My ear issues are a mystery to me because some of the symptoms seem TMJ (TMD) related, some seem like it might be due to TTTS, some seem like it's related to Eustachian tube dysfunction, and there's definitely an anxiety component.
I was having pain in my jaws, neck, ears. My dentist fitted me with a bite splint to displace some of the weight on my teeth from nighttime grinding.
Around the same time, I saw a massage therapist for the first time, who concentrated on my shoulders, upper back, neck and head. She worked wonders. It took away all the pain I had been experiencing in jaws, face, neck. Even though it's been almost 2 weeks, that pain has not returned.
Tinnitus has remained. And I still get pain deep in my ears, which only happens for a second, or a few seconds. One night I pressed on the opening of my ears, and it really hurt. It even felt like burning. It hurt worse in one ear. The next day, I kept still getting the burning pain.
Exams of my ears have shown nothing abnormal, eardrum looks normal.