Hello everyone, I made a promise to myself that if so ever got back to normal that I would write my story in the Success stories of Tinnitus talk. Although it is so similar to others it still must be shared.
It all started in February of last year. Prior to this occurring, I already had some degree of tinnitus. I could hear the ringing at night or when I had on ear protection. It never bothered me much. I also knew that I had some mild hearing loss. As much as possible I tried to protect my ears.
So anyway, one day I woke up and the ringing was unusually loud. I kinda of ignored it all day thinking it would go away. It didn't and continued for several more days. By the fourth or fifth day it began really driving me crazy. I couldn't sleep and it began to drive me into depression. I kept going to work but was not paying attention at work and my peers all knew something was definitely wrong with me.
My wife really tried to help and understand what I was going through. I went to my doctor, ENT and so forth. Same thing, couldn't find anything wrong and I was just going to have to live with it. I began a slide into deep depression.
I was totally devastated. I did not believe I could live with this noise in my ears and head. At that time it was loud 7-8. It was also multiple sounds at the same time. High pitched electronic hiss. It was a living nightmare that wouldn't end. By about 3 months I lost about 35 pounds. I was slowly wilting away.
I forget how I came across Tinnitus Talk , but when I did, I began reading the success stories. For the first time I found some hope! I read many stories about how you just have to wait and the Tinnitus will get better. Either lower in tone or habituation. Everyday I would go on TT. It would calm me down and give me hope.
At about 3 months, suddenly the Tinnitus seemed to lower in sound. I couldn't believe it. It was still there but not so intrusive. I slowly came out of depression. My appetite returned and I began to put back the weight.
I slowly began to feel better. The Tinnitus was still there but when I heard it I didn't get upset. Just like people said, it didn't bother me. I had no emotions when I heard it.
And now to present day, I feel like I am back to normal. I have to say I still have Tinnitus. It's seems to always be there. Sometimes loud and sometimes barely noticeable. I believe what a lot of people say that because I have no reaction to the Tinnitus, it sounds lower and lot of times I don't hear it at all. I never thought I would have made it back to this point.
I am so grateful to Tinnitus talk and all the people on here that shared their success stories. I hope this story will help someone like I was helped. Just like what I read the human brain and mind is so very powerful. I believe in time. Please just give it time. Everyone is different. Some get better quicker and some take longer but just hang in there. Aloha!
It all started in February of last year. Prior to this occurring, I already had some degree of tinnitus. I could hear the ringing at night or when I had on ear protection. It never bothered me much. I also knew that I had some mild hearing loss. As much as possible I tried to protect my ears.
So anyway, one day I woke up and the ringing was unusually loud. I kinda of ignored it all day thinking it would go away. It didn't and continued for several more days. By the fourth or fifth day it began really driving me crazy. I couldn't sleep and it began to drive me into depression. I kept going to work but was not paying attention at work and my peers all knew something was definitely wrong with me.
My wife really tried to help and understand what I was going through. I went to my doctor, ENT and so forth. Same thing, couldn't find anything wrong and I was just going to have to live with it. I began a slide into deep depression.
I was totally devastated. I did not believe I could live with this noise in my ears and head. At that time it was loud 7-8. It was also multiple sounds at the same time. High pitched electronic hiss. It was a living nightmare that wouldn't end. By about 3 months I lost about 35 pounds. I was slowly wilting away.
I forget how I came across Tinnitus Talk , but when I did, I began reading the success stories. For the first time I found some hope! I read many stories about how you just have to wait and the Tinnitus will get better. Either lower in tone or habituation. Everyday I would go on TT. It would calm me down and give me hope.
At about 3 months, suddenly the Tinnitus seemed to lower in sound. I couldn't believe it. It was still there but not so intrusive. I slowly came out of depression. My appetite returned and I began to put back the weight.
I slowly began to feel better. The Tinnitus was still there but when I heard it I didn't get upset. Just like people said, it didn't bother me. I had no emotions when I heard it.
And now to present day, I feel like I am back to normal. I have to say I still have Tinnitus. It's seems to always be there. Sometimes loud and sometimes barely noticeable. I believe what a lot of people say that because I have no reaction to the Tinnitus, it sounds lower and lot of times I don't hear it at all. I never thought I would have made it back to this point.
I am so grateful to Tinnitus talk and all the people on here that shared their success stories. I hope this story will help someone like I was helped. Just like what I read the human brain and mind is so very powerful. I believe in time. Please just give it time. Everyone is different. Some get better quicker and some take longer but just hang in there. Aloha!