Noise-Induced Tinnitus — Positive Success Stories

Had a really good morning. Worked outside in showers (which could have been masking) but I swear my T was quieter than usual. It's been changing to a different sound over the course of the last week. I think this morning it changed to the new sound for the longest period.

Tonight is kinda weird. T's back up to the normal level but my quiet and noisy ears have switched. My eardrum or TTTS muscle has been fluttering the last 10 minutes or so on my left seemingly out of the blue. I haven't had that in a week or two.

I know it will change by the day, hour and minute and paying mind to what it's doing is only reinforcing it but it's where I am right now.

I've been much more active the last 2 weeks than since I got T and it's made a huge difference in my outlook and mood for the better. This is another one of those things that is easier said than done.
Had a good day working in the yard. It's finally 60 degrees, great weather for being outside. 123 motorcycles drove by and 16 Honda's and Toyota's with a rear spoiler and hole in the muffler (I'm kidding but probably close to the right numbers). I didn't wear ear muffs except when I was going to be within 50 feet of the road for a while. I want exposure to noise but I don't want to push it. I covered my ears for harleys and pickups with oversized exhausts no matter where I was.

My T was quieter this morning but by mid afternoon back to the usual level.

I've been so down for the last couple months I forgot what feeling up was like. Tonight around 7:00 I went for a 2.5 mile jog and I made it the whole way without walking. I had energy to push through. This was my second jog twice since I got T. My time wasn't that bad and I wasn't pushing it.

The jog kicked up the level of the T or it's about to change to a different tone, it usually gets louder before a change in tone.

Days like today are wonderful and I look forward to many more now that warmer weather is here.
Good to hear your getting some relief in the morning. Its the same for me, was about a month after before it started for me and was the glimmer of hope i needed. Many people say that morning is best and the amount of lower volume keeps lengthening as time goes on which seems to be true also. Iv had 3 good days with the T, usually now ill have a bad day somewhere in between to make me question everything, but we shall see, I'm still convinced its getting better slowly though. I think i had some mild T which genuinely was not a problem before this, so I'm aiming for something near to that which on good days its very close now. Im training myself to accept what i hear is silence even though its not if you know what i mean, i believe if the T is mild enough its certainly doable. Wish i could go running but at moment iv got a knee injury, really sucks especially now the weather is getting good. Been a few months off and it still just comes back, so iv to do stretches or something to loosen up the tendon. It never rains but it pours.
@john paul The glimmer is exactly it though I don't know where I'll end up. I haven't noticed a trend with morning but often Sunday mornings are good for me. I don't know if that proves that T is all in our mind or not.

You and many others on the site have taught me that it's not going to slowly fade if it does. It fades, then comes back, then fades etc. Any movement in the right direction is ok by me.

I jogged last night and now the soreness is setting in. It could be worse but I feel the jog for sure. Hope your knee feels better soon.
Yeah got to focus on the long term, judge progress on a monthly basis if anything. I started running a few years ago, i love it sooo much now i feel so much better after a run and a bath its become a real passion its very addictive. Iv a feeling I'm going to have to switch to something else for a while or ill go crazy.
2 Months

Well, it's been 2 months since I heard the noise. It feels like the last 2 months took 2 years to pass. I went from anxiety to depression and now flip back and forth but neither is as long as it was the first month. The intensity varies and I still shed a tear or freak out on occasion.

The Physical T

My T is still very much there and if I'm honest the intensity is the same as it was when I first noticed it. I hear it indoors in quiet rooms very loud so I always keep a noise machine to mask it. Outdoors it's probably masked 75% by the environment depending where I am. It depends how hard I look for it as well.

Since about 2 weeks ago minor changes have been happening to the sound of my T. A whooshing noise or static noise comes in for about 10-15 minutes at a time. This happens 1-3 times a day and the duration may be getting longer but it doesn't happen enough to say for sure. I've noticed my T gets louder before the static starts. I've also noticed the T moves from my right ear more to my left when the static starts. Once it starts it's usually equal in both ears. I have crickets in my right ear sometimes. When the static starts they become louder and can also jump to the left ear.

I feel that while the volume of the T has remained the same the intensity has decreased. I don't know how to say that right but it's 'weaker' and not so 'piercing'. Perhaps that's just me getting used to it. Don't get me wrong, if the room is quiet it's pretty darn strong and perhaps I'm getting used to it when there is some form of background noise.

