Dear Tinnitus Talk forum,
So glad I found you. The ENT has not helped at all, and I would welcome your voices of experience. I'll try to summarize; sorry for going on so long.
--Tinnitus since about 2012 but manageable, usually a low-medium roar and zinging or hissing sounds. History of ear infections as child and adult. (I'm 62.)
--October 16, 2020: awakened from a sound sleep to extreme 3-D room-spinning; violent vomiting for the next 6 hours (long after nothing was left). Could not walk or move, vertigo was that bad. Was so terrified; husband called 911 and I spent the night in the ER. CT scan there, blood tests, nothing. By 6am the morphine had calmed it and me down! Slept for a couple of days and was woozy and dizzy, but at least I could walk. ENT's advice was to wait and see, because he couldn't diagnose without knowing more. (no tests, I asked? No.)
--November 17th, 2020: SAME thing but no ER visit, since I knew what it was; the vomiting/bad vertigo only lasted 4 hours but the tinnitus was worse. ENT visit #2 showed I had lost hearing in left ear (my bad ear). Still no treatment; the advice was that if it happens again and you also experience hearing loss, come in for another test.
--January 24, 2021: Different thing: in the evening, increased tinnitus and a noticeable difference in what I can hear in the left (buzzy lower tones, metal-raspy sounding, and pitch is way off in that ear (a D sounds like a C or C sharp at best). So I went to sleep with emesis bags ready, and woke a couple of times, but it was just bad dizziness/nausea, not that insane three-dimensional-tumbleweed thing with violent vomiting. Managed not to throw up. (Hey, I'll take any victory at this point!)
Since then, three days ago. it's been loud, loud tinnitus on the left, normal tinnitus on the right. In the left ear, pitch is still off, raspy sounds still coming through that ear so that voices sound distorted on that side. ENT says he can schedule a hearing test on February 17th! Lovely. (I'm in north Florida and can get to Mayo Clinic in 4 hours; is that a good idea to try? This ENT is the only practice in town. Any recommendations about doctors to travel to, or if that is a good idea?)
Complications: I have lupus and hypothyroidism, both being well treated with medicines (Plaquenil and LDN for lupus, Liothyronine for thyroid). I asked the ENT if I could have some Prednisone, as I had heard it would help severe ear problems, but he said no. I do have a stash for lupus emergencies; should I try that?
I'm really at a loss. And scared. This has made it hard to work. I appreciate so much being able to tell this, and I hope to learn from your experiences what I should do. Thanks in advance.
So glad I found you. The ENT has not helped at all, and I would welcome your voices of experience. I'll try to summarize; sorry for going on so long.
--Tinnitus since about 2012 but manageable, usually a low-medium roar and zinging or hissing sounds. History of ear infections as child and adult. (I'm 62.)
--October 16, 2020: awakened from a sound sleep to extreme 3-D room-spinning; violent vomiting for the next 6 hours (long after nothing was left). Could not walk or move, vertigo was that bad. Was so terrified; husband called 911 and I spent the night in the ER. CT scan there, blood tests, nothing. By 6am the morphine had calmed it and me down! Slept for a couple of days and was woozy and dizzy, but at least I could walk. ENT's advice was to wait and see, because he couldn't diagnose without knowing more. (no tests, I asked? No.)
--November 17th, 2020: SAME thing but no ER visit, since I knew what it was; the vomiting/bad vertigo only lasted 4 hours but the tinnitus was worse. ENT visit #2 showed I had lost hearing in left ear (my bad ear). Still no treatment; the advice was that if it happens again and you also experience hearing loss, come in for another test.
--January 24, 2021: Different thing: in the evening, increased tinnitus and a noticeable difference in what I can hear in the left (buzzy lower tones, metal-raspy sounding, and pitch is way off in that ear (a D sounds like a C or C sharp at best). So I went to sleep with emesis bags ready, and woke a couple of times, but it was just bad dizziness/nausea, not that insane three-dimensional-tumbleweed thing with violent vomiting. Managed not to throw up. (Hey, I'll take any victory at this point!)
Since then, three days ago. it's been loud, loud tinnitus on the left, normal tinnitus on the right. In the left ear, pitch is still off, raspy sounds still coming through that ear so that voices sound distorted on that side. ENT says he can schedule a hearing test on February 17th! Lovely. (I'm in north Florida and can get to Mayo Clinic in 4 hours; is that a good idea to try? This ENT is the only practice in town. Any recommendations about doctors to travel to, or if that is a good idea?)
Complications: I have lupus and hypothyroidism, both being well treated with medicines (Plaquenil and LDN for lupus, Liothyronine for thyroid). I asked the ENT if I could have some Prednisone, as I had heard it would help severe ear problems, but he said no. I do have a stash for lupus emergencies; should I try that?
I'm really at a loss. And scared. This has made it hard to work. I appreciate so much being able to tell this, and I hope to learn from your experiences what I should do. Thanks in advance.