New to TT


May 18, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hey guys!
Just wanted to introduce myself after finally making a account here on TinnitusTalk. Been reading on the forums for quite a while.

34 year old CS & HR consultant from Sweden. I had tinnitus since 2013, so approx. little over 4 years now. First year was the hardest but i got in to contact with medical help rather quickly, with therapy was the main focus to allow myself to realize to live with the sounds and not try to rebel against it, just to sum it up.

Since around 1 year i've been holding presentations around tinnitus for newcomers in my county for the medical institutions here. So I'm glad to see so many helpful souls reaching out to each other when you need help or information.

I will try to be active on the forums, but have a quite full schedule but if you wonder anything just send me a message here or on email.

Take care guys!

@neo1 ,
That's fantastic and I'm sure you will be able help members on Tinnitus Talk whom are struggling.
Love glynis
Welcome to the forum, Fred. We love to have you contribute your experience and advice to the suffering members here. You are welcome to post here and browse the resources on TT. I am sure you will be of great help to those who are quite desperate for help. Welcome!
Hey guys!
Just wanted to introduce myself after finally making a account here on TinnitusTalk. Been reading on the forums for quite a while.

34 year old CS & HR consultant from Sweden. I had tinnitus since 2013, so approx. little over 4 years now. First year was the hardest but i got in to contact with medical help rather quickly, with therapy was the main focus to allow myself to realize to live with the sounds and not try to rebel against it, just to sum it up.

Since around 1 year i've been holding presentations around tinnitus for newcomers in my county for the medical institutions here. So I'm glad to see so many helpful souls reaching out to each other when you need help or information.

I will try to be active on the forums, but have a quite full schedule but if you wonder anything just send me a message here or on email.

Take care guys!


That's awesome! Spread the word about tinnitus and educate others . Keep up the good work :)
Thanks for posting Fred. I am new to this forum as well. Have had T since 2004. Did all the medical visits to doctors and after several years it habituated. Fast forward to March 2017 I have had a spike and I am back to were I was in 2004.
I have moved so I am far away from my support team and friends so I really do not know anyone here who has T.
I read these posts daily so I can remain positive and hope that this noise will lessen. There is so much information out
there and not too sure where to start. Some days are difficult due to lack of sleep. Today I am struggling and all I can hear is the noise in my ears. Must ignore this but having a hard time.
@Lillian I know with myself that my T goes in waves. Atm it's higher then usual and it's hard to relax but when its really hard i keep myself close to friends and family no matter if they no of my T or not.

And even if someone told you to ignore your T, don't then your brain will just amplify it. Accept it and use your enviroment for you, ,through masking. Tv, radio, chatter between ppl, fan etc. Reading forums like TT is also good way but i said in another post here, every T case is unique and shape your news input that fits you so you can live your way even with the infinite sounds in your head. Take one moment at a time all you can do in the end.

Take care and if you need to talk send me a message here and i'll try to reply asap.

Take care!

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