I still have H but I feel like it's lessened it's grip a bit. Traffic going by my house doesn't seem as loud and I've started listening to music on the computer and it doesn't sound as distorted either. I'm listening to my computer at levels that are easily 1/3 of what I used to. Perhaps that's a good sign I've still got some hearing left.

I get ear drum flutters every few days and my ears feel full sometimes but not like the first month. I also notice more fleeting T than I used to though I didn't think about it before. There was one night last week where I had fleeting T in the same ear twice in a row for about 10 seconds. That was odd and reminded me that my ears aren't right.

I don't get the papery feel in my ears as often either and if I do it's not as strong and only last a few hours to half a day.

I've noticed my ears are producing no or very little ear wax. I saw a post somewhere on the forum that alluded to this and I've noticed it since the first week. I'm curious if I'll get ear wax again when things in my ear start to calm down.

I haven't figured the noise part of T and doubt I will. I'm taking it as a good sign that the noise is changing to a hiss/static but only time will tell.

The Mental T

I got back to work part time three weeks ago. I'm self employed so I stopped looking for new work and hope to take care of my existing customers and not lose them. The thought of working a long day or pushing hard is not of interest to me yet. I'm very happy to get out and do something and get my mind off T.

I was concerned about noise on the job and noise from equipment I use. I've been wearing ear muffs when I drive my truck and I haven't used a piece of power equipment. I just use a broom and rake instead of a backpack blower or weed wacker.

It's funny what your mind can do. When I thought of going back to work I imagined wearing a masking device around my neck with static playing and listening to this blaring T and being totally freaked out like the first month. So far it's been nothing like that.

I drive to work with my ear muffs on, park the truck and get to work. If they have dogs I keep the muffs on my head, not covering my ears, in case the dogs get barky. I get to work and pretty much forget to notice the T and be depressed about it. It's more of me focusing on the T that's causing trouble than the T actually causing trouble.

I talked to a customer this week for about 15 minutes and forgot to focus on my T. That was my best stretch yet.

I have two sound oasis S650 machines in rooms I'm in a lot set to rain and the S5000 by my bed. This machines saved me when I was in the first month. If you suffer from T get either of the machines as quickly as you can. You will be able to regain your sanity for moments. Thank you @Michael Leigh for the suggestion.

I feel like I need less masking to (almost) cover my T than I did in the first month. If there's some other noise my mind seems to focus on that more but not completely. It really depends on the day and what phase my T is in. I have had times when I get upset and crank the masking over the T for 1/2 hr or so which I'm sure is bad but emotions take control.

I have three different rain videos qued on my browser so when I'm at my computer I have rain or pandora to listen to. Right now I have a small fan/heater going and an aquarium and that's enough to cover most of the T. I hear it but it isn't getting to me right now. My office where my computer is is the best room in the house. I think the aquarium and traffic noise really make a difference. If the fan/heater is on I don't need an audio track on my computer most of the time.

That's where I am right now. I hope very much that my T fades but sometimes I wonder if that's all in my mind. I know this may be part of me for the rest of my life and admit there are a lot worse things but I still don't want to think about that. I hope for a decrease.

While this post may sound like I've got it all under control I assure you I don't. I'm still living day by day and just happy to be able to do what I enjoy and find pleasure in it. A month ago that seemed impossible. I haven't done any group social activity, I haven't taken my wife to dinner, I've avoided group situations besides the store or going to a local deli for lunch.

I'm hoping to wean myself off of TT but it's hard.

I keep searching for success stories, which I save, and people that have a positive mindset I want to emulate. I also want to give a hug to people that need one when they first get here or say something positive like so many did when I first came here. The first post of this thread was a low point of my life and I owe so much to those of you that stepped up and gave me some hope and understanding.

That's all I've got for now.
Thank you @Michael Leigh for the suggestion.

Thank you @New Guy for your kind comments.

As you know you are in the early stages of tinnitus and I believe making good progress. Going back to work is testament to this because noise trauma to the auditory system can be quite traumatic and difficult to cope with especially when coupled with hyperacusis. Please acknowledge these positives and try not to look for too much too soon or expect too much of yourself which can often be trying in the early months. Things will get easier as you progress through the habituation process. Just give it time.

I understand you wanting to visit Tinnitus Talk and read success stories and finding camaraderie with likeminded positive thinking people. This is undoubtedly the right thing for you to do, as it's having a beneficial effect on many fronts and something I encourage you to continue with. As you have noticed, tinnitus fluctuates and again you're doing the right thing by taking one day at a time. There may be days that you don't feel your best or think you're backtracking on progress. Please try not to be too disheartened by this for it's all part of learning to cope with the ups and downs of tinnitus and the way it can affect a person. For this reason an antidepressant can be helpful for some people, as it acts as a safety net and prevents them becoming too down. These episodes will pass I assure you.

