Hey guys ive been checking abunch of stories on here about different experiences with T. I dont know where my T came from but im guessing its from hearing loss due to a concert i went to on jan 23rd that was extremely loud, but after the concert i didnt notice anything in my ears they seemed the same as before but now its been almost a month or so after the concert and a high pitched ringing sound in my ears has beganwhen i look up differnt frequencies my T is a very high pitched kind of quiet ringing noise like an old tv or something like that. It has began to take effect on my mind (anxiety, fear, depression) but its not horrible as of now because ive been talking to people around me who have made me feeel very comfortable and they also reassure me that it is only temporary and it will subside and im doing my best to believe that it will go away also and ive also made a choice that if it dosnt go away that i will just have to acccept it and stop letting it cause problems, ive only had the T for a week or so now it started out as i just randomly noticed it told my girlfriend that i hear a high pitched noise in my ear and it wont stop and ever since then it just seems to be getting louder and more noticeable but i am convinced that its just me thinking about it too much and letting it bother me, ive went to a Dr (walk in clinic) they did nothing for me looked in my ears n throat said no infections or anything took a swab of my throat for testings and will get back to me, kind of a long post so ill shorten it now, the main reasons i can think i have T now is because (the loud concer, i had some sort of respitory infection where i couldnt smoke due to a intense burning feeling in my chest i didnt go the dr but i did quit smoking which i assumed was the reason for the pain and then the chest pain is almost gone then i got a sore throat almost like strept that lasted for 2 days but is gone now but the T is still there) its honestly mild like it dosnt overpower other sounds unless i really focus on it and listen for it which i have been doing alot of and its driving me crazy so i belive once i can stop thinking about it and keep my focus on other things that the T will settledown and most likely vanish thats my hopes
anyways if u read this whole thing and are suffering from T i hope you also find something to bring ur T down or completely stop ur T
much love guys stay hopefull