Ossiculoplasty or Tympanoplasty Experiences Anyone?


Apr 7, 2017
London, UK
Tinnitus Since
Sep 2016
Cause of Tinnitus
Antibiotic (non-ototoxic) - Conductive HL due to Cholesteato
Hi there,

I have had Tinnitus since September 2016. I had a sudden hearing loss followed by an ear infection. The ENT prescribed me antibiotics (Augmentin) and Tinnitus started on the second day of antibiotics. After some CT Scans and MRIs I was diagnosed with a Cholesteatoma. I had a canal wall up mastoidectomy and the cholesteatoma was removed. Unfortunately the Tinnitus has not improved 3 months after the surgery.

In a few months time I am planning to have another surgery to reconstruct the hearing (Ossiculoplasty). I would like to know is anyone with Tinnitus has had this surgery and what was the result after the surgery?

Thanks in advance, LR
Hi LR,
My son had his ear bones taken out age 7 due to a mass and had a new drum.
Age 16 it grew back and needed another op.
Hes really lucky to have very mild tinnitis but could not have reconstruction due to the facial nerves hanging loose with no protection...lots of love glynis
In a few months time I am planning to have another surgery to reconstruct the hearing (Ossiculoplasty). I would like to know is anyone with Tinnitus has had this surgery and what was the result after the surgery?

I've had a "partial reconstruction" of the ossicular chain if you will, called stapedotomy, where the stapes bone is replaced with a prosthesis.
I had severe hyperacusis and severe tinnitus before the surgery. Now I only have severe T, and better hearing (H is mostly gone - which is a big win for me).

I have suffered hearing loss in both ears following an ear infection in both my ears. My hearing in both ears has since deteriorated from normal to moderately severe level of hearing loss. I have also noticed that I have tinnitus in my ears, more so in my left ear especially at night which leads to me losing sleep.

My GP has recommended I have surgery on my left ear (Ossiculoplasty). I have tried to look up people's experiences with this type of surgery. The doctor did not want to quote me how successful he thought the operation would be in returning my hearing to 20-30 dB. He did say that it could be a 50-50 chance of improving my hearing. I have also read that Ossiculoplasty causes tinnitus. I am worried since I already have tinnitus and having this surgery may increase the tinnitus.

Does anyone have any personal experiences with either Ossiculoplasty or tinnitus. Any information would be very helpful.


I thought I would share my experience with Ossiculoplasty and Tympanoplasty. My middle ear bones were partially missing and fragile. I had this operation/surgery 2 weeks ago on my left. The surgeon replaced my ossicile using a small titanium prosthesis and had repaired my ear drum. He said that my stapes bone was so fragile that he had to repair it and put it in its place.

The surgery lasted a few hours and I was told it would be a day surgery. However, when I came out of surgery my vertigo was very bad and I could not even get up and walk to the bathroom. Due to this they had kept me overnight. I had also vomited a few times after the surgery which is most likely as a result of the anaesthetic.

I was discharged the following evening where I was wheel chaired into my car as I was unable to walk properly due to the vertigo. For the first week my vertigo was very bad and I was still unable to walk unaided as I felt extremely dizzy and off-balance. I was pretty much bed-ridden for the whole week.

I returned to the ENT 1 week later to have the yellow iodine packing removed from my ear. The doctor said that my vertigo was due to my stapes bones being repaired in its place. He then gave me some more medication to treat the vertigo but stated that it had a lot of side-effects if used too much so he told me to use it sparingly. He also gave me ear drops to take for 1 week to dissolve something which is currently in my ear which I am currently on day 3 of the ear drops. I have since used the tablets for 3 days following my ENT appointment and have stopped taking them.

The vertigo has calmed a lot and I am still off-balance but a lot less severe than before. I am hoping this will wear off without the need for more medication as stated by the doctor. If it does not then I shall take the medication again for 2 more days. My ear still feels muffled and I cannot tell whether my hearing has improved I have another appointment in 2 weeks time and will hopefully have an update.

If any one has any questions feel free to ask.

I thought I would share my experience with Ossiculoplasty and Tympanoplasty. My middle ear bones were partially missing and fragile. I had this operation/surgery 2 weeks ago on my left. The surgeon replaced my ossicile using a small titanium prosthesis and had repaired my ear drum. He said that my stapes bone was so fragile that he had to repair it and put it in its place.

The surgery lasted a few hours and I was told it would be a day surgery. However, when I came out of surgery my vertigo was very bad and I could not even get up and walk to the bathroom. Due to this they had kept me overnight. I had also vomited a few times after the surgery which is most likely as a result of the anaesthetic.

I was discharged the following evening where I was wheel chaired into my car as I was unable to walk properly due to the vertigo. For the first week my vertigo was very bad and I was still unable to walk unaided as I felt extremely dizzy and off-balance. I was pretty much bed-ridden for the whole week.

I returned to the ENT 1 week later to have the yellow iodine packing removed from my ear. The doctor said that my vertigo was due to my stapes bones being repaired in its place. He then gave me some more medication to treat the vertigo but stated that it had a lot of side-effects if used too much so he told me to use it sparingly. He also gave me ear drops to take for 1 week to dissolve something which is currently in my ear which I am currently on day 3 of the ear drops. I have since used the tablets for 3 days following my ENT appointment and have stopped taking them.

