Noise-Induced Tinnitus — Positive Success Stories

our body, with its natural healing ability, is struggling to get the auditory nerve signal back on point. That could be the reason why the phantom signal we experience, is not constant.
I like that analogy very much. The reason our t varies is because or mind is trying to dial in where our hearing should be and slowly, over the period of months, gets things back on track.

I haven't noticed too much of a correlation between my stress levels and the level of my t. I admit I'm stressed and anxious but that's from internal forces, having t, not external forces like work.

Last night my t was louder and I was exhausted. I woke up this morning and it seemed a little quieter.

I try not to monitor my t but I constantly do. To me it's either really loud and annoying (usually a loud static/hiss when it's changing tones), sort of like it was in the beginning (eee sound that is harder to mask) or some form of hissing/static with some crickets added in. I pay more attention to it when it's really loud and annoying. If I have the hissing/static and put muffs on it can sound like the eee but it's not as harsh.

It's not like there is a huge difference day to day except when it's loud and annoying. That change is noticeable and anyone with calming methods to share I'd love to hear. With sort of like it was in the beginning or some form of hissing/static with some crickets added in (what I have now) it doesn't bother me as much. I think I'm getting used to the noise and the hissing/static with crickets is a sound I like because it feels like progress. Only time will tell.
To those following my thread I just spent the last few hours on tt. I'm between jobs and planned on working at my house today. It's a sunny beautiful day and the leaves popped on the trees last weekend. There are plenty of more important things I should be doing but I'm going for a drive to let my mind wander (with ear muffs). Please don't think I'm that far along. I love drives on sunny days and it's a sunny day so off I go.
Have some fullness in my ears today. I thought that was over. We had company over and my dog barked a while and a lot of conversation. I don't feel it's a major setback but I thought I was through the fullness phase. So far I don't have any crinkly noises in my ears and hopefully things stay that way. The fullness isn't like it was the first month or two when my ears felt really full and I wanted to valsalva to open them up, probably half that but the dog barking exposure was about 2 hours ago. We'll see how things progress.

What's the key to healing with t? Time and patience.
Yesterday we had a microburst or tornado. 70% of my town is without power. There were several large branches blown off the trees in my yard. My beautiful Sugar Maples look ragged but they will recover.

I screwed up. My adrenaline was going and I ended up by the road when 4-6 emergency vehicles drove by with their sirens going. There was traffic in the road so they went by slowly. Yes, I plugged my ears but I was talking to someone so I unplugged my ears at times as well.

I never felt pain when the vehicles went by and my ears felt full last night but not crinkly. My ears feel full again today. While my ears feel full they don't feel like they did the first month or two when they made weird noises when you swallow and had that crinkly feel. I do feel they're getting fuller as the day progresses. Reviewing this thread later in the day and I'm starting to notice the crinkly full sensation.

About 3 hours after I was exposed to the noise I noticed my t was louder than usual. As I write this about 17 hours after the noise exposure it's still louder.

Last night I used the Sound Oasis S650 for masking (You can use batteries with the S650) and I had to play it louder than I usually play my S5000. I had been gradually lowering my masking volume because my t volume was going down. I went to bed much earlier than usual. I struggled to fall asleep but did get to sleep after a while. I was very restless trying to fall asleep.

I was at the point that I could put earmuffs (30 db nrr) on and not be emotional about the sound of my t. It was there, it was noticeable, but it didn't scare me. I knew it was less intense and less of eee and more of a hiss since I got t. I was feeling very optimistic.

Today my t is still a hiss or static but it has much more volume to it. It may turn back to eee, only time will tell. I pray it doesn't. As I write this I'm in my office with the aquarium going (running on an inverter) which was enough to block most of my t. I can hear my t over the aquarium now.

I'm feeling anxious again because I'm afraid of how long my t is going to stay loud. I hope it's only a few days, perhaps until the fullness goes away in my ears. I've read on the forum things like this can take longer to calm down.

