Gnarly Gary!!!I got T 3 months after a 4 way open heart surgery. Not sure if that was the cause of the onset though..
Gnarly Gary!!!I got T 3 months after a 4 way open heart surgery. Not sure if that was the cause of the onset though..
Maybe it works only in damaged cochlea induced T, but no if T is comming from spinal nerves, or other no ear damage reason.
Im afraid all tinnitus originates in the brain (eg. the brain getting confused and sending out false signals). Could be a variety of reasons but nothing has been proved for certain anyway. It is hardly unlikely that damaged nerves are sending out signals (they are not able to do that because they are damaged are have lost their sensory output). It is the neurons in the brain that creates the sounds, not the ear.
@Johno woooh... you really know a lot about itmaybe you should consider studying neurology
However when I read the web page of Auris Medical: then it says that:
Would AM-101 work only in acute tinnitus?
The animal studies with AM-101 were performed in a model of acute acoustic trauma with treatment shortly after tinnitus onset. It seems likely that after some time centralization of tinnitus sets in (i.e. the brain "memorizes" the phantom sound), and a pharmacological treatment of tinnitus in the inner ear may no longer be possible. This question is the subject of much scientific discussion. In general, brain plasticity tends to be more rapid in the type of animals tested than in humans. In the phase IIb trial, AM-101 was still effective after 3 months.
So thats why I think that in time in chronic tinnitus it because a problem of the brain (maybe smth like the brain learning a new task and thinking that its doing a good job compensating the hearing loss). However I dont think by "memorizing" they mean that it will stay there forever. I think they just mean that it is not possible to change it via inner ear but needs other methods focusing on the brain. Also, as you can see know one knows when tinnitus becomes chronic. Therefore we dont know how long it would take before it becomes "chronic".
Here is an interesting article which I think explains the differences between chronic/acute tinnitus and also why AM101 is thought to suit better for acute t:
1. They wrote - Am-101 was still effective after 3 months. Now they are recruiting volunteers with T 3-12 months, because there is a potential. And then maybe will try 12+ months.
2. ...It seems likely that after some time centralization of tinnitus sets... - most important words in this sentence are "it seems likely"- they are not sure.
3. About memorizing T - everything, what happens in the body has some reason. Pain, anxiety, clogged arteries... T is symptome, it shows, that something in our body is broken, or not in good condition. But T memorization, even after is body healed - why? What is reason of T memorization in brain? To make our lives harder?
No idea how/what caused my severe chronic T?????
No loud music, no trauma, no stress. Just woke up one morning with it.
Has remained about the same high level of volume and high pitch ever since onset , with exception of a few wonderful spikes like I am experiencing now during a gnarly head cold!!
It just sucks!! But, I am habituating and getting on with life!!!
My dilemma, making sense of the Superbowl halftime show combining Bruno Mars and the Red Hot Chili Peppers??????
Yes, it is quite possible. Sometimes, a T sufferer cannot locate, whether he/she is hearing sound in ears or in the head.Im afraid all tinnitus originates in the brain (eg. the brain getting confused and sending out false signals). Could be a variety of reasons but nothing has been proved for certain anyway. It is hardly unlikely that damaged nerves are sending out signals (they are not able to do that because they are damaged are have lost their sensory output). It is the neurons in the brain that creates the sounds, not the ear.
I am doing some sort of research, I would like to know about those people who have T but no hearing loss.
How did your T started ? Were you under some stress/depression ?
Did you had a history of ear infection before T ?
Did you use to listen loud music ?
Is your T loudness same as it was before ?
1. Just guessing, but I think my T started after dental work - 2 crowns in lower jaw. Work was very stressful also at this time.
2. I've never had an ear infection.
3. I never listened to loud music if I could help it, but sometimes couldn't avoid it at parties etc.
4. My T seemed to grow gradually louder the first couple months and now seems to go back and forth. During an average week, I seem to have 2 "good" T days where it's fairly low, 3 medium days, and 2 bad days. I have no idea what the triggers are. Food doesn't seem to make a difference; stress does somewhat, altho sometimes I have a bad day on the weekend when I'd ordinarily feel pretty relaxed.