Please Create Your Success Story Instead of Just Leaving

I vividly remember my last time enjoying silence before getting tinnitus: it had just snowed heavily, and for whatever reason I decided to go for a walk at 11:00pm in the snow. No cars on the road, the only sound was the sound of my breath and the sound of my feet in the soft snow. Snow absorbs sound so it makes it much more quiet after a fresh snow. I would seek out places like those, silence was my sanctuary.
Oh how I miss those moments.
Way to describe it too bro, I could almost (not) hear it hahaha.
This forum could use a lot more success stories though. I get people wanting to leave and turn their back, and forget they had tinnitus, but most of them come in with... like, I feel so sorry for anyone's who had to suffer from it for a long time and such. The least they can do is be like, my tinnitus is gone, BYE -
This forum could use a lot more success stories though. I get people wanting to leave and turn their back, and forget they had tinnitus, but most of them come in with... like, I feel so sorry for anyone's who had to suffer from it for a long time and such. The least they can do is be like, my tinnitus is gone, BYE -
People here don't want success stories. Every time someone posts one half the thread is "MAKE SURE YOU DONT LIVE LIFE EVER AGAIN" "STAY AFRAID" "OH, SO YOU'RE NOT PERFECT, NOT REALLY SUCCESS".

It's literally the only reason I haven't written one on this forum.
People here don't want success stories. Every time someone posts one half the thread is "MAKE SURE YOU DONT LIVE LIFE EVER AGAIN" "STAY AFRAID" "OH, SO YOU'RE NOT PERFECT, NOT REALLY SUCCESS".

It's literally the only reason I haven't written one on this forum.

I think it's because the majority of people want to reminded it's possible for total tinnitus remission. I don't know about all the other comments though. HAHA.
This forum could use a lot more success stories though. I get people wanting to leave and turn their back, and forget they had tinnitus, but most of them come in with... like, I feel so sorry for anyone's who had to suffer from it for a long time and such. The least they can do is be like, my tinnitus is gone, BYE -

Yes we do need that! We're now planning a video series of success stories, because it's bound to be more impactful/helpful than just the written ones. We also want to select some of the written ones and really highlight them so they're easy to find for whoever is looking for inspiration.

Please PM me and Markku if any of you want to take part in the video series!

People here don't want success stories. Every time someone posts one half the thread is "MAKE SURE YOU DONT LIVE LIFE EVER AGAIN" "STAY AFRAID" "OH, SO YOU'RE NOT PERFECT, NOT REALLY SUCCESS".

It's literally the only reason I haven't written one on this forum.

I know exactly what you mean. I didn't want to write one for the same reason, but I did do it in the end. Of course you'll get some people shitposting, but you can report that to us, we want to moderate the Success Stories section pretty tightly. It's not OK to crap on other people's personal experiences just because it doesn't align with one's views on what tinnitus sufferers "should be" like. That just sucks... It's really sad that people won't write their success stories for fear of being attacked :(
I have shared several times now my story of habituation only to be shot down in flames by some who find it inconceivable that it is possible for someone with loud, intrusive tinnitus to do so.

So here I am ... habituated ... and probably about to face the firing squad for announcing it.

But, it is important (as you've pointed out) for members like myself to continue to offer hope and our personal journey with tinnitus and hyperacusis.

In the beginning, I clung to positive stories, which did help me look to the future with more confidence. 5 years later I am still here ... (to pay forward the compassion and support someone else offered me in my earliest and darkest days).

There are several other long term members here who have shared and would be willing to share their positive stories with similar motives.

Before the cynics begin to dissect this post, I am not NOT advocating for a cure. ( I am an advocate here). I am simply stating that my brain has decided to ignore/not react anymore...x

I sooooo much agree! (see also my post above) Did you write your story in the end? Or would you be willing to tell it on video? (with our guidance of course). I too clung to the success stories in the beginning, it really helped me recover. This could help so many people. And @Markku and I will protect you (and anyone else telling their personal stories) from the firing squad. I will say it again: It's not OK to crap on people's personal stories just because they don't align with your views. I willl make a stand for that if need be!
I'll repost mine here. Success stories got me through a lot of tough days in the beginning.

I'm currently starting a new full time career, in a new city, with my long term partner. I cannot say this enough... you CAN learn to move forward with tinnitus and hyperacusis.