I'm right before 3 months with t and was making good progress. Yesterday I was working in the garden and I was more concerned about a pulled muscle in my back than my t. I was thinking how it's time to start moving forward with life. t isn't enough of a bother to merit the attention I give it. I feel like I was using it as an excuse to avoid other stressors in life.

I feel stupid for doing it and I'm doing my best to control my anxiety. I've had t for almost 3 months and every time I let anxiety in it doesn't help.

I've been working in the yard cleaning up fallen branches with a hand saw which is great distraction. I've been wearing ear muffs because my neighbor has a generator and it's not crazy loud but it's louder than I want. There are also a lot of tractor trailers going by which are loud.

I'm posting this 24 hours after I was exposed to the sirens. I made a mistake. I didn't do this on purpose. Repeat as necessary.

The t is a high pitch static sound bordering on eee. I pray it stops increasing and pray even more it starts to lessen. I took a shower and there was still good masking and I could forget about it during dinner. It seems if I keep myself busy, and a decent amount of ambient sound in the room I can notice it less. The t is much more piercing than is was before the sirens.

I'm going to do my best to remember in time this will fade and also make sure I mask the t so it doesn't get hold of my anxiety. I'm so tired of getting emotional over t and I have to take control. I want my life back or at least I want to control my life not t.

It seems many people make a mistake like this when recovering from t. I guess it was my turn. Darn it!
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@New Guy
For what it's worth, I've had several "noise" instances recently that seemed to raise the t level, and had a few difficult days afterward. My anxiety over it played into it, as well, I'm sure. Today, overall, it seems a bit better. I have been using sound enrichment (YouTube video of a waterfall) throughout. Earlier today I was doing something that required my full focus, and I realized when I was finished that I hadn't been aware of the t while I was doing it. It was only a few minutes, but it happened! I hope it settles down for you, soon my friend. Keep us posted.

Mystery Reader
Yesterday we had a microburst or tornado. 70% of my town is without power. There were several large branches blown off the trees in my yard. My beautiful Sugar Maples look ragged but they will recover.

I screwed up. My adrenaline was going and I ended up by the road when 4-6 emergency vehicles drove by with their sirens going. There was traffic in the road so they went by slowly. Yes, I plugged my ears but I was talking to someone so I unplugged my ears at times as well.

I never felt pain when the vehicles went by and my ears felt full last night but not crinkly. My ears feel full again today. While my ears feel full they don't feel like they did the first month or two when they made weird noises when you swallow and had that crinkly feel. I do feel they're getting fuller as the day progresses. Reviewing this thread later in the day and I'm starting to notice the crinkly full sensation.

About 3 hours after I was exposed to the noise I noticed my t was louder than usual. As I write this about 17 hours after the noise exposure it's still louder.

Last night I used the Sound Oasis S650 for masking (You can use batteries with the S650) and I had to play it louder than I usually play my S5000. I had been gradually lowering my masking volume because my t volume was going down. I went to bed much earlier than usual. I struggled to fall asleep but did get to sleep after a while. I was very restless trying to fall asleep.

I was at the point that I could put earmuffs (30 db nrr) on and not be emotional about the sound of my t. It was there, it was noticeable, but it didn't scare me. I knew it was less intense and less of eee and more of a hiss since I got t. I was feeling very optimistic.

Today my t is still a hiss or static but it has much more volume to it. It may turn back to eee, only time will tell. I pray it doesn't. As I write this I'm in my office with the aquarium going (running on an inverter) which was enough to block most of my t. I can hear my t over the aquarium now.

I'm feeling anxious again because I'm afraid of how long my t is going to stay loud. I hope it's only a few days, perhaps until the fullness goes away in my ears. I've read on the forum things like this can take longer to calm down.

I'm right before 3 months with t and was making good progress. Yesterday I was working in the garden and I was more concerned about a pulled muscle in my back than my t. I was thinking how it's time to start moving forward with life. t isn't enough of a bother to merit the attention I give it. I feel like I was using it as an excuse to avoid other stressors in life.

