I can understand what you are going through. I would say my first 5 months were absolute hell.
But believe me it is really important not to panic and try to focus on other things in life, to distract yourself from it. My ENT told me that constant stress can have a really bad impact on kidneys. And I totally believe her, stress won't do anything good. Try to focus on other problems, help your loved ones, don't stop living. The more you concentrate on your ears, the more you listen to all those tones that are constantly changing, the harder you wait for it to go away the scarier it gets. In the beginning I also had some kind of a protest and thoughts like WHY ME? etc. But there's one psychological trick I did. I just excepted the situation and forgave myself for going to that really loud rehearsal. I was grateful for the fact that I didn't lost my hearing. And when I did all that, when I excepted all that the healing began. So give your ears a chance, protect them, take some supplements, try to sleep as much as you can, stay positive, do not concentrate much, eat healthy add some exercise, do not stop living. Read only success stories to have a positive mindset. It is really important. And remember that you are not alone. Right now I hear a strange sound of birds singing in a distance or may be some firecrackers in a distance. It's really weird.
Plus my ear is burning inside. But if I don't think about it constantly it gets better. It worked when I was 2 months it and it also works now (7 months in). I know it's hard not to focus on tinnitus especially if it is followed by hyperacusis with all sorts of pain but there will come a moment when you will be tired of being constantly sick and tired and scared. And after that that you will be slowly letting it go and giving your ears a chance.