Notched Music Therapy (DIY, AudioNotch, etc.)

I have been trying Notched Music Therapy for about a month, and I am starting to see some results. It may take several months for significant improvements, but it's easy enough to listen to my notched music every day while I work. Currently, my impression is that the intensity of my tinnitus is noticeably lower for an hour or two immediately after listening.
I can't think of a reason why it would make a difference. The sound waves hitting your eardrum aren't that different if they come from a headphone vs. stereo speakers. Using speakers will let more environmental sound in since there is no insulation as provided by headphones on your ears, but I'd be surprised if it made any difference, unless you have a very noisy environment.
Just avoid using Bluetooth, as it distorts the frequencies. Instead, use wired headphones or speakers connected to your computer, or listen to CDs on your stereo. Even with MP3 files on an iPhone, you can use a jack adapter for wired headphones.
Has anyone tried the AudioNotch iPhone app?

I currently use the TinnitusPlay app and have experimented with it, but I'm considering trying something more structured. AudioNotch seems reasonably priced—if I'm not mistaken, a six-month subscription is under $100.

I have constant high-pitched tinnitus, along with some reactive tinnitus triggered by certain sounds.

Has anyone here tried AudioNotch? It looks like it focuses on notched sound therapy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

What if my tinnitus tone is out of the range of my hearing? Am I out of luck? I'm having a hard time identifying my tone, but I've noticed I have hearing loss above 15 kHz. I think that's where my tone might be.

Another challenge I face is that my tone seems to stop when I play sounds to try and identify it.
I tried TinnitusNotch, which uses white noise. Unfortunately, it made my reactive tinnitus worse. If you don't respond well to white noise, I recommend staying away from it.

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