5 years ago if someone told me I would be where I am now - I wouldn't have believed them, but it can be done. It takes time, patience, courage, and determination but it can be done :).
I'll repost mine here. Success stories got me through a lot of tough days in the beginning.

I'm currently starting a new full time career, in a new city, with my long term partner. I cannot say this enough... you CAN learn to move forward with tinnitus and hyperacusis.

5 years ago if someone told me I would be where I am now - I wouldn't have believed them, but it can be done. It takes time, patience, courage, and determination but it can be done :).

Wow, that's quite a story. Would you be willing to tell it on video?

Btw, the TRI conference in 2020 will be in Vancouver. Anyone in the vicinity is welcome to join us there (if we can get some budget for tickets).
I sooooo much agree! (see also my post above) Did you write your story in the end? Or would you be willing to tell it on video? (with our guidance of course). I too clung to the success stories in the beginning, it really helped me recover. This could help so many people. And @Markku and I will protect you (and anyone else telling their personal stories) from the firing squad. I will say it again: It's not OK to crap on people's personal stories just because they don't align with your views. I willl make a stand for that if need be!
I've been gone for 2 years (I've had tinnitus for 4 years now) and my tinnitus is more annoying than ever (if I don't mask, exercise, etc).

I love this forum, however, after 2 years daily postings was not able to get the same kind of mental relief. (I've tried most of the suggested 'remedies' but none worked.)

I think that is why most folks leave -- They just want to move on and try not to think about it.

Just my opinion since I also used to wonder why people would be so engaged and then just vanish from this forum...
Wow, that's quite a story. Would you be willing to tell it on video?

Btw, the TRI conference in 2020 will be in Vancouver. Anyone in the vicinity is welcome to join us there (if we can get some budget for tickets).

Thank you @Hazel . It indeed has been quite the journey over the past 5 years. I'll PM you privately about about the video.

Oh wow! I had no idea that the TRI conference was in Vancouver next year. I would definitely be interested in going and providing a report back to TT. :)
Yes we do need that! We're now planning a video series of success stories, because it's bound to be more impactful/helpful than just the written ones. We also want to select some of the written ones and really highlight them so they're easy to find for whoever is looking for inspiration.

Please PM me and Markku if any of you want to take part in the video series!

I know exactly what you mean. I didn't want to write one for the same reason, but I did do it in the end. Of course you'll get some people shitposting, but you can report that to us, we want to moderate the Success Stories section pretty tightly. It's not OK to crap on other people's personal experiences just because it doesn't align with one's views on what tinnitus sufferers "should be" like. That just sucks... It's really sad that people won't write their success stories for fear of being attacked :(
Honestly, I think some moderation on success stories would go a long way for this group. It's disheartening for new sufferers to look there for hope only to have it torn away by reading the full thread. This is certainly how it felt for me 3 years ago. The main reason I still visit this site is to offer some positivity.

Your video series sounds interesting. I'd consider participating, but may balk because I really don't love being filmed. This morning my ears rang pretty audibly for about 15 minutes before returning to the usual tape hiss. It's always worst in the morning, and I attribute this to issues with my neck muscles since a hot shower and some stretching usually alleviates 90% of it. I still have some form of permanent tinnitus but I have "healed" twice now in 3 years from very intrusive, hear it all the time, 2350 Hz tone of annoyance to a tape hiss that doesn't bother me in the slightest. First time (which took about 18 months) was from acoustic trauma, the second time (took about 5 months) was from a very bad ear infection. Untreated strep throat, sadly because I avoided antibiotics due to irrational fear of a "spike".
Honestly, I think some moderation on success stories would go a long way for this group. It's disheartening for new sufferers to look there for hope only to have it torn away by reading the full thread. This is certainly how it felt for me 3 years ago. The main reason I still visit this site is to offer some positivity.