Please keep a wide berth from negative thinking people and reading too many negative posts. By this I mean, people that are looking for someone to blame for the circumstances they are in. The medical profession or their government for not doing enough for the treatment of tinnitus, which I do not believe is the case. Some of these people want a complete cure and anything less will not do. There some good people here that are positive and forward thinking: Newbies, veterans and those seasoned to this condition. Please listen to their words. You will know when it's the right time for you to leave Tinnitus Talk if that's what you want. For now embrace it and take all the goodness that it has to offer.

I wish you well.
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@New Guy

I agree with @Michael Leigh , coming here is good. It helps me tremendously. I visit the positive threads and do my best to avoid the negativity. Negativity doesn't help me one little bit, why would it? If this is my lot in life then I will adjust my sails.

Thanks for the update, our stories have some similarities, other than my T is not caused by acoustic trauma. Our journey is far from over, this is true, but we will survive it and, dare I say, even begin to enjoy every day.
@New Guy

I agree with @Michael Leigh , coming here is good. It helps me tremendously. I visit the positive threads and do my best to avoid the negativity. Negativity doesn't help me one little bit, why would it? If this is my lot in life then I will adjust my sails.

Thanks for the update, our stories have some similarities, other than my T is not caused by acoustic trauma. Our journey is far from over, this is true, but we will survive it and, dare I say, even begin to enjoy every day.

Hi @emmalee

I just want to say that you have the right attitude towards tinnitus, and I have no doubt that you will habituate; move on and enjoy life to the full, doing everything that you want to in time.
Please keep your positive vibes flowing for it is the way forward.

Take care and I wish you the very best.
Hi @emmalee

I just want to say that you have the right attitude towards tinnitus, and I have no doubt that you will habituate; move on and enjoy life to the full, doing everything that you want to in time.
Please keep your positive vibes flowing for it is the way forward.

Take care and I wish you the very best.
@Michael Leigh

Thank-you Michael, your threads have helped me more than you will ever know.

@emmalee & @Michael Leigh

I think TT is a wonderful place. I worry I'll get caught in a cycle of visiting here and not moving forward. Visits to TT have gotten me through many days. I've used the block feature for constant negativity more than once.

Perhaps I have to visit in the right mindset. Not to dwell on T but share experiences, learn from others and vent once in a while if needed.
2 Months

Well, it's been 2 months since I heard the noise. It feels like the last 2 months took 2 years to pass. I went from anxiety to depression and now flip back and forth but neither is as long as it was the first month. The intensity varies and I still shed a tear or freak out on occasion.
I remember how time seemed to slow down for myself as well. It's awful at the beginning. I'm dealing with intensity now and trying to distract myself.

My T is still very much there and if I'm honest the intensity is the same as it was when I first noticed it. I hear it indoors in quiet rooms very loud so I always keep a noise machine to mask it. Outdoors it's probably masked 75% by the environment depending where I am. It depends how hard I look for it as well.
I think looking for it is the hardest part to overcome. I had stopped doing this when I felt habituated. Now I find myself constantly tuning to it and I can tell emotionally it's setting me off. So I'm trying to avoid being in quiet spaces. I think you having those noise machines are a great idea. I'll try to keep my TV on and start listening to my nature sounds on Amazon Prime or Spotify again. Don't listen to enough music.

I feel that while the volume of the T has remained the same the intensity has decreased. I don't know how to say that right but it's 'weaker' and not so 'piercing'. Perhaps that's just me getting used to it. Don't get me wrong, if the room is quiet it's pretty darn strong and perhaps I'm getting used to it when there is some form of background noise.
I'm hoping mine drops and this is just a temporary spike. I've dealt with those before but this one is 'piercing' unlike the others. I think you are habituating a bit as you get back to your normal self and routines. That's a good thing. I have to remember to just keep going and kind of put this in the rear view mirror.

I still have H but I feel like it's lessened it's grip a bit. Traffic going by my house doesn't seem as loud and I've started listening to music on the computer and it doesn't sound as distorted either. I'm listening to my computer at levels that are easily 1/3 of what I used to. Perhaps that's a good sign I've still got some hearing left.

