given me nasal sprays, antibiotics twice with the advice that I should inhale steam. Nothing they have prescribed has touched my issues.

Where do I go from here. My whole side of my face is on fire, my neck hurts, my eyes hurt, it's hard to swallow, my ears ring and feel full of pressure, I have constant horrible post nasal drip, my ears pop and squelch every time I swallow, I can't attempt to even gently blow my nose as my ears pop straight away, all inside my nose is swollen shut on both sides and the head aches and fatigue!! yet the dr are dragging their feet. At least 4 months I've had this and I'm totally fed up of it now. Never suffered hey fever.

I'm at a loss as to what to do next and how to get a referal to ENT so they can investigate.
@Kekilou - start getting deeper into the investigation: check for infection, blood work, imaging (ct, mri). Dig out the dirt to find some clues.
Good luck
This seems more of a medical issue and tinnitus is only a symptom of something quite wrong. If you have been seeing 1 or 2 doctors, perhaps get more 2nd opinion from other doctors. You obviously have infection/inflammation that needs to be treated. Perhaps try the ER to see if they can do a more thorough check up.
Thank you both.
When it gets really bad, especially with the head pain, I'm always on the verge of going to ER but then I talk my self out as there people with life threatening emergencies that need seeing to, although It seems like the only thing that will get things moving! I've called my doctors again this morning and have an appointment, seeing the nurse practitioner. Hoping she can refere!

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