2 Months
Well, it's been 2 months since I heard the noise. It feels like the last 2 months took 2 years to pass. I went from anxiety to depression and now flip back and forth but neither is as long as it was the first month. The intensity varies and I still shed a tear or freak out on occasion.
The Physical T
My T is still very much there and if I'm honest the intensity is the same as it was when I first noticed it. I hear it indoors in quiet rooms very loud so I always keep a noise machine to mask it. Outdoors it's probably masked 75% by the environment depending where I am. It depends how hard I look for it as well.
Since about 2 weeks ago minor changes have been happening to the sound of my T. A whooshing noise or static noise comes in for about 10-15 minutes at a time. This happens 1-3 times a day and the duration may be getting longer but it doesn't happen enough to say for sure. I've noticed my T gets louder before the static starts. I've also noticed the T moves from my right ear more to my left when the static starts. Once it starts it's usually equal in both ears. I have crickets in my right ear sometimes. When the static starts they become louder and can also jump to the left ear.
I feel that while the volume of the T has remained the same the intensity has decreased. I don't know how to say that right but it's 'weaker' and not so 'piercing'. Perhaps that's just me getting used to it. Don't get me wrong, if the room is quiet it's pretty darn strong and perhaps I'm getting used to it when there is some form of background noise.
I still have H but I feel like it's lessened it's grip a bit. Traffic going by my house doesn't seem as loud and I've started listening to music on the computer and it doesn't sound as distorted either. I'm listening to my computer at levels that are easily 1/3 of what I used to. Perhaps that's a good sign I've still got some hearing left.
I get ear drum flutters every few days and my ears feel full sometimes but not like the first month. I also notice more fleeting T than I used to though I didn't think about it before. There was one night last week where I had fleeting T in the same ear twice in a row for about 10 seconds. That was odd and reminded me that my ears aren't right.
I don't get the papery feel in my ears as often either and if I do it's not as strong and only last a few hours to half a day.
I've noticed my ears are producing no or very little ear wax. I saw a post somewhere on the forum that alluded to this and I've noticed it since the first week. I'm curious if I'll get ear wax again when things in my ear start to calm down.
I haven't figured the noise part of T and doubt I will. I'm taking it as a good sign that the noise is changing to a hiss/static but only time will tell.
The Mental T
I got back to work part time three weeks ago. I'm self employed so I stopped looking for new work and hope to take care of my existing customers and not lose them. The thought of working a long day or pushing hard is not of interest to me yet. I'm very happy to get out and do something and get my mind off T.
I was concerned about noise on the job and noise from equipment I use. I've been wearing ear muffs when I drive my truck and I haven't used a piece of power equipment. I just use a broom and rake instead of a backpack blower or weed wacker.
It's funny what your mind can do. When I thought of going back to work I imagined wearing a masking device around my neck with static playing and listening to this blaring T and being totally freaked out like the first month. So far it's been nothing like that.
I drive to work with my ear muffs on, park the truck and get to work. If they have dogs I keep the muffs on my head, not covering my ears, in case the dogs get barky. I get to work and pretty much forget to notice the T and be depressed about it. It's more of me focusing on the T that's causing trouble than the T actually causing trouble.
I talked to a customer this week for about 15 minutes and forgot to focus on my T. That was my best stretch yet.
I have two sound oasis S650 machines in rooms I'm in a lot set to rain and the S5000 by my bed. This machines saved me when I was in the first month. If you suffer from T get either of the machines as quickly as you can. You will be able to regain your sanity for moments. Thank you
@Michael Leigh for the suggestion.
I feel like I need less masking to (almost) cover my T than I did in the first month. If there's some other noise my mind seems to focus on that more but not completely. It really depends on the day and what phase my T is in. I have had times when I get upset and crank the masking over the T for 1/2 hr or so which I'm sure is bad but emotions take control.
I have three different rain videos qued on my browser so when I'm at my computer I have rain or pandora to listen to. Right now I have a small fan/heater going and an aquarium and that's enough to cover most of the T. I hear it but it isn't getting to me right now. My office where my computer is is the best room in the house. I think the aquarium and traffic noise really make a difference. If the fan/heater is on I don't need an audio track on my computer most of the time.
That's where I am right now. I hope very much that my T fades but sometimes I wonder if that's all in my mind. I know this may be part of me for the rest of my life and admit there are a lot worse things but I still don't want to think about that. I hope for a decrease.
While this post may sound like I've got it all under control I assure you I don't. I'm still living day by day and just happy to be able to do what I enjoy and find pleasure in it. A month ago that seemed impossible. I haven't done any group social activity, I haven't taken my wife to dinner, I've avoided group situations besides the store or going to a local deli for lunch.
I'm hoping to wean myself off of TT but it's hard.
I keep searching for success stories, which I save, and people that have a positive mindset I want to emulate. I also want to give a hug to people that need one when they first get here or say something positive like so many did when I first came here. The first post of this thread was a low point of my life and I owe so much to those of you that stepped up and gave me some hope and understanding.
That's all I've got for now.