Once again a new breakthrough is coming... "The Susan Shore device."
Read the fine print on this one. It only works on those with early onset unilateral tinnitus and those with mild to no hearing loss and those that can modulate their tinnitus by a jaw movement or head movement etc. Wow!
20 years on this?! Anyone on this forum speak up if this is you. What a joke.
You're way out of line and out of your depth on this, sorry.
I have moderate to severe bilateral tinnitus and have since 1999, significant worsening in 2010; I take 2 medications to make it somewhat tolerable.
I was a test subject in one of these trials, I think the UMich device works, and you are
massively misunderstanding a crucial difference between "inclusion criteria for one of several devices" vs "number of people the device is likely to work for".
In Phase II (granted, there were only 20 of us), which included long-timers and hard-luck cases like me, a majority of people experienced some relief and the average was an objectively-measured reduction equal to rougly cutting the intensity of tinnitus in half (6-10 dB reduction; remember, decibels are logarithmic, so 30 dB is more or less half of 40 dB is more or less half of 50 dB, etc).
The tech works.
Exactly. And 14 million to develop. Somebody must have kept a little of that pocket change.
Haha do you have any idea how expensive it is to clear FDA hurdles and try out new technology in humans? Just for Phase II they had to have me evaluated by multiple physicians, plus ~20 visits to the lab attended by humans, plus the costs of partnership with a MI device manufacturer. "Pocket change" is exactly correct, the University of Michigan spent
$1.6 billion on research in 2020.
If anything I'd expect people here to be annoyed Shore's project isn't getting more of that money, not raging about graft. Grifters don't, generally, go into clinical research science, the hours and pay are miserable compared to what you'd get working as a contractor in a related industry.
Case in point, I just looked it up. Susan Shore has worked at the university of Michigan since 2005 and has a current salary of $169047.45 annually.
Amazon is throwing that much money at college graduates right now and they can't fill seats fast enough. Someone with Shore's background who wanted to just go consult for megacorps or be a concierge medical consultant for some billionaire with hearing issues would rake in 10x what you make busting your ass in academia for 20 years.