I feel stupid for doing it and I'm doing my best to control my anxiety. I've had t for almost 3 months and every time I let anxiety in it doesn't help.

I've been working in the yard cleaning up fallen branches with a hand saw which is great distraction. I've been wearing ear muffs because my neighbor has a generator and it's not crazy loud but it's louder than I want. There are also a lot of tractor trailers going by which are loud.

I'm posting this 24 hours after I was exposed to the sirens. I made a mistake. I didn't do this on purpose. Repeat as necessary.

The t is a high pitch static sound bordering on eee. I pray it stops increasing and pray even more it starts to lessen. I took a shower and there was still good masking and I could forget about it during dinner. It seems if I keep myself busy, and a decent amount of ambient sound in the room I can notice it less. The t is much more piercing than is was before the sirens.

I'm going to do my best to remember in time this will fade and also make sure I mask the t so it doesn't get hold of my anxiety. I'm so tired of getting emotional over t and I have to take control. I want my life back or at least I want to control my life not t.

It seems many people make a mistake like this when recovering from t. I guess it was my turn. Darn it!
You mentioned your adrenaline was high and it seems your stress was too. That alone can impact the limbic system and elevate tinnitus. That probably had a far greater impact than the sound you heard.
@New Guy, that is tough to have happen and yet you have weathered the T storms so far, so you will again. As you note, the anxiety makes it worse, so focus on something that is positive that is independent of the T.

I had a few times where I went to church and got hit with high volume music when I wasn't expecting it or didn't think it would go from the quiet of ~85db to 100. Or I was slow to plug my ears due to not wanting to seem out-of-place. :censored: Anyway, though the T was up for a few hours, by the next day it was back to normal. So I hope yours comes down too. And I've had hiss days and eeee days, and I think the variation has to be accepted.

Since you have detected a higher volume, I will join you in those prayers.
@Mystery Reader @Tinker Bell @PortalNaut

Thank you for your concern and sharing your stories. I'm happy to say that it only took two days for my t to get back 'close' to what it was. It's a little louder but nothing like it was for those two days. I notice when I wake up in the morning it's like hitting the reset button.

I wonder if anxiety has more to do with it than I realize. My anxiety has been rather low lately, possibly because the t has been less obtrusive.

The day my t went down again I was in my neighbors yard talking with traffic going by and it amped up again. I had hearing protection on but uncovered one ear to talk for about 1/2 hour. I feel like such a fool. That took a couple days to get down too though it wasn't as bad as the first time.

I feel like my ears are more sensitive to sounds, my h is amped up, since the incident. Sounds that didn't bother me before the storm seem to be bothering me now. It's not as bad as the first month but my ears are more sensitive. Hopefully that will calm down soon. Again it could be anxiety too.

Thank you for your concern and being there for me.

We got power back yesterday!!! It was out for 4 days but it felt like a week.
@Angus William

I'm hoping with time my thread will have a happier ending. I want to assure you that things get better with time. How much better only time will tell.

I'm sorry to see you on the forum and hope you have a full recovery. We're here for you.
@New Guy
Glad to know that the spike went down for you a bit -- and also that you have your power back! I agree that anxiety plays a bigger role in this than we initially think -- one day a particular sound can bother me, and the next it doesn't. One day there's some ear discomfort, and the next -- not there. One day the t is louder, and then the next day it seems to ramp down a little --back and forth like that. I'm trying not to overprotect and am looking into different kinds of plugs other than the foam ones you have to roll up -- just something I can keep in my pocket and pop in if necessary, but I don't want to be without ear protection. The supermarket with everything that beeps and the overhead speakers and the carts with the faulty wheels is still too big a challenge at the moment! It's tough to know what to do, sometimes, with something as unpredictable as this. Hopefully, we all find something out that can help us along every day. Stay positive, my friend!