I get ear drum flutters every few days and my ears feel full sometimes but not like the first month. I also notice more fleeting T than I used to though I didn't think about it before. There was one night last week where I had fleeting T in the same ear twice in a row for about 10 seconds. That was odd and reminded me that my ears aren't right.
I had H from the very beginning. The ear fullness and the reactive T were horrible. I think I told myself I'd rather have a bit more sound than deal with the pain from H. The reactivity was to many sounds, including electrical ones like my fridge, car radio, and Lectrofan. Thankfully, this all eventually subsided. During my current spike I'm feeling some fullness so hopefully as that subsides, so will the intensity as you call it. I also have gotten the fluttering which I believe is the ear drum spasming. I don't get it all the time, just sometimes when I'm positioned a certain way. There is a bit of somatic reaction with mine. I also can move my jaw and 'hear' it a bit louder.

I drive to work with my ear muffs on, park the truck and get to work. If they have dogs I keep the muffs on my head, not covering my ears, in case the dogs get barky. I get to work and pretty much forget to notice the T and be depressed about it. It's more of me focusing on the T that's causing trouble than the T actually causing trouble.
I am also doing the same with driving w/the muffs. I have a tendency to not wear them when I'm not on the highway and I like the ambient noise to go over the T. But maybe I shouldn't do this while I'm healing up. I agree that it's the 'distress' from the T that's actually bothering you more than the T itself.

I have two sound oasis S650 machines in rooms I'm in a lot set to rain and the S5000 by my bed. This machines saved me when I was in the first month. If you suffer from T get either of the machines as quickly as you can. You will be able to regain your sanity for moments. Thank you @Michael Leigh for the suggestion.
Gonna look into those Oasis machines. I have a small Lectrofan I got on Amazon. Really good investment. Do the Oasis machines produce pink noise? It's not static...more like up and down the bandwidths.

That's where I am right now. I hope very much that my T fades but sometimes I wonder if that's all in my mind. I know this may be part of me for the rest of my life and admit there are a lot worse things but I still don't want to think about that. I hope for a decrease.
I'm pulling and rooting for you. I think you have turned the corner. I feel like our T and reaction is similar. Unfortunately dealing with anxiety and depression does make things worse for us!
I met with Dr. Hubbard once and made some friends on here who are wonderful. Thinking back, the best advise they gave was that you should be cautious and safe, you can't stop living your life so do things that keep you busy and happy, and there will always be setbacks on the road to habituation. Be well!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my post.

I wish you weren't going through a spike. I haven't had one and pray I never do.

I haven't listened to a car radio since the second week or so. The distortion because of my h was freaking me out BIG time. I thought my hearing was going to be like that forever.

I can move my jaw and change it too. I notice when I yawn both ears get noticeably louder.

I wear the muffs because my work truck and my personal truck are diesels and louder than most cars. If I'm driving my wife's Honda I don't need the muffs. I love the power of a diesel pickup but wish I had a gasser the last couple months.

I'm not sure if they have a pink noise for the oasis machines. The list all the sounds they have on their website. The first one I got had a sound card for people with T. It was an s650 and had two sound cards. One of the cards had white noise at 6k which is the exact frequency of my T. I used it a couple times but I prefer listening to a stream. The sound oasis machines aren't cheap compared to a smart phone or youtube video but they're handy. Once you choose the sound all you have to do is hit one button to start it. The s5000 is definitely not cheap but the sound is really nice at the bedside. I have no trouble falling asleep when I go to bed if I'm already tired.

Thanks for rooting for me. I'll root for you too. I think the anxiety and depression are just as bad as the T.

Can I ask how you got your T? I've seen your description but I don't quite understand.
The last couple times I've gone to the supermarket I haven't felt like the scanner beep has a personal vendetta against me. I'm trying to figure out if one of the beepers is louder than the others or my h is starting to improve.
The last couple times I've gone to the supermarket I haven't felt like the scanner beep has a personal vendetta against me. I'm trying to figure out if one of the beepers is louder than the others or my h is starting to improve.
Getting better...I remember early when I felt good and that beep aggravated the hell out of me! Ugh! It was cuz of the H that it annoyed me. When your ears feel full from time to time I think it's some H you are experiencing...over time it's not as bad but sometimes some noises can feel like nails on a chalk board.
I haven't listened to a car radio since the second week or so. The distortion because of my h was freaking me out BIG time. I thought my hearing was going to be like that forever.

I can move my jaw and change it too. I notice when I yawn both ears get noticeably louder.
I know the feeling re: car radio...I think I went a couple weeks like that. I also felt that people's voices were distorted with different sounds. And yes, you think it will be like that forever. Since we suffer from anxiety and depression it's easy for our thoughts to go there instead of just taking life as it comes.

