Suppressing Tinnitus With Music Therapy
The researchers allowed patients to choose their favorite music, which was then "notched" — a one-octave frequency band, centered on the frequency of the ringing experienced by the subject, was filtered out.
After a year, the researchers report in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, those who listened to this custom-notched music reported a significant improvement in their tinnitus — the ringing was not as loud — compared with others who listened to music that was notched at frequencies not corresponding to their ringing frequency.
The researchers allowed patients to choose their favorite music, which was then "notched" — a one-octave frequency band, centered on the frequency of the ringing experienced by the subject, was filtered out.
After a year, the researchers report in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, those who listened to this custom-notched music reported a significant improvement in their tinnitus — the ringing was not as loud — compared with others who listened to music that was notched at frequencies not corresponding to their ringing frequency.