Mystery Reader
@Mystery Reader

t is wierd. Just when I thought I had it figured out it threw me for a loop. I haven't had such variable t as I've had the last week. This afternoon I've got hissing but it's a louder hiss. I woke up to the quietest t I've had in a week with hissing and crickets together.

I'm trying to figure out the earplug situation too. I was over the beeper at the supermarket and checked the carts before I walked off with one for squeaky wheels. However, after this week, like you, I want to be prepared for anything. I have some silicone plugs I was going to try but the nrr is only about 15 for them. I can't stand the roll up ones, they take too long to put in and I never seem to do it right.

I went to Dunkin' Donuts today and the speaker in the bathroom was cranking! It's times like these that we need to be prepared for. I happened to be carrying my ear muffs because after last week I want to be ready for anything.


I want to say I'm not overprotecting but who knows. I only wear muffs when driving my loud diesel truck(s) and if I'm going to be near our road which has traffic similar to any main street including tractor trailers. I'll go get the mail without muffs.

I don't plug my ears at the supermarket, when I go for a jog (I bring earmuffs in case of chainsaws or generators). Until the sirens on Tuesday I thought I was doing pretty good getting used to noise again. I had considered driving my truck a few minutes without muffs because when I take them off the noise level almost seemed the same.

If a fire truck or ambulance was going by the house quickly I would have just plugged my ears until it passed and thought nothing of it. The fact that I was out front for 5-10 minutes standing 10-50 feet from sirens is what caused my trouble. I wouldn't have appreciated that before t either.

Not sure what's right and what's wrong. I have to take it as it comes and adjust based on my progress. Up until those sirens it felt like I was making progress. Now I feel like my h has a long way to go.
@Mystery Reader

You might consider plugs like the following. They don't require any rolling up and can be inserted quickly. I didn't like the thin piece sticking out as long as they do. I might cut my down to see if I like them better.

And of course their nrr is not the highest around, but you can read and compare.

Good luck.
Etymotic ER20 HD Safety Earplugs, High-Definition Hearing Protection
Hey @New Guy,

Been away from the forum a while to try and catch a break from it all. Had to use the Cold Turkey app though, so by no means was it through willpower alone. :sneaky: TinnitusTalk is quite addictive in a way.

Sorry to hear you had a run with a spike and glad to see it has gotten down since. From reading your posts, it seems as if you are dealing with changes better now. We do get better in that, I'm sure. I never try to read too much into changes, whether they be peaks or throughs. I say that pretty heroically, but it's the only way I can make it work for myself. Tinnitus can be an erratic and unpredictable thing.

Pretty crazy to read about the tornado though o_O I'm from Europe and while I'm often envious of the American lifestyle, that is one thing I'm glad we don't have to deal with. Hope everything got sorted?

While I recognize that ear protection is sometimes vital, try not to overprotect yourself though. You've probably read a lot about this topic already, as is the case on this forum, but there is some truth to it. I personally always have ear muffes around my neck when I'm out and about. I've trained myself in putting them on as soon as is needed (it's amazing how fast reflexes work when it comes to it), so that I can still get my daily dose of moderate sound exposure. I've noticed my TTTS and general sound sensitivity getting better lately. Whether that is related or not, I cannot say, but it seems to be a good policy.


Thanks for checking in. I try to cut back on my time here as well but it feels like I'm avoiding my good friends sometimes.

It seems to me that my t is getting more reactive as time has passed. It used to be always loud and annoying and now it's not so loud and not so annoying except that it changes frequently though the day. Last week after the sirens it got loud then went back down. This week I've still noticed it's quite variable but nowhere near as loud as last week when I was exposed to the sirens and my anxiety was high.

Up until last week I don't feel I was overprotective. I got a good dose of traffic noise daily with the kids at the bus stop or walking through the yard. I only wore my earmuffs for driving. The only difference this week is I've cut back on my traffic noise allowance. More than a few minutes I put the muffs on.

I'm getting better at accepting the t and I've plain run out of anxiety to burn on it anymore. Hence, less of a reaction. I also feel like I'm getting a better feel for what to expect.