When you yawn, it gets louder. I believe it's the Eustachian tubes expanding. Don't worry it's normal.

I'm not sure if they have a pink noise for the oasis machines. The list all the sounds they have on their website. The first one I got had a sound card for people with T. It was an s650 and had two sound cards. One of the cards had white noise at 6k which is the exact frequency of my T. I used it a couple times but I prefer listening to a stream. The sound oasis machines aren't cheap compared to a smart phone or youtube video but they're handy. Once you choose the sound all you have to do is hit one button to start it. The s5000 is definitely not cheap but the sound is really nice at the bedside. I have no trouble falling asleep when I go to bed if I'm already tired.
Do they have these on Amazon? Or do you have to get them on their website exclusively?

Thanks for rooting for me. I'll root for you too. I think the anxiety and depression are just as bad as the T.

Can I ask how you got your T? I've seen your description but I don't quite understand.
I don't know how you deal w/your anxiety and depression, but I had to get on sertraline/zoloft. I take 150mg and I had a fear my T or H would get worse while taking it. I don't think it made much of a difference. It helped me cope when I got T. I already was dealing with a chronic pain issue prior to onset of T. Luckily the pain situation has subsided and I'm able to manage health issues better and got back into the gym. I recommend listening to mindfulness CDs and/or reading/listening to John Kabat Zinn's Full Catastrophe Living. Mindfulness helped me understand how my thoughts affect my perception of reality and how to try see emotions as just thoughts. Takes a lot of practice though.

So how did I get T? I had fleeting T where it was coming and going once/day. Decided to go to the ENT. They performed the Tympanometry and audio tests. I noticed my ears hurt towards the end of each of the tests. I winced in pain. But thought nothing of it. Hearing was almost perfect. Had a slight loss of high level in just my left ear but the Dr wasn't concerned. Later that night I heard the hissing and thought a TV was on. I panicked all night, couldn't sleep. I worked from home for like a month. Finally the zoloft kicked in a bit, I habituated some, and I started getting on with life. I think I'm going through an adjustment now w/this change. Just need to keep busy.

Were you getting your hearing tested because of the fleeting t? It amazes me that you got t from a hearing test and Bill Baur got t from brushing his teeth. That's unbelievable and scary.

Is your T hissing all the time? Mine is the classic EEEE up until 3 weeks ago when it started becoming a hissing or static sound for 10-15 minutes at a time.

I sometimes get worried because my noise exposure was so much more than a lot of people on the site (I did have hearing protection. I pray that is going to help/save me.)

I've been using headphones in my truck so I don't notice the distortion anymore. I've listened to the radio very softly in my wife's Honda and it sounds ok. I keep the radio so low I usually turn it off anyway. I'm so nervous. If I listen to the TV in the house, again very low, it sounds fine.

I'm blessed with anxiety and depression. I've never taken meds for it more than a week or two. I took a med for one of those and it made me so numb I didn't want to continue the dose. I swear if I get too down I will take meds. I don't want to rely on them and I don't want to feel that numb again.

I've been trying to do things I love since about a month ago. It was too hard before then. How can I do what I love when your ears are hyper sensitive and screaming and I'm as depressed and anxious as I've been in my life. I started doing something I enjoy for 15 minutes to a half hour and built up from there. Even then I didn't really enjoy it and it saddened me but it was better than wallowing in self pity all day.

I've got a little fullness this afternoon. I drove my truck with earmuffs for a few hours and walked through a forest. There was a leaf blower for a minute when I was near the parking lot. Perhaps that's what got me. I plugged with my fingers but removed them to open the door.

I keep reminding myself it's an up and down thing. Just because my ears haven't been full in a week or two doesn't mean it won't happen again. Just because the grocery store beepers are less irritating I shouldn't take 2 carts through the checkout. I've been cheating at the grocery store anyway, I either bag or stand a few feet away loading the belt slowly for a little more distance from the beeper.

Below are links to the sound oasis machines I bought.

This is the S650 with Tinnitus Sounds:

This is the S650 without Tinnitus Sounds:

This is the S5000
@Mystery Reader

I've got a little fullness right now. I drove my diesel truck with ear muffs for a few hours and walked through a park with plenty of loud birds. There was a leaf blower going when I got to the parking lot. I plugged my ears but I couldn't have been near it more than a minute or two. I guess that's a lesson that you never know what to expect.