Your video series sounds interesting. I'd consider participating, but may balk because I really don't love being filmed. This morning my ears rang pretty audibly for about 15 minutes before returning to the usual tape hiss. It's always worst in the morning, and I attribute this to issues with my neck muscles since a hot shower and some stretching usually alleviates 90% of it. I still have some form of permanent tinnitus but I have "healed" twice now in 3 years from very intrusive, hear it all the time, 2350 Hz tone of annoyance to a tape hiss that doesn't bother me in the slightest. First time (which took about 18 months) was from acoustic trauma, the second time (took about 5 months) was from a very bad ear infection. Untreated strep throat, sadly because I avoided antibiotics due to irrational fear of a "spike".
Wish I got more changes. I had tinnitus about 10 years ago for about a week and it faded to nothing. This time... no fading. It is here to stay.
Honestly, I think some moderation on success stories would go a long way for this group. It's disheartening for new sufferers to look there for hope only to have it torn away by reading the full thread. This is certainly how it felt for me 3 years ago. The main reason I still visit this site is to offer some positivity.
I agree, @Tom Cnyc. Thank you for still visiting.
Honestly, I think some moderation on success stories would go a long way for this group. It's disheartening for new sufferers to look there for hope only to have it torn away by reading the full thread. This is certainly how it felt for me 3 years ago. The main reason I still visit this site is to offer some positivity.
I do hate that. We know of a few others who have not wanted to post a success story because of being afraid getting crucified.

@Hazel actually got crucified herself when she posted her success story - I had to clean that thread up right there and then. It was very difficult for Hazel to deal with - I witnessed her crying in the aftermath. We don't want others to face the same. Hazel has put more effort into our common cause than anybody else I know. She's so damn selfless and still some people question her like she's the witch. Mind-boggling.

I would also like to note that some of the worst threads in success stories have been where people have assumed "if I can do it, then you can too!" while being very vocal about that - that really can strike a nerve, and for good reason. Which in turn can create an incredibly nasty argument.

In any case, the video series will be wonderful. We already have three people lined up - Hazel, Megan, and one other Dutch person. We're planning on getting a studio in Amsterdam to film those sometime over the next two weeks.

If someone else wants to do a video-based success story, please contact me privately.

(And I admit it without question - we need to become more vigilant with moderating the Success Stories. I wonder if there's someone who'd like to volunteer moderating solely the Success Stories? Someone with a whip...)
Is there a particular reason why there are so many Dutch people on this forum? Is awareness of tinnitus more pronounced in the Netherlands? Or genetically Germanic descent people are more likely to get it? Curious because I am of Dutch descent living in California.
I love success stories and I'm here with degenerative diseases, physical pain, pulsatile sounds/booming, loud high pitch somatic tinnitus and hearing loss/tinnitus. I come here to support others with physical tinnitus so they may be able to post a success story. I'm not alone with physical treatment suggestions as we have many caring members.

I am bothered by those with short term mild tinnitus that come and say I can't hear it anymore and it will happen to you - everyone. Sometimes one will respond back with applause and mention that their issues are long term and severe. IPs far too often repeat that you can hear silence too. This may also be a reason why some with severe issues stop posting. I found the answers why condition message boards often have a larger older membership, but with less posting and the reasons are heart breaking.

Both success stories and stories by those that have severe issues need to be told, regardless of the medical condition. Success stories offer hope for many. 90% with tinnitus don't have moderate severe or severe issues. For many, proper medical care could make a difference and if the sorrows are not told, healthcare will continue not looking for physical cause.

@Chris Holland I'm so happy for you.
Is there a particular reason why there are so many Dutch people on this forum? Is awareness of tinnitus more pronounced in the Netherlands? Or genetically Germanic descent people are more likely to get it? Curious because I am of Dutch descent living in California.
Gabber??? Lol
Hi Kmohoruk,

I'm not sure if you remember writing back to me in April. My name is Jacob. I've been so terrified to see if you'd responded because I didn't want to see that you hadn't gotten better. I didn't want to see another story of failure. I've been trying my best everyday but I'm just not getting better man. I had one of the worst days I've ever had today and decided what else do I have to lose by looking and seeing. Man I was relieved to see you're learning to live. I was just wondering if there was any way at all we could connect? Maybe email? Or if you're in the lower mainland could we meet up someplace quiet. I don't now how to private message on this site, been trying to figure it out but had no luck so just figured I'd post again on a forum. The sensitivity and the fluttering in my ears are so unbearable, I've been seeing a psychologist but haven't had any luck? Is this psychosomatic? Could that be true? Man it just doesn't feel like it, I'm terrified of sound it's such a strong feeling. I'm not sure how much longer I can live with my parents as their lives have been so drastically altered by the condition and I'm just starting to feel like I'm crazy. I'm ruining everybody's lives around me. I've gotta take control of this thing. It's destroying me. I'm scared for the future. Terrified actually. And if anybody else sees this and has anything to suggest or words of encouragement I would just be so appreciative for a friend.


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