I tried to use a gas powered piece of equipment yesterday and I shut if off after about 20 seconds. My anxiety spiked and I didn't want to go through an increase in my t.
@New Guy
I finally ordered the Peltor 5x today, as well as another brand (Walker, with a lower dba rating but less bulky) to have handy, just in case. The foam ear plugs just aren't cutting it for me, and, like yourself, I'm not even sure I'm doing it right. Sometimes they seem to work well, other times, they don't seem to expand enough. If I've got a muff with me that I can slip on, that will likely be better until I find a dependable reusable plug. Sometimes just knowing you've got protection there is enough. Have only used protection once over the past couple of days (the dreaded market!) but glad I did. The muff will be good to take along if I take a walk at night and come up on a noisy situation. Hope all is on the upswing for you.

Mystery Reader
@Mystery Reader

Those X5a's are brutes. I wish I had used them when using power equipment before t, they would have helped. I have a couple pair of Optime 105 by Peltor and I like them a lot. 30 db nrr, spongy so they conform to your head and lighter in weight and bulk than the x5a's. I use the 105 for driving my diesel pickup and dump truck.

I have also begun carrying muffs with me when out. I brought some for a jog yesterday in case of a chainsaw or lawn mower.
@Mystery Reader

Those X5a's are brutes. I wish I had used them when using power equipment before t, they would have helped. I have a couple pair of Optime 105 by Peltor and I like them a lot. 30 db nrr, spongy so they conform to your head and lighter in weight and bulk than the x5a's. I use the 105 for driving my diesel pickup and dump truck.

I have also begun carrying muffs with me when out. I brought some for a jog yesterday in case of a chainsaw or lawn mower.

@New Guy
Yeah, they look pretty unwieldy and I'm sure I'll need a learning curve so I don't knock them against the car door or whatever, but they've gotten such rave reviews on here that I wanted to have them as an option. The Walkers with the 22 db reduction might work OK in a restaurant or coffee shop if I need them -- will post about them after I've given them a tryout. Really trying not to go overboard with the protection, but due to some surprises along the way I need to know I've got a quick option. I might look into the others you mention as well. Hope all is well.

Mystery Reader
just an update.:
My t still persists. Today makes 7 weeks. It sounds like white noise as if a television is on in another room but the volume is all the way down on the television. It also sounds like it's in my head more than my ears until I close my ears. At first, it seemed super loud and I had to sleep with white noise on my computer. I was having a hard time sleeping in the first month and eating because I didn't want to do anything at all. Now, I sleep through the whole night to realize my laptop battery died and slept the whole night without any maskers.

Now I am getting ear fullness, ear pain and ear pressure. I wonder if this is my etd acting up? But allergy season seems over?

It is constant and can be masked with tv and my car radio. I think it's getting better but I can't tell if I'm just ignoring it versus it decreasing in volume. I make two months on June 8th. I wonder if I have a chance of it leaving completely? I read on the internet that it can progressively get worse and I think that freaks me out a little.

@New Guy @glynis @bsimo2213
@Bill Bauer
I make two months on June 8th. I wonder if I have a chance of it leaving completely? I read on the internet that it can progressively get worse and I think that freaks me out a little.

Yes, you do have a chance of it leaving completely. Those of us in the early stages often do have such success, it is a waiting game though, and patience is greatly needed.
How are you doing with yours? @emmalee
My tinnitus varies in pitch on occasion, Chris. The number of days when the pitch is lower are starting to increase ever so slightly. I am nearing the two and a half month mark since my onset. As most everyone knows, I try to keep a positive outlook that this will not be forever. This enables me to get through each day, and now I even look forward to the days and weeks ahead. This wasn't the case in the early days.

Thanks for asking, Chris.:huganimation:The fact that you made it through an entire night and continue to do so, without masking, is extremely positive. I hope this continues for you.
Same for you!
We must give our bodies credit. I always remind myself that there is always someone who is doing worse so we must be grateful that we have the ability to even type these messages! @emmalee
@Chris M

It sounds like you're making good progress. Remember a lot of people with t for a while say you can't compare one day to the next you have to compare one month to the next.

