the most scary thing about my tinnitus is this: lets say i listen to SILENT radio music with headphones-all normal,dont hear ANY tinnitus,cause the silent music masks it-then,suddenly i feel it in my head for just one little second like if the tinnitus would "fall down to the floor" in my head and "stand up again"-both in one second this very short moment,it feels like beeing deaf.its a little shock every time.very hard to explain.afterwards everything normal again.its like the T is changing its pitch or something in that moment and i feel that in my head? its like the tinnitus sits in an elevator that crashes down quickly from 10th floor to first floor and then immediately up again to 10th floor,which means its normal high level again.its not that i hear that,more like a feeling in my,i guess you only can understand this if you had it yourself?very hard to explain.
is that normal?
is that normal?