Persistent Pulling Sensation Around Ear After Irrigation: Seeking Advice


Nov 16, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Virus? Noise?
A couple of weeks ago, I visited my family doctor. She checked my ears and said they were blocked with wax. I've had longstanding tinnitus in my right ear, but my left ear was fine before. She recommended irrigating them to remove the wax.

The irrigation for my right ear (the one with tinnitus) went smoothly, and the wax came out without any issues. However, she had a harder time with my left ear. She eventually got the wax out but mentioned that the ear looked irritated.

Since then, I've been experiencing a "pulling" sensation on the outside and around my left ear, almost like muscle contractions. I keep feeling the urge to touch my ear throughout the day because I'm constantly aware of it.

Has anyone else experienced something like this after ear irrigation? My hearing seems fine, but I'm concerned about the irritation the doctor mentioned and the muscle tension around the ear. There was no pain during the procedure, and only very mild discomfort for a day or two afterward.

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