Welcome to the forum and sorry that you are suffering so much with your T. Your limbic nerves and the Amygdala may be driving this spiking condition. Try to do some relaxing/interesting activities and practice deep breathing to unwind the tenseness of the nerves and muscle. You are functioning in the fight or flight mode right now as your brain is treating T as a threat. If you can improve your sleep quality and can do some relaxing activities, it may help to calm your hyper nerve cells so your T can go back to more baseline. If you need it, you can try to get some natural alternatives to help you, such as
Melatonin, Lemon Balm, Valerian, Hops, Catnips, Passion Flower, Chamomile, Lavender, Kava, etc. You can do google search or check Amazon.com for each of them to know how people review these products, and see if you can take them as a supplement. Check out this site on using natural herbs for helping to sleep or to calm the nerves.
Try to read as many success stories as you can. They can help lift your spirit and reduce your anxiety. They also contain insights and wisdom from those who have gotten better. I was in a mess a few years back afflicted with ultra high pitched dog whistle T and severe hyperacusis which turned all normal sounds unbearably loud and piercingly hurtful. I also had relentless anxiety and panic attacks. I never thought I could recover and have a good life again. But here I am living a normal and absolutely enjoyable life. I list some pointers which have helped me greatly. If you wish to read it, here is the link:
You may want also to read the most read success story 'Back to Silence' with a simple effective strategy by IWLM:
With masking, have you tried high pitch sounds such as cicadas, heavy rain, waterfalls, shower sound, even faucet. My T pitch is ultra high, so in earlier days, I had to use even squeaky faucet (youtube) to help mask. But due to my H, I could only do partial masking. But any masking is better than facing the scream dead on with nothing else. You can also try ACRN or search youtube for masking sounds. Here are some ACRN sites:
There are a lot of things you can learn from TT to help you get better. Don't panic and don't despair. There is a high probability that you will be just fine. Just believe it. Take good care & God bless.