I feel like things are very slowly getting better. I've got some static/hissing since about 3 weeks ago and it's lasting longer and longer. It started for minutes at a time and now can last an hour or two. I don't know if static/hissing is normal or part of the healing process. I'm hoping it's part of the healing process.

Only time will tell. I'm doing my best to focus on the positive.

Were you getting your hearing tested because of the fleeting t? It amazes me that you got t from a hearing test and Bill Baur got t from brushing his teeth. That's unbelievable and scary.

Is your T hissing all the time? Mine is the classic EEEE up until 3 weeks ago when it started becoming a hissing or static sound for 10-15 minutes at a time.
Yes. I got it tested because of that So knows if I would have gotten T anyway without the test. Might have been headed toward it. I was pretty stressed out at that time.

Mine was a low hiss/static that was barely audible. Now it's the classic EEEE. I hear it louder when plugs or muffs are on or in a quiet room. It's weird because it's almost like you feel it. I don't know if it's because of how high the pitch is or we're just hypersensitive?
Anyway I'm trying to use the same techniques from initial onset. Keep telling myself it's a spike and can go away or I'll eventually habituate Not that bad in grand scheme of things to worry about in life
I have talked to so many people I know that have it, dealt with it and just live their life. My 2 uncles, my cousin, my cleaning lady and her 12 year old daughter. Even my brother in law and I just found out about it after 4 years of knowing him! If they can do it so can we!
Plugs or muffs are hard. I'm getting better at it but it used to make it almost unbearable.

I haven't met anyone with t yet. I haven't spoken with many besides here. I'm afraid if I start talking about it I'll get emotional or not be able to stop talking about it because I need someone to listen to me.

I want a time machine to go a year or two into the future and see where we are. I'm confident it will be better than where we are now no matter what.

I was stressed out too when I got t.
@Mystery Reader

I've got a little fullness right now. I drove my diesel truck with ear muffs for a few hours and walked through a park with plenty of loud birds. There was a leaf blower going when I got to the parking lot. I plugged my ears but I couldn't have been near it more than a minute or two. I guess that's a lesson that you never know what to expect.

I feel like things are very slowly getting better. I've got some static/hissing since about 3 weeks ago and it's lasting longer and longer. It started for minutes at a time and now can last an hour or two. I don't know if static/hissing is normal or part of the healing process. I'm hoping it's part of the healing process.

Only time will tell. I'm doing my best to focus on the positive.

@New Guy
I'm glad you feel like things are headed in the right direction. You're right, of course -- time will tell -- but I do think, just from reading your posts, that you've got the right attitude toward it. I had to nod my head in agreement when you said, "I guess that's a lesson that you never know what to expect," regarding the leaf blower, because I had just put up a post in the General Chat (I think that's what it's called) regarding 'Timing' and the sudden awareness we all have of unexpected noises around us. Good luck as you progress.

Mystery Reader
@Mystery Reader

I'm a pessimist at heart but they say optimists heal better so I'm trying that. I'm a landscape contractor and 2 1/2 months ago I would have stood there to watch the leaf blower. Today I was like, "Wow! Those things are loud."

When in a pinch stick your fingers in your ears.

Thank you for motivating me to write that post in your thread. That's exactly how I feel about this.
For sure you're making good progress. I recognize the grocery store beepers not being as bad anymore, and that you forgot about the T for a short while when talking to a customer I believe it was.

It's like the beepers are really loud at first because you pick it up as being loud. But it's been like that always and we never thought of it like that before. Just like the leaf blower.
Looks like I jinxed myself. My t is amped up tonight and I've got some fullness in both ears. Not sure if it was a leaf blower for 1-2 minutes today or a few hours in my truck with my muffs on or the nature of the beast. Things have been quieter for a while. A few hours ago I had to leave the room because it seemed so low I wanted to check if it was gone. I had plenty of hissing this afternoon. Now it's in the middle of my head and piercing. Hopefully it will settle down. I can tell you I was doing better because this is definitely worse.

I think I've still got a decent amount of h. It's definitely gone down since things started but has a ways to go. If I compare how I was a month ago to today it's a huge difference.

Tonight I went backwards because it's piercing and my ears are full and almost sore. Hopefully it's just a normal bump in the road. Everyone says progress isn't linear. I swear as I was typing this post the ringing got lower. This makes no sense.
@Chris M

I was watching TV too? Were you watching the A-Team from the 80's?

The weird loud ringing stopped quickly a few minutes ago, thank goodness. I've still got full ears. I think I'm going to go take a hot shower and call it a night.

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