Greetings to everyone who has requested updates on the tinnitus clinical trial at the University of Michigan.
Given the high volume of inquiries that we receive and our desire to provide a timely and consistent response, we are sending this message to all whom have contacted us.
Clinical Trial Update
After publishing our first human pilot study in 2018, we commenced a second, larger clinical trial. Despite COVID-19 pandemic impacts, the study participants and our staff worked diligently so that the clinical trial could continue. Although our second human trial will conclude shortly, we cannot make those study results public until it is appropriate to do so.
Sharing Results from the Second Human Trial
We understand the desire to know results as soon as possible, but the release of clinical-trial results is constrained. First, as reputable scientists, we will publish the findings in a relevant journal after proper peer review. Second, regulatory agencies (e.g., FDA, NIH) are careful in their reviews of novel therapies, as they should be, so all of us must be patient.
We are dedicated to bringing this novel therapy to the millions of global sufferers of this terrible affliction. As such, we have established a private company (Auricle, Inc.) with the goal of obtaining regulatory clearance to commercialize the treatment.
Please understand that we cannot provide any additional information at this time, so we will not be responding to additional queries for results.
Our very best wishes,
Susan E. Shore, PhD, and The Shore Lab