New User — 100 Hz Buzz Sound in Ears


Sep 6, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hello Everyone,
I've signed up here, to first to make sure it's the tinnitus I have.
It's about a buzz noise in ears (head?) that started about 2 years ago.

It's a constant buzz sound, around 100Hz.
I got that for unknown reason, but the symptoms in my case are:
- dizzyness, lazyness, just like a depression,
- lack of ability to learn anything or concentrate more on my hobby (programming),
- cannot rest during night. I sleep 10 hours, but never wake up fresh and get tired very fast (after 2-3 hours), have to take a 2hrs nap after work
- cannot rest and go to sleep very late (3AM) because I think I'm exhausted at that time and this seems to solve my problems with falling asleep,
- since the last two weeks, I feel vibrations in my left part of the body, especially in legs and knees,
- I already visited doctors, did audiogram, blood tests and the only thing above the norm is a choresterol (260, when max is 190) and thyroid tests (TSH ?, very very little above norm).
- for the last two years, my pressure went up for no reason and sometimes it reaches 140/95 with a very high pulse ranging from 83-105. Before that, I had about 128/85/90
- I don't east fast-foods at all, eat vegetables, natural products (still non-gmo), don't drink alcohol at all, but smoke 20 cigarettes a day.

Well, I could write a lot more, but since this is a "Welcome" post, I'd also like to share with you how I live with that, or WHAT helps me, so I would gladly hear from you, whether it's a tinnitus or some other disease.

It's a constant masking sound from my laptop. I play some track with a constant frequency, ranging from 100-200 Hz. Not very loud, usually around 40dB. Then, I stop hearing that buzz noise completely, but right after moving my head, so that one ear is not in the "line" from speakers' sound, I immediatelly start hearing buzz noise, meaning that I have to "hear" that masking noise in both ears, not just one.
It's only a "workaround" for my problems, but with to know whether it's a tinnitus or some other factor (external?)

So, fellows. Is that tinnitus ?
If so, I'd be glad to hear any advices on how to start healing it. Okay, I know. Maybe "make is less oppresive" would fit better here.
Hi @boshjansen , Welcome.

I am not a doctor, but it sounds like tinnitus to me.

Remaining positive will help.

@Michael Leigh wrote the following, excellent post on negativity and tinnitus:

@billie48 wrote his success story demonstrating how positivity helped him habituate.

Both of the two posts above deal with how staring positive can help and provide other links and information that will help you learn to deal with tinnitus.

Hopefully the posts above will provide some information that will help.
Hi bosjansen, I have the same symptoms. I actually have a spectogram reading of 100 HZ.
Could it be whatever is giving the reading at 100 HZ causing the symptoms?

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