I'm a little under 3 months and I noticed my h kicked up too along with some more fullness. I was exposed to sirens and a lot of stress last week and I wonder if I set myself back.

I've been listening to the tv three notches lower than usual (Post t) because it seems too loud. Things that didn't bother me two weeks ago are bothering me again.

I'm trying to be careful around loud noises but still expose myself to noise. I have a hard time figuring out what exactly that means but that's what I'm doing.
I wrote this to a friend but wanted to share it with people following my thread. I don't feel like this is a permanent thing but feel I should share so people who read this in the future will understand. We did have company 2 nights ago and it was loud, I wore earplugs for my first time with company over, so perhaps that's why my ears feel full now.

I've slipped backwards the last couple weeks. Ever since the sirens and we lost power almost 2 weeks ago. My t is louder since then, not a ton but it doesn't feel like the same progression I was making before then. I also have the full ear feeling much more. Almost all the time. I don't get the crinkly feel but my ears have felt full for a while.

I've been staying active. I've gone for a hike last week along with a couple jogs and I've been walking but I'm still not the person I should be at home. I should be doing more dishes, tidying, paying bills. I still haven't found the desire to engage in life and move forward. I'm living day to day.

I know my thread shows I'm making progress, and I feel like I was, but I've hit a plateau. I know it's a temporary thing. At some point the fullness will go away or I won't notice my t for a while. That still happens occasionally.
I wrote this to a friend but wanted to share it with people following my thread. I don't feel like this is a permanent thing but feel I should share so people who read this in the future will understand. We did have company 2 nights ago and it was loud, I wore earplugs for my first time with company over, so perhaps that's why my ears feel full now.

I've slipped backwards the last couple weeks. Ever since the sirens and we lost power almost 2 weeks ago. My t is louder since then, not a ton but it doesn't feel like the same progression I was making before then. I also have the full ear feeling much more. Almost all the time. I don't get the crinkly feel but my ears have felt full for a while.

I've been staying active. I've gone for a hike last week along with a couple jogs and I've been walking but I'm still not the person I should be at home. I should be doing more dishes, tidying, paying bills. I still haven't found the desire to engage in life and move forward. I'm living day to day.

I know my thread shows I'm making progress, and I feel like I was, but I've hit a plateau. I know it's a temporary thing. At some point the fullness will go away or I won't notice my t for a while. That still happens occasionally.

"I know my thread shows I'm making progress, and I feel like I was, but I've hit a plateau. I know it's a temporary thing. At some point the fullness will go away or I won't notice my t for a while. That still happens occasionally."

It is a temporary plateau, New Guy, this is true. Keep on with the activity, we both know how being physically active can help with our emotions, not to mention helping us to sleep a bit better. Living day to day is the best way to make it through the days when we feel like we are back peddling.:huganimation:
I drove my wife's Honda CRV today and it sounded very loud. I was ok under 30-40 mph but over 40 it was loud. I don't feel I was overprotecting my ears until after the sirens a couple weeks ago. I went overboard with hearing protection when we lost power because I had an increase in my t for 4 days and there were a lot of generators going outside.

The last few days I've noticed I'm listening to the tv a few notches lower than I did 2 weeks ago. My ears have been feeling fuller too.

I guess I have been using my hearing protection a little too much the last couple weeks. It's hard not to blame myself when my t went up after hearing sirens, road traffic and generators a couple weeks ago.

I'm not going to drop the ear muffs completely. I'll make sure to expose myself to a little more louder noise daily so my ears get used to it. I don't want to overdo it and go the other direction. I'll drive a few minutes with the muffs off, get a little closer to power equipment before covering my ears, etc. I'm going to ease myself in and not overdo it. Patience seems to be the key.

This situation is so confusing for New Guys like me.

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