The vertigo has calmed a lot and I am still off-balance but a lot less severe than before. I am hoping this will wear off without the need for more medication as stated by the doctor. If it does not then I shall take the medication again for 2 more days. My ear still feels muffled and I cannot tell whether my hearing has improved I have another appointment in 2 weeks time and will hopefully have an update.

If any one has any questions feel free to ask.
Thank you for sharing your experience. I wish you a speedy recovery!
Hi @Jetti
Thank you for sharing your experience. Have you noticed any change on your tinnitus? I believe it is too early to say. I have severe tinnitus with conductive hearing loss and I am considering Ossiculoplasty. However, I need to wait until the end of the year at least (I had a cholesteatoma removed 6 months ago and it is recommended to wait 1 year to see if there is residual cholesteatoma).

By any chance do you live in the UK?

Thanks, Luis
I had a choleasteatoma removed and tymplanoplasty and a prosthesis put in that connects to the stapes. I was told I had conductive hearing loss as well.
I had a tympanoplasty type iii (modified radical mastoidectomy) surgery for cholesteatoma in march.
Incus, malleus and chorda tymphani are gone.
Prosthesis not applied, my new eardrum sticked to stapes bone.
Hearing not bad but i havent tinnitus before surgery and operated ear developed loud tinnitus after surgery. (Masking level 70db)

I thought I would share my experience with Ossiculoplasty and Tympanoplasty. My middle ear bones were partially missing and fragile. I had this operation/surgery 2 weeks ago on my left. The surgeon replaced my ossicile using a small titanium prosthesis and had repaired my ear drum. He said that my stapes bone was so fragile that he had to repair it and put it in its place.

The surgery lasted a few hours and I was told it would be a day surgery. However, when I came out of surgery my vertigo was very bad and I could not even get up and walk to the bathroom. Due to this they had kept me overnight. I had also vomited a few times after the surgery which is most likely as a result of the anaesthetic.

I was discharged the following evening where I was wheel chaired into my car as I was unable to walk properly due to the vertigo. For the first week my vertigo was very bad and I was still unable to walk unaided as I felt extremely dizzy and off-balance. I was pretty much bed-ridden for the whole week.

I returned to the ENT 1 week later to have the yellow iodine packing removed from my ear. The doctor said that my vertigo was due to my stapes bones being repaired in its place. He then gave me some more medication to treat the vertigo but stated that it had a lot of side-effects if used too much so he told me to use it sparingly. He also gave me ear drops to take for 1 week to dissolve something which is currently in my ear which I am currently on day 3 of the ear drops. I have since used the tablets for 3 days following my ENT appointment and have stopped taking them.

The vertigo has calmed a lot and I am still off-balance but a lot less severe than before. I am hoping this will wear off without the need for more medication as stated by the doctor. If it does not then I shall take the medication again for 2 more days. My ear still feels muffled and I cannot tell whether my hearing has improved I have another appointment in 2 weeks time and will hopefully have an update.

If any one has any questions feel free to ask.

Hey, how are you now, some years after surgery?
I am supposed to do the same procedure in two weeks and I am scared as hell.
Hope your condition has improved!!
Any update on the T after he surgery? I have op in a few months to rebuild ossicular chain and have severe tinnitus in left ear.
Anyone exp any improvement of T after surgery?
Doesn't seem to be much information around.
Hi @Freddie_Teddie ,

I will have the procedure (Ossiculoplasty) in 2 days. I am doing it with a very experienced surgeon that performs that surgery very often (He's done thousands of them). He said that after the surgery, tinnitus improve for some people, but for others stays the same. It is a very random result. However, in theory, better hearing should improve Tinnitus. Basically, we will have a 50% chance that Tinnitus improve after the procedure. Even for some people, it goes away completely. I will let you know more once I have the procedure.

Keep in mind that Ossiculoplasty is a surgery to reconstruct hearing and the main outcome is a better hearing, in many cases, almost perfect hearing (if you don't have SNHL). A lot depends on how much of the ossicular chain has been destroyed and, very important, the surgeon's skills. Try to get it done with someone who performs the surgery very often (even if it is more expensive, this is a relatively rare surgery and not many otologists perform it often).

I will be in touch very shortly.


Aims: The aim of this study is to evaluate hearing outcome in the pre- and post-operative after tympanoplasty

Materials and Methods: The present observations study was conducted on 30 randomly selected patients visited the department of ENT, Nalanda Medical College and Hospital, Patna, Bihar, India. Thirty cases of diagnosed chronic otitis media, aged above 18 years, with a demonstrable conductive deafness not more than 40 dB was included in the study.

Results: The mean age of the patients is 32.16 ± 3.61 years. Female outnumbered male counterpart. Commonest presenting complaints was Otorrhoea (93.3%) followed by Hearing loss (86.7%), Vertigo (53.3%) and Tinnitus is found in (40.0%) of patients. The mean pre- and post-operative outcomes in terms Pure tone (p<0.05), Air-bone gap (p<0.05) and Hearing gain (p<0.05).

Conclusions: The present study concluded that Tympanoplasty is a beneficial procedure for hearing improvement and the eradication of the disease.

Full article